• NOS4A2


    The noble (Christian?) savage is a myth.
  • RegularGuy
    That’s like saying all white men are pseudo-Christian Trump supporters who own AR-15s is a truth.
  • NOS4A2

    That’s like saying all white men are pseudo-Christian Trump supporters who own AR-15s is a truth.

    Yes, the noble savage is stupid for the same reason.
  • RegularGuy

    Actually it is a truth that many white men are pseudo-Christian Tump supporters who own AR-15s. Most people living in the US know this.

    Likewise, there certainly were noble tribes. The tribe that greeted Christopher Columbus welcomed him and his crew only to be later slaughtered or enslaved by Columbus.
  • NOS4A2

    Actually it is a truth that many white men are pseudo-Christian Tump supporters who own AR-15s. Most people living in the US know this.

    Likewise, there certainly were noble tribes. The tribe that greeted Christopher Columbus welcomed him and his crew only to be later slaughtered or enslaved by Columbus.

    First it’s “all white men” are such and such, then it’s “many”. This is the kind of logic required to sell nonsense.

    The best you could say is that that particular tribe was hospitable or welcoming, virtues that are not limited to any one religion.
  • RegularGuy
    You’re completely missing the point. I’m not at all surprised.
  • ZhouBoTong
    @Noah Te Stroete@Virgo Avalytikh

    Just wanted to add another perspective on the wealthy entering heaven that sort of makes you both right:

    The camel through the eye of the needle quote from Jesus does not suggest "difficult" but rather "impossible". It is impossible for a wealthy man to enter heaven. But this is because one cannot bring their wealth with them to heaven. This means someone COULD be rich on earth and still enter heaven as long as they are not attached to their riches (their wealth is part of who they are).

    This kind of makes you both right...but I agree with Noah. Those of us in the middle class and up identify with our lifestyles that are made possible by wealth. Anyone who worries about who inherits their wealth, would be unable to enter heaven. Anyone who justifies why they did not do more to help the needy, will not go to heaven. There can only be repentance for not doing more.

    Unfortunately, if we go back to the OP, the native americans cannot be more christian because the number one thing that makes someone christian is them accepting jesus as their lord and savior. Now, did native americans follow the ten commandments better than most christians? Seems reasonable at the very least.
  • ssu
    Now think about the Native Americans who fed the starving Pilgrims (supposed Christians) who had invaded their native and sacred land (truly a Garden of Eden). “When I was hungry, you fed me.” They treated the Pilgrims like brothers and sisters (neighbors). Native Americans weren’t materially wealthy and were probably bewildered by the childlike Pilgrims who thought they could and should tame nature.

    Who is more Christian? The contemporary Christians or the Native Americans?
    Noah Te Stroete

    I live near a tribe that once attacked neighboring tribes so as to make slaves of their women and children.NOS4A2

    The noble (Christian?) savage is a myth.NOS4A2

    That’s like saying all white men are pseudo-Christian Trump supporters who own AR-15s is a truth.Noah Te Stroete

    Is this a parody?

    Sorry, but the two of you are sooo stereotypical here that it's actually funny. :snicker:
  • RegularGuy
    I was giving an example of a stereotype to shed light on his. It was a rhetorical device.
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