• KevinMcCabe
    Even with the necessity of big government in our modern era, it's not unfair to say that our government is run inefficiently. Agencies with overlapping jurisdictions, bloated bureaucracies and piecemeal doling out of assistance translate into a gigantic, confusing, wasteful mess. Numerous politicians on both the left and right have attempted to streamline governmental operations with limited success. I have a number of solutions that would reduce overall government spending while retaining and possibly improving the level of service that the federal government provides. While my ideas may be controversial to some, I believe they would work if implemented.
    The first thing I would do is replace the existing welfare system with a guaranteed minimum income, a lump sum that is paid monthly to all American citizens over the age of 18 regardless of their personal income or job. This would serve the purpose of providing a more equitable distribution of income (as all Americans would receive the payment) while eliminating the bureaucracy necessary in maintaining so many different types of welfare programs (Social Security, SNAP etc.). Secondly, I would consolidate redundant state agencies with federal ones. There is no reason to have separate Labor Departments, taxation departments and the like doing the same job. Finally, I would consolidate federal agencies that perform similar functions into larger institutions. For example, agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA would be either consolidated into the FBI or eliminated entirely. Specifically, the TSA's function would be better handled by local law enforcement agencies or airport security.
  • Echarmion
    The first thing I would do is replace the existing welfare system with a guaranteed minimum income, a lump sum that is paid monthly to all American citizens over the age of 18 regardless of their personal income or job. This would serve the purpose of providing a more equitable distribution of income (as all Americans would receive the payment) while eliminating the bureaucracy necessary in maintaining so many different types of welfare programs (Social Security, SNAP etc.).KevinMcCabe

    How would you deal with the problem of inflation and with people that have special needs?

    Secondly, I would consolidate redundant state agencies with federal ones. There is no reason to have separate Labor Departments, taxation departments and the like doing the same job. Finally, I would consolidate federal agencies that perform similar functions into larger institutions. For example, agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA would be either consolidated into the FBI or eliminated entirely. Specifically, the TSA's function would be better handled by local law enforcement agencies or airport security.KevinMcCabe

    What makes you confident that this would work? Is there research on the relative efficiency of states with many Vs fewer agencies for example?
  • S
    Only a big government can curb the excesses of capitalism.
  • unenlightened
    Which Sci fi writer had a dept of sabotage to prevent governments becoming too efficient?
  • Terrapin Station
    I'll take a big government with respect to helping everyone, making sure that everyone has housing, food, health care, education, employment, transportation, etc.

    But I'll take very, very small government when it comes to controlling what people can choose to do, controlling their behavior, etc.
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