• Spartacus
    Looking for someone with a high IQ to give their opinion on the quote below that I think is the bridge between philosophy, behavioral science and physics. A seemingly simple statement that is actually rather complex and suggests the governing dynamics of our civilization.

    " The human race is a microcosm of the universal law of entropy "
  • Gus Lamarch
    " The human race is a microcosm of the universal law of entropy "Spartacus

    “But at the bottom, the immanent philosopher sees in the entire universe only the deepest longing for absolute annihilation, and it is as if he clearly hears the call that permeates all spheres of heaven: Redemption! Redemption! Death to our life! and the comforting answer: you will all find annihilation and be redeemed!"
  • Gnomon
    " The human race is a microcosm of the universal law of entropy "Spartacus
    Sorry to butt-in with a low-IQ comment. But the human race is not a consequence of order destroying Entropy. It is instead, in my humble opinion, the work of organizing Enformy. Without the creative power to enform, there is no Macro or micro-cosm. :smile:

    Enformy : In the Enformationism theory, Enformy is a hypothetical, holistic, metaphysical, natural trend or force, that counteracts Entropy & Randomness to produce complexity & progress.
  • JerseyFlight
    But the human race is not a consequence of order destroying Entropy. It is instead, in my humble opinion, the work of organizing Enformy.Gnomon

    Sounds to me like you are describing the ministry of thought. Unless you are saying this is some kind of mystical force?
  • Gnomon
    Sounds to me like you are describing the ministry of thought. Unless you are saying this is some kind of mystical force?JerseyFlight
    No. It's a philosophical hypothesis, based on cutting-edge science. It's also a person opinion. I'm sorry if novel ideas annoy you. :cool:
  • Gus Lamarch
    ministry of thought.JerseyFlight

    The guy is Ingsoc made Man and he dares to say that others are being authoritarian?

    Overcome your resentment against the world Flight; it is not doing you good.
  • Spartacus
    Sorry to butt-in with a low-IQ comment. But the human race is not a consequence of order destroying Entropy. It is instead, in my humble opinion, the work of organizing Enformy. Without the creative power to enform, there is no Macro or micro-cosm. :smile:Gnomon

    Yes I agree however it is a chicken and egg argument, I am suggesting that if entropy is the predominant force then enformy is humanities' response to it therefore the underlying dynamics are a consequence of entropy, that is if the predominance of entropy gives it more weight in this discussion and my quote.
  • Philosophim
    First, high and low IQ are not necessarily good judges of a person's competence in a particular area. One could be a genius cook for example, and a terrible artist. Its best just to ask questions without loaded words like IQ. In the end, the person's IQ doesn't matter, just the answer.

    First, lets look at your interpretation:

    I am suggesting that if entropy is the predominant force then enformy is humanities' response to it therefore the underlying dynamics are a consequence of entropySpartacus

    Entropy is the law of nature that pressures all heat to an equilibrium. Basically, the universe trends to spread all matter and energy out equally. While humanity fights entropy, we don't need to go that high up. We can just look at life itself. Life is not separate from matter and energy, it is simply another expression of matter and energy like the sun combusting.

    The difference between life and the sun is that the sun will eventually run out of energy, and it does not seek to replenish that energy. A life will run out of energy, but it actively seeks to replenish that energy.

    So I'm not sure if humanity or life is a microcosm of entropy, but simply an example of actively resisting entropy, or doing enformy as you so put. Perhaps a microcosm of entropy would be chemical reactions that burn themselves out, like the sun. Does this answer your question?
  • Gnomon
    Yes I agree however it is a chicken and egg argument, I am suggesting that if entropy is the predominant force then enformy is humanities' response to it therefore the underlying dynamics are a consequence of entropy, that is if the predominance of entropy gives it more weight in this discussion and my quote.Spartacus
    Jersey offered his opinion that Enformy sounds like a "mystical force". So, I'd like to clarify -- not for his edification, but for yours -- that Enformy is simply a neologism coined for my thesis, as a replacement for the awkward scientific term "Negentropy".

    So yes, human culture is a product of Enformy, which transforms random Entropy into organized systems, such as Galaxies and Civilizations. The "predominance of entropy" in scientific discourse is merely a result of its analytical & reductive methods. By contrast, Enformy is holistic & creative. :smile:

    Negentropy : Negentropy is reverse entropy. It means things becoming more in order. By 'order' is meant organisation, structure and function: the opposite of randomness or chaos. One example of negentropy is a star system such as the Solar System.
  • JerseyFlight
    human culture is a product of Enformy, which transforms random Entropy into organized systems,Gnomon

    You are exactly speaking of this as a mystic force.
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