• ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Guess what. After thinking about it now, 10 years later, I dont really care what you think. I know what happenedernestm
    We are given a choice at the time we realize we are being abused that we have the power, in that moment, to become an enabler of further abuse, feeding the cycle or we can choose to become a survivor.
    What I quoted above clearly shows you are a survivor. Keep pushing, you are getting to a more peaceful place. :flower:
  • ernestm
    I found a very nice place. I do miss the cat they killed, and I am trying to find another black coon, they are not as common as they used to be.
  • praxis

    At the risk of being indelicate, if you’re living in the same neighborhood it would be somewhat irresponsible of you to get another cat, being that if the circumstances haven’t changed it may suffer the same fate.
  • Hanover
    But as I was picking up litter, the SUPREME BLACK RACE would drive by, shouting 'work harder you white fuckhead!' at me while throwing fast-food wrappers behind me where I had just picked up, and occasionally hitting me with beer bottlesernestm

    Sometimes you can talk to your probation officer and they'll reassign your community service in order to make things safer for you.
  • 180 Proof
    @ernestm -

    an excerpt from another thread

    You have all of the power.

    We are not safe.

    You have (almost) everything to lose.

    We have (next to) nothing to lose.

    So, in fact, You are not safe; and you will not ever be safe until you share power in an effective way that makes both of us safe.
    180 Proof
    where "You" = White Majority, who for 231 years have controlled ALL institutions - public and private - in the US; and "We" = Nonwhite Minorities (PoC). American society is hazardous to the mental as well as physical health of far more Nonwhites than Whites - oh yes, some Whites, like you, are casualties (i.e. "collateral damage") too - because of institutional White Supremacy (that enforces, or "serves and protects", structural Class exploitation). In sum: NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO SAFETY UNLESS EVERYONE IS GUARANTEED SAFETY - the promise of your "inalienable right" "to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" is only as good as my prospects for the same.

    :point: White lives matter only if Black & Brown & Poor lives matter too.

    (My condolences for your cat. :sad: )
  • ernestm
    That's also rubbish. I was not living next to an all-black neighborhood out of choice. The gang had alot more money than me. One factor that particularly made me a desirable target was that I was actually poorer than them. They had air jordans and guns and extremely loud car stereos I could not afford. Poverty just made me an even more despicable white animal. That cat was one of the few pleasures in my life.

    To speak in their defense, they were not always bad. For example, when a social worker was to check on a family, they would dress up in different clothes, do their hair different ways, call themselves different names, and move in for a few days with the person being visited, and they were always most charming until the social security counted them as family members of whoever they were with and left. At times there were 10 people living with the person in the one bedroom flat next door, and the amount of income she got from the state as a result was staggering.

    After the minimum wage going up, the house values went up alot, so I was able to sell eventually, after they were in prison, and now I have more than enough to live on for ten years, and I already paid all I need to get social security, so I will get a whopping $3,770/month then. Thats more than I earned in silicon valley as a technology journalist before the Web closed all the magazines down.
  • 180 Proof
    ↪180 Proof That's also rubbish.ernestm
    Uh huh. How fortunate for the cat to be euthanistically spared all of your whinging white grievance. :shade:
  • ernestm
    yes, I am proud to be whinging white animal with a despicable degree from a useless shithole called oxford, where I learned Rousseau said truth can only be defined by consensus, so it must be true.
  • ernestm
    Sometimes you can talk to your probation officer and they'll reassign your community service in order to make things safer for you.Hanover

    I wasnt doing it for community service. I was doing it because the air stank all the time. It got me in more trouble later, because after six months when I finally got it all cleaned up, the school started making kids pick up the litter they were dropping everywhere, and when those kids grew up, they really hated me.

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