• TazAnastazio
    Statement: These are my OWN theories. Some are right, some are wrong, for others it is still unknown or debatable. As time goes by, I'll be researching the subject and make the necessary "purging." This is not a scientific writing based on research! This is the work of a PHILOSOPHER! I find it challenging to conceive an idea and form a theory, before I read about it somewhere or learn about it. To conceive an idea and put my name on it before someone else does, and form a theory that it would be later proven true, that would be a bonus! There is risk to that as it is evident from some colorful responses I sometimes get from aficionados of science and virtuosos! But somehow like this, PHILOSOPHERS grasped with their imaginations GREAT IDEAS, upon which scientists built, and others learned! FEEL FREE TO CONTRIBUTE !


    "He contemplated the grandeur, and the presence of God; the eternity of the future, that strange mystery; the eternity of the past, a stranger mystery; all the infinities hidden deep in every direction; and, without trying to comprehend the incomprehensible, he saw it. He did not study God; he was dazzled by Him. He reflected upon the magnificent union of atoms, which give visible forms to Nature, revealing forces by recognizing them, creating individualities in unity, proportions in extension,the innumerable in the infinite, and through light producing beauty. These unions are forming and dissolving continually; from which come life and death." - Victor Hugo; Les Miserables.

    The prevalent theory on Cosmology is the latest one by Stephen Hawking. According to this theory
    time started to count for our Universe ever since the Big Bang; the Universe is expanding as is evident from the fact that no matter which direction we look from Earth, galaxies are getting further and further away. Depending how fast things move in a given part of space, its given time.

    In my opinion regarding Hawking's theory of the Universe, time is still a matter of perception. It exists as far as measuring movement in that given space in contrast to another movement in space, and also measuring effect/change to an object or existence given the exposure to space/movement/ onditions, and the particular time it took for said object or existence to undergo said exposure to the given space/movement/ conditions. Still no physical time exists, let alone the possibility for time-travel. In addition, gravity would affect the speed of light differently in a given space or universe compared to another space or universe.

    According to Hawking the Universe is not static, it expands as it is evident from the aforementioned movement of galaxies seen from Earth. If the Universe was infinite and static, "every line of sight would end on the surface of a star and the sky would be illuminated even at night... unless the stars from far away had switched off ... still the absorbing (hypothetical) matter would eventually heat up and light up at some point..." Hawking also warned against other "pitfalls" of thinking about an infinite universe; there would be no center for the stars to fall on each other (true)...it is more correct to think of it from a finite perspective of a few (trillion) stars and add more stars afterwards." It is my speculation that there could be infinite centers of greater gravity that attract the stars to that center and less or counterbalancing gravity from neighboring such clusters ... and a Big Bang type of force which surpasses gravity in some cases like in our own Universe ... If rotating galaxies around a black hole, why not rotating Universes around a bigger gravitational center point?

    If we were to make a distinction between the Universe and the Infinite, and we were to call "the Universe" the outcome of the Big Bang occurence and the expansion that was caused by it, then; the actual (not the visible) universe may or may not have a center, and it may be of any shape; depending on the opposing forces of the fabric within the Infinite, which fabric in my opinion is comprised of, as far as we can measure, infinite minute particles. The border of the Universe, would then be the border between the force of the Big Bang occurence (for a better word than explosion), and the force of the fabric within the Infinite, which would withstand the force of the Big Bang occurence.

    There are infinite such universes forming and deforming within the Infinite; by either their comprising parts attracting and being attracted by parts of other universes, due to their gravitational forces surpassing the force of the Big Bang occurence; or by the outcome of the Big Bang occurence reversing, due to the gravitational forces of the various parts of the Universe surpassing the force of the Big Bang, before the point during which they would in turn be surpassed by the gravitational forces of the parts of other Universes. Such reversal would continue till the parts of the Universe reach the point of tolerance during the so called Big Crunch. At some point during the Big Crunch, when the compacting forces surpass the point of compacting tolerance, a singularity is formed which leads in turn to a new Big Bang occurence. By parts of the Universe I mean stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

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