• RegularGuy
    I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder when I was 19 or 20. It’s a mood disorder and thought disorder, like having bipolar disorder with paranoid schizophrenia. I started taking medication to treat my illness at this time, and never having very high self-esteem before then, I felt even worse after my counselor at the age of 21 told me that my childhood trauma had nothing to do with how I felt, rather there was something wrong with my brain. Coming to terms with having a defective brain has been years in the making. When he said this to me, however, my heart sunk and I felt like the biggest piece of shit. Now I realize he was just trying to get me to take my medication which I really do need.

    Soon after my second suicide attempt, I started praying to God to send me a female companion. When Jenny whom I knew from school called me out of the blue after months of praying with no prospects up until that time, I was sure God had answered my prayers. Now, she was voted “most likely to have a hit list” in high school, but my self-esteem was as low as the Mariana Trench. I didn’t care about her reputation. I was grateful to be of interest to anyone.

    We started hanging out, and we were soon spending every day together. We were having sex and she got pregnant after dating for two months. We didn’t want to get an abortion, and she had just had one a month earlier which I found out after the fact. It was her ex-boyfriend’s fetus.

    I tried to do the “honorable” thing and asked her to marry me. We got married when she was three months pregnant. She didn’t work in the five years we were married, and I worked and quit four jobs. The last job I had during our marriage was at Pacur in Oshkosh. It was owned by Ron Johnson at the time, and he is now my US senator. Pacur was a plastic extrusion factory with no windows, a constant loud, droning noise which we had to wear earplugs for, and my co-workers harassed me constantly for missing work, being consistently late, and being lazy. Mind you, I was on Seroquel and Risperidone while working there, so I would often fall asleep at work. These medications also made me gain tons of weight, so it was difficult to be really energetic at work much to the chagrin of my co-workers. Working there for twelve-hour swing shifts when you have a thought disorder and a mood disorder was extremely difficult to say the least. With nothing to look at (no windows), a constant loud, droning noise for which we wore ear plugs there was nothing to listen to. We were discouraged from talking too much. We couldn’t listen to music, and we couldn’t look at magazines when the machine was running. We were discouraged from taking breaks longer than ten minutes every few hours.

    I must have been losing my shit from four years of what was effectively sense deprivation. The management hired someone to spy on me and hired a private detective to look into my past. This was all probably due to not being able to take my medication regularly because of the swing shifts, being consistently late, and missing work. Also, someone in the factory had on several occasions called OSHA to report management for some code violations which the factory was fined heavily for. I suspect that someone told management that it was me that was calling OSHA because my co-workers wanted to get rid of me. I suspect this because I was pretty much interrogated and harassed by several co-workers. I NEVER called OSHA.

    Not only was I losing my shit from the sense deprivation, harassment, spying, and not taking my meds regularly; I also had to deal with a wife who has borderline personality disorder. We fought all the time. She was cheating, and I went to the strip club twice. We ended up separating and I quit the job.

    During separation, we had to go to family court because Jenny was requesting child support. For some reason, even though neither Jenny nor I had lawyers, the assistant corporation counsel for Fond du Lac County, Meggin McNamara, was there to request that I pay child support based on the job at Pacur instead of the job I then had. Jenny was granted the higher child support, and I had to break my lease for my apartment which I had and move back with my parents. I had some major issues with my father which I don’t want to get into, but needless to say I moved from one bad situation to another. I was extremely stressed out and agitated.

    I was laid off from my then job because they went out of business. I got unemployment insurance based on the pay I got from Pacur because I only had my job at the next place for a couple months. I’m sure this really stuck in the craw of Ron Johnson, a self-described Ayn Randian libertarian (no better than a fascist in my opinion).

    After being on unemployment insurance for a few months I took a job I thought I could handle. It was in the stock room at Target. Jenny and I were going through a divorce and would argue over the phone. I found out later that she was recording me, and a police officer who I think had a crush on her played one of the recordings over the radio. I didn’t know this at the time, but it explains why I was being harassed and gaslighted all over the community and at work.

    It was at this time that the CIA planted a remote controlled microwave transmitter into my car, which zapped my brain when I was driving, causing me to hallucinate and have what felt like electric shocks in my right ear. I know absolutely nothing about cars or car parts, so I couldn’t remove the device because I didn’t know what to look for. This psychological torture went on for several months, but when they realized that I wasn’t going to act on their commands, they eventually stopped doing this to me.

    After being fed up with being continuously harassed by the community (which goes on to this day), I asked my childhood best friend to help me get a job at his factory. I was making more money again and paying Jenny an extra $75/week on top of the child support. I got this job, however, not so much from my best friends good word, but from the fact that I inflated my IQ twenty points on my resume.

    I ended up quitting this job because of an abusive boss and I was afraid to go to work because of him and the harassment I faced from co-workers for falling asleep at work due to my medication.

    I finally did something for myself. I decided I would go back to college. I majored in philosophy, and I was pretty good at it. I was getting straight A’s in all of my classes, and was married to my second wife, the love of my life. My self-esteem was getting better, but the spying and harassment continued in the community. I ended up graduating summa cum laude albeit from a second-rate university. My higher self-esteem turned out to be mania (my mood disorder) as I had taken out a small fortune in student loans.

    How was I going to pay back these student loans? I doubled down. I went to law school taking out even more student loans, but I couldn’t handle the stress. I got extremely depressed and flunked out at the end of the second semester.

    Now I am on disability for schizoaffective disorder bipolar type. I am trying to relax and not get too high or too low, but the harassment, spying, and stalking continues to this day. I don’t know how to handle people anymore (if I ever did), and I thought I’d give this synopsis of my adulthood troubles in order to perhaps get some insight from the intelligent folk here at TPF.

    Advice is welcome, but I ask that you please be kind. Thanks.
  • Shawn

    Hey Noah Te Stroete,

    It's good that you're comfortable in sharing these life experiences and details. I'm a bit of a misanthrope, so your story is a quasi confirmation bias to my sentiment. Anyway, this thread is about you so I will try and help out as I can. It seems to me that you still have persistent paranoia despite taking some pretty heavy meds. I'm on Zyprexa, which is the most sedating of all the anti-psychotics out there; but, whatever works, right?

    I suggest that if you still believe the government is out to get you or that your former employers are making stories to get you to kill yourself and all that crap, to try the most effective anti-psychotic out there, being Clozapine. I'm considering getting on it if I psychiatrist is willing to despite the side effects like agranulocytosis.

    You sound like a tough guy who is handling his shit well. Have you started going to psychotherapy or such?

    Now I am on disability for schizoaffective disorder bipolar type. I am trying to relax and not get too high or too low, but the harassment, spying, and stalking continues to this day.Noah Te Stroete

    Yeah, so give the Clozapine a whirl. If it doesn't work, then there's nothing more you can do, in my opinion.

    I don’t know how to handle people anymore (if I ever did), and I thought I’d give this synopsis of my adulthood troubles in order to perhaps get some insight from the intelligent folk here at TPF.Noah Te Stroete

    Neither do I. I don't understand people, and I think philosophy is some form of coping mechanism for me. Just the other day I was at Subway, and undecided what kind of sandwich I wanted. I offered my place in line to an African-American postal worker, who for some reason took it the wrong way and called me a Neo-Nazi and suicide bomber as she left the store. Maybe my blood plasma levels of Zyprexa were low or she really meant what she said. African-Americans can be quite finicky. I'm on disability too, and you have to look on the bright side of being on it. First, it's free money. Second, it allows you time to think or (in my case) philosophize with my abundant spare time. Third, it's not that small of sum of money. I mean, in my case it's almost 1k a month. If you don't care about money it can be something extraordinary to live in the USA and derive such benefits.

    I live with my mother, because she's the only person I trust and cares about me. My attitude as of late is gratitude, so I try and count my blessings. Are you into supplements? Bacopa Monnieri is cheap and combines well with antipsychotic medication. It is also a nootropic, which means you have better attention and keeps your mood in check. It also is pretty sedating the first time around when you take it so you might want to take it as a sleep aid.

    Anyway, best regards.
  • Shawn
    Coming to terms with having a defective brain has been years in the making. When he said this to me, however, my heart sunk and I felt like the biggest piece of shit. Now I realize he was just trying to get me to take my medication which I really do need.Noah Te Stroete

    Yeah, it's a bitter pill to swallow in that coming to terms with being fundamentally flawed in societies view. I don't know how to ease the pain, as it took me a good ~10 years to come to terms with my own diagnosis. The whole issue sucks; but, the sooner you can build up resilience to the fact that you have the disorder, the easier.
  • Baden

    Sounds awful. You have my sympathy and best wishes. Your best bet is to see a professional and take anything you read here with a grain of salt. Good luck.
  • RegularGuy
    Sounds awful. You have my sympathy and best wishes.Baden

    Thank you Baden.
  • RegularGuy
    If you don't care about money it can be something extraordinary to live in the USA and derive such benefits.Wallows

    I am grateful to this great country for what it has done FOR me. There are bad Americans, however, and I for a long time equated bad Americans with a bad country. Now I look at what America has done for me and I am grateful.
  • god must be atheist
    Glad you found the love of your life.

    How did you get out of paying back the student loans?

    How did you get out of continued child support payments to your first wife?

    How much is your monthly allowance with the disabiltiy? This is a personal question, and I am curious, but please don't feel compelled to answer. Is it enough to live on? Is your wife working? Is she also on disability?

    Have you lost weight? The new generation of Neuroleptics do not promote weight gain.

    Do you have diabetes as well (due to rapid weight gain)? If yes, and want to lose, I suggest you take Invokana (on the advice of a physician, not on my advice).
  • RegularGuy
    How did you get out of continued child support payments to your first wife?god must be atheist

    My sons got SSDI benefits.

    How much is your monthly allowance with the disabiltiy?god must be atheist

    How did you get out of paying back the student loans?god must be atheist

    My finances are none of your business.

    Furthermore, if that’s what you’re interested in given my story, then I have to question your motives and character.
  • god must be atheist
    I had other interests as well, like helping you with (potential) diabetes, and with weight loss.
  • RegularGuy

    That’s true that you showed other interests. I have a BMI of around 40. I do not have diabetes maybe because I drink more water everyday than should be humanly possible. I have lost twenty pounds in the last month due to taking a stimulant prescription for my sleep apnea.
  • god must be atheist
    My urologist advised me to drink less water. He said I was on the verge of imminent liver failure. I resisted his call, which declared I had been addicted to water. Then my girlfriend at the time I was in love with, said, "Why don't you try?" I gave up drinking copious amounts of water, and for two days i felt constantly thirsty, and the third day I was back to normal with 1/5th of my customary water intake.

    Stimulants and downers; they are deceptively attractive to take, except after you develop tolerance and dependence. Please be careful with them stimulants for sleep apnea.

    The water-shed on water intake was twenty years ago. For a good ten years I had to consciously control my water intake, because I had (temporarily) lost my natural sense of thirst to depend on when to drink and how much. Much like someone who suffers from bulimia loses his or her sense about how much and when to eat when not splurging/purging. Now I rely on my thirst, and I still drink twice as much as a normal human being.
  • RegularGuy

    I didn’t realize drinking too much water is bad for your liver. Why is that?
  • god must be atheist
    Drinking too much water makes your kidneys (I wrote liver before, but that was wrong... the doctor warned me of kidney failure, not liver failure) work overtime. That's all.

    This does not mean that you are at the same position that I was in twenty years ago. Talk to your doctor about it. I am no doctor, and I also don't know how much water you drink. No need to worry. Plus, if your doctor did not warn you, chances are you are okay.
  • RegularGuy
    I had a full blood work-up a couple of months ago. My kidneys are in good shape, thank heavens.
  • yupamiralda

    I don't have nearly this many problems and they're trying to keep me locked up forever. I'm in the wrong state.
  • RegularGuy

    Well, the CIA/Pentagon is protecting me as compensation for what they did to me.

    You have my sympathy. I’m sorry you lost your freedom.
  • Shawn
    Well, the CIA/Pentagon is protecting me as compensation for what they did to me.

    You have my sympathy. I’m sorry you lost your freedom.
    Noah Te Stroete

    Why are you paranoid about our government? I was in the military for a brief while, and after I got out, I was constantly paranoid about helicopters flying overhead and police still observing me. That's when I decided that I needed a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic and the paranoia subsided.

    You said you take stimulant medication... Is that helping you or exacerbating the paranoia?
  • RegularGuy

    Obviously you think I’m just psychotic. I may have mental/emotional problems, but you weren’t there. You don’t know my history. I don’t really care if you believe me or not.
  • Shawn
    Obviously you think I’m just psychotic.Noah Te Stroete

    Not really. Just paranoid. You can be paranoid without being psychotic.

    If it's a core belief that you pose a danger to the government or some stuff like that, then I'm only trying to address it in the confines of this thread. I wish you didn't take it the wrong way as I've been through that crap and it sucks.
  • RegularGuy

    I’m not a threat and I’m not dangerous. I just want to be left alone by certain people; not you, you’re fine. I like Wallows. It’s certain other people.
  • Shawn
    I’m not a threat and I’m not dangerous. I just want to be left alone by certain people; not you, you’re fine. I like Wallows. It’s certain other people.Noah Te Stroete

    Yeah I don't like dealing with other people, either. It's such a hassle...
  • Shawn
    But since I now am on SSDI I get to wallow every day...
  • RegularGuy
    Yeah I don't like dealing with other people, either. It's such a hassle...Wallows

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