• Terrapin Station
    You have access to the internet. Look it up.S

    Oh, that was easy. That solves the issue. I should have thought of that.
  • S
    It's not a straw man because I'm not presenting it as someone else's argument.Terrapin Station

    Okay, then it's just irrelevant.
  • Terrapin Station
    With the way this conversation is going, imagine if we'd had a discussion on something that people really get emotional about, like age of consent.

    Although I'm doubtful how many regulars here have kids. Having kids is usually more of a trigger there.
  • Terrapin Station
    Okay, then it's just irrelevant.S

    Sure. Everything is relevant to some things to some people, and irrelevant to some things to some people.
  • S
    Oh, that was easy. That solves the issue. I should have thought of that.Terrapin Station

    Yes, you should have. The legal definition and examples are available to you through the internet.
  • Terrapin Station
    Yes, you should have. The legal definition and examples are available to you through the internet.S

    I wonder if there's anything we can't look up on the Internet now. We probably don't need to do philosophy any longer. We can just look up anything we're wondering about.
  • S
    Sure. Everything is relevant to some things to some people, and irrelevant to some things to some people.Terrapin Station

    Yes, like I said, it's irrelevant. Like if I said that I'm in favour of maintaining the ban on hate speech because ham sandwiches don't play chess.
  • S
    I wonder if there's anything we can't look up on the Internet now. We probably don't need to do philosophy any longer. We can just look up anything we're wondering about.Terrapin Station

    It would solve a lot of problems, yes. Philosophy forums seem to attract people who lack common sense.
  • Terrapin Station
    Yes, like I said, it's irrelevant. Like if I said that I'm in favour of maintaining the ban on hate speech because ham sandwiches don't play chess.S

    Yeah, I'm aware that in your view it's irrelevant.
  • S
    Yeah, I'm aware that in your view it's irrelevant.Terrapin Station

    It's my view that it's irrelevant because it's irrelevant.
  • Terrapin Station

    You're not suggesting that whether something is relevant is a fact, are you?
  • S
    You're not suggesting that whether something is relevant is a fact, are you?Terrapin Station

    Of course it is.
  • Terrapin Station

    Where on the Internet do we look up information about relevance as a fact?
  • S
    Where on the Internet do we look up information about relevance as a fact?Terrapin Station

    You use your brain. Do you have one?
  • Terrapin Station

    So this is something we can't look up then.

    My brain is telling me that relevance/irrelevance is not a(n objective) fact.
  • S
    My brain is telling me that relevance/irrelevance is not a(n objective) fact.Terrapin Station

    Then there's something wrong with your brain.
  • Terrapin Station

    How do we figure out whether it's my brain or yours that has something wrong with it?
  • S
    How do we figure out whether it's my brain or yours that has something wrong with it?Terrapin Station

    My brain leads me to the right answer. Yours does not. Therefore you have a faulty brain.
  • Terrapin Station
    My brain leads me to the right answer.S

    In other words, how do we know you have the right answer?
  • S
    My views are often way, way, out in left field compared to most folks' views.Terrapin Station

    That's why you're often wrong.
  • Terrapin Station
    That's why you're often wrong.S

    So what's right is what's statistically normal?
  • S
    In other words, how do we know you have the right answer?Terrapin Station

    Who is "we"? Those of us with working brains can know that I have the right answer through reason. Those of us who don't can't.
  • Terrapin Station
    Those of us with working brains can know that I have the right answer through reason.S

    Working brain isn't defined by reasoning that you have the right answer, is it?
  • S
    So what's right is what's statistically normal?Terrapin Station

    That doesn't follow from what I said.
  • Terrapin Station
    That doesn't follow from what I said.S

    It was a question. So then if no, you'd say "No." What's right is what then, where you'd say that has something to do with "My views are often way, way, out in left field compared to most folks' views"?
  • S
    It was a question.Terrapin Station

    Yes, and it was worded like a conclusion, given that it begin with "So".
  • Terrapin Station

    Here's another "So:"

    So what's right is what then, where you'd say that has something to do with "My views are often way, way, out in left field compared to most folks' views"?
  • S
    People are often right, at least on a basic level. Most people aren't whacky enough to believe that the world is flat or that there'd be no cost if we were to abolish all of the laws that you're in favour of abolishing. That's the link.
  • Terrapin Station
    People are often right, at least on a basic level.S

    And the question is how we know this. Just asserting it doesn't tell us how we know it.
  • S
    And the question is how we know this. Just asserting it doesn't tell us how we know it.Terrapin Station

    You don't know how you know that the world isn't flat?
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