    You (the human) as a star in a galaxy. A galaxy is described by Wikipedia as “a gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter”. Imagine the same definition in your life. There are different gravities along a person’s life, as they are taking the journey from cradle to grave. These gravities can and mostly determine a person’s motive and purpose in life. They can create exciting and/ or dreadful paths for them to choose and follow. All will try and choose good over bad, but despite all efforts some will find their comfort in the dark path.

    In both cases, they both leave something behind for others to understand and evaluate. A sensible mind will choose good but a weak mind will follow the bad, that can be an overall understanding. We can also argue that we are all influenced by someone in our lives, by parents, teachers, politicians, neighbors or even a salesman and so on. They leave behind for us what can be called “stellar remnants” same as the starts in galaxies when they die, just so we can pick and understand them. The truth behind these remnants can be both overwhelming and surprisingly strong. We sometime can be buried under them. They can both influence us to do better for ourselves and for those around us and vice versa. These fragments are sometimes called the bases of our ideology. God has created all these for the pleasure of human beings. We as the residents have or tend to destroy it by many ways and names. God has also given us the right to choose of what we become and we do with our lives. We have the open hand to do with the rest of what is given to us in the galaxy. However, at the end of the day, you are the sole responsible of what you become.

    According to the definition, a galaxy has dust and dark matters same as our life and surroundings. These dark maters exist everywhere both in a developed society as well in under developed society. Although their influence is much stronger in a developing country such as where I came from and can be less in a developed society where I am currently at. No matter what, where and how, you will always be noticed and documented by others and of your actions. But the reason why you get recognized well enough if you achieve and do good deeds.

    The comparison of developed and a developing society is same in principle but different in factors. In a developed society you have more positive factors than an under developed society. In a developed society the remnants left behind by others are mostly good and you have more chances of becoming good and doing good. However, it can be somewhat opposite in a developing society. But the point is if you are in a developed society, more eyes are on you rather than in a developing society. On the other hand, the benefit that an underdeveloped society has, is that you will be recognized quickly, even with little goods that you left behind. To me almost all of our societies are now under developed. My definition of a developed society is not technologically, or financially, or industrialized, but rather socially and humanly.

    The reason for us humans, to be on the earth is, to explore and create our own life. Know each other and respect each other. Galaxy is created for us to explore and determine our own future and lives. Many of us have struggled through this journey to reach to a place where we matter. We all matter, some of us in a good way and some of us in not a good way. However, the need of both sides of good and bad is required to extinguish good from bad. All cannot be good and all cannot be bad.
    Remember this that you are a star and you are a part of this galaxy. However, it’s up to you on how you contribute to the overall society. Be good and do good so you leave positive remnants behind that others can pick and follow. Do not just think of wealth as being the only purpose of your life. But rather a method of transport from A to B. You can travel by bike, by car or by plane. Yes, traveling by plane is good. But if you share that ticket fare of a plane with those who needs to drive by a car then everyone can ride along. Travel by car and trust me you will feel happier than if you had traveled by a plane. Give a hand so you know that there is a hand for you in the future if you needed it.
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