• Katiego
    First of all let me explain short the theory of repeating universes, that hasn't been disproved yet so it's a real possibly outcome. This theory should have the following conditions:
    - The making of universes never ends. It doesn't matter if there's a multiverse or a universe that destruct itself and recreates itself.
    - The creation of each universe is random, with each time the same possible outcomes.

    This should mean that eventually there will be a universe that has the exact same chemistry as ours and results in a repeat of our world. I am aware of the length between this but remember that time doesn't exist and therefore the question should only be if it happens and not when.

    This would mean that we will be born again and live our lives the exact same way. However this does not mean that our consciousness(or self awareness) will also be back. It's a subject where I can't wrap my head around it. How can our body be repeating itself, but our consciousness not when all chemicals are identical. The fact that we can look down knowing this is our body seems something that can't be touch within psychics. Is this something that is truly unique and will not see it repeat again even within another living organic?
  • wuliheron
    You are describing a materialistic approach which isn't compatible with the evidence. For example, a mathematical study of causal physics and classical mathematics came to the conclusion that you can use any number of simple metaphors to describe life, the universe, and everything. You can literally describe everything causally equally well as composed of bouncing springs, balls of string, rubber bands, or whatever. Hence, the problem with causality is it has no distinguishable cause and contradicts the evidence of quantum mechanics to boot and so you might as well ask how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

    My own view reconciles the problem by insisting everything is context dependent including whether we are actually aware or not, conscious or not, and to have any awareness we must first have faith in our awareness and memories. A sort of pick yourself up by your bootstraps approach that acknowledges we can't know the Big Picture.
  • intrapersona
    However this does not mean that our consciousness(or self awareness) will also be back. It's a subject where I can't wrap my head around it.Katiego

    Why not? If consciousness stems from matter then it would be identical. If matter stems from consciousness then I could imagine you might be correct, but possibly not also.

    If you imagine two identical universes co existing alongside one another. And there is two you's existing in them, are you the same person?
  • Wayfarer
    I hate to be blunt but the OP is nonsensical. The proposal that endless universes are created randomly is meaningless nonsense.
  • MonfortS26
    How is that nonsense? Our current understanding of the known universe is that it was created randomly and has no single pattern that everything can be reduced to. Why limit existence to the known universe when it is entirely possible that others can coexist on some metric?
  • intrapersona

    Sometimes though it makes sense when you write it but people lack the ability to write coherently in usual ways we are used to. I don't like it when it happens but it happens with some people, especially non-native speakers of english and partially dyslexic
  • intrapersona
    I think he meant semantically it wasn't very coherent or explicit
  • Wayfarer
    Our current understanding of the known universe is that it was created randomly and has no single pattern that everything can be reduced to. Why limit existence to the known universe when it is entirely possible that others can coexist on some metric?

    Because it doesn't make any difference if it's true.
  • MonfortS26
    Why not explore the possibility? What if we could reach another of the theoretical universes? What if it reaches a point where we discover this universe is going to collapse and we need to reach another universe to survive? What do you think you are contributing to this conversation?
  • Wayfarer
    Sign on the door says 'philosophy forum'.
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