• Nils Loc
    You're not allowed to skip your engagement with the world.

    You have to play the game.

    Maybe the "you" in "I" can be erased while the game plays itself.

    Maybe the "I" in "you" should become extinct.

    But it feels rather like "they" are waiting for a combatant (killer) that will never arrive.

    I'm not ready because my fingers are in a little trick. My stick is thin and brittle. My hair is caught in my belt. My feet are stuck in sand. Use the mallet now! Hit me into NOTHING!

    I do not want to walk in the desert.

    Coyote eat me.
  • Sir2u
    I'm not ready because my fingers are in a little trick.Nils Loc

    If your fingers are stuck in one of those tube things don't pull, you have to push to open them.

    Use the mallet now! Hit me into NOTHING!Nils Loc

    Human whack a mole, sounds interesting. But what or where is nothing?

    I do not want to walk in the desert.Nils Loc

    I remember that song, that is why you need camel. Or was it a horse? Did you ever hear the joke about the ten day camel?
  • Nils Loc
    Did you ever hear the joke about the ten day camel?Sir2u

    Found it on reddit but it might be a mistelling. This is the chaos of mindless internet wandering.

    You hit the camel's balls(?) between two bricks as it is drinking to turn a 7 day camel into a 10 day camel. But no one told the guy in the first place.

    Human whack a mole, sounds interesting. But what or where is nothing?Sir2u

    I want a Zen master to give me the easy way out of life. If it takes a mallet, so be it.
  • Sir2u
    You hit the camel's balls(?) between two bricks as it is drinking to turn a 7 day camel into a 10 day camel. But no one told the guy in the first place.Nils Loc

    The funny part is when the guy asks if it hurts, and the herder says "only if you get your fingers between the bricks"

    I want a Zen master to give me the easy way out of life.Nils Loc

    Confucius, or was it Murphy, said that there is no such thing as an easy way out of life. You just have to learn to go with the flow.
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