• andrewk
    'Stranger in a Strange Land' was my favourite Heinlein novel. Years later I wrote a song with that title.Wayfarer
    Wasn't that U2?
  • Wayfarer
    It’s been used more than once. It’s actually a reference to the exile of the Jews in Egypt but is commonly used to denote feelings of not belonging or alienation’.

    First verse of my version:

    ‘You’re a stranger in a strange land
    You’re the joker, you’re the wild card, you’re the third man
    An outsider on the sidelines, you’re the watcher in the window in the twilight
    And you dance to a song I can’t hear, and you’re so far away when you’re near me

    You’re a traveller with no history
    And you’re restless, you are always on your way
    You don’t have much to say, you give nothing away
    You’re a stranger in a strange land.’

    Mine’s set to a ‘kind of blue’ style jazz theme. I don’t have a recorded version currently.
  • Banno
    Mine, too. Although I quite like Time enough for love.
  • Banno
    So who thinks cannibalism is a bad thing?
  • Punshhh
    According to my date of birth, I'm supposed to be Libran, but I'm not so sure I really am a Libran.
    You need to look at your whole horoscope, to get a more accurate reflection. Do you know what sign the moon was in(your rising sign), that will have a bearing. I'm Scorpio with the moon in Libra, so in notable ways I have Libran characteristics.
  • Banno
    According to my date of birth, I'm supposed to be Libran,Wayfarer

    You sure it's not "librarian"?
  • Banno
    And is it true?
  • Wayfarer
    that might be it, by Jove!

    @Punshhh - years ago I picked up one of those ‘sun sign’ books that has a page for each day and I have to say I was quite bowled over by what it said about me.

    I’m not entirely dismissive of astrology, although I don’t pay attention to it.
  • Punshhh
    I don't think that can be answered, with our current knowledge.
  • Banno
    that might be it, by Jove!Wayfarer

    I do believe it makes more sense...
  • Banno
    I'm interested in why you think that, and how you have looked into it.

    Have you read much on Astronomy? Or on Astrology?
  • Banno
    I’m not entirely dismissive of astrology,Wayfarer

    Why not? How could it work?
  • Banno
    So here is the serious question: How could Astrology work?
  • Punshhh
    @years ago I picked up one of those ‘sun sign’ books that has a page for each day and I have to say I was quite bowled over by what it said about me.

    I’m not entirely dismissive of astrology, although I don’t pay attention to it.
    7 minutes ago ReplyShareFlag

    It is a means of divination, or as a mirror to the self. I also studied those books years ago and pay little attention to it now. However as I am focussing more and more on creativity, such systems are fertile grounds for creative inspiration. Another system of thought which I use is "modern art", the intellectual and conceptual appreciation of it.
  • Punshhh
    I will have to reply later, I've got things to do now.
  • Sir2u
    So who thinks cannibalism is a bad thing?Banno

    That is a loaded question. I could answer one way and appear to be weird, or comment on not minding munching certain pieces of meat and be a sexist. X-)
  • Sir2u
    Have you read much on Astronomy?Banno

    If you are interested in the stars, you might like this program.

  • Cavacava
    So here is the serious question: How could Astrology work?

    Maybe Jung's notion of Synchronicity, "falling together in time.” of the external and the internal as in meaningful coincidences. Astrology as a science of coincidences.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    @Banno Pisces here.

    How could Astrology work?Banno

    Work in what sense?
    Do you mean in allowing what we read about our sign to influence our behavior or our feelings about ourselves?
    Do you mean working in the sense of how we might utilize the astrological knowledge we have of another person in the form of communication or 'packaging' how others will best receive what we are trying to convey?
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    How could it work?Banno

    In its ancient form, I believe that astrology was used to predict the changing seasons and these predictions were quite useful to farmers. It may not be the first form of calendar used by human beings, as the moon calendar or a day calendar may be even earlier. But in this sense, as a calendar, I believe astrology could work. The moon calendar gets out of sync because there are not 12 even moons in a year, and the day calendar gets out of sync because there is not an even 365 days in a year. Apparently the astrological calendar gets out of sync as well, but that takes thousands of years.
  • Hanover
    You’re a traveller with no historyWayfarer

    This line strikes me as nonthematic and inconsistent. Someone in exile would be longing for home, the place of their historical roots. A stranger in a strange land must have come from somewhere. Such is the story of Exodus at least.

    Cool lyrics nonetheless, capturing the idea of seperatedness.
  • Wayfarer
    Why thanks. I wrote that song decades ago but don't have a current version, I think I'll fire up Logic Pro and have a go at a new take. I'll post it when I'm done.
  • creativesoul
    So here is the serious question: How could Astrology work?Banno

    If the spatiotemporal location of the heavenly bodies on the day of one's birth determined which of the twelve main kinds of people one is and/or will be...

    Roughly, that is...


    I mean, there are some folk who are combination as a result of being born on the cusp of or just after a change.

    I am one of those new ones you mentioned, by the way. That would explain the historical inaccuracy of my horoscope...
  • Sir2u
    If the spatiotemporal location of the heavenly bodies on the day of one's birth determined which of the twelve main kinds of people one is and/or will be...creativesoul

    And what about twins? Surely by this rule they would be very similar in many ways, I know several twins that are nothing like each other.
  • creativesoul
    They just haven't found their true selves yet. That's all.
  • jorndoe
    Your Horoscopes (courtesy of America's Finest News Source)

    You will never be able to explain to anyone's satisfaction how all those chickens could just appear out of nowhere.

    Your fear of change means that spending the next few centuries in a block of ice will be extremely soothing, at least until the New Reformed Xalfraxian Alliance thaws you out.
  • jorndoe
    In history:

    Virgo | Aug 23 to Sep 22
    You will die alone, unmourned, and unloved, but because you do it on live television, you'll still manage to be considered a success.

    Capricorn | Dec 22 to Jan 19
    Someday in the future, humanity will have a healthy attitude toward sexuality, but until then, you have an idea that could make you incredibly rich.

    Aquarius | Jan 20 to Feb 18
    You are about to embark on a great journey across an infinite ocean of possibilities, unless of course the more cynical theories about the afterlife are correct.

    Astrology. What's not to like?
  • Baden
    How could it work?Banno

    Ha, how did the Big Bang work smartie pants? Something just appeared out of nothing, eh? Bet you believe that cock and bull story. Anyway, if you must know it works the same way staring at chicken entrails can tell you who you should marry. The arrangement of random patterns takes on a non-random and statistically predictable effect when you bypass certain neuronal connections responsible for logic and common sense. It's more or less the same reason I wash my hands 1327 times a day. And I'm a better man for it. Prove me wrong. And then prove something came from nothing, ha!

    *Washes chicken entrails from hands. Heads to jewellery shop to buy engagement ring.*
  • jorndoe
    [...] I wash my hands 1327 times a day.Baden

    Keep doing that and your hands might end up smaller than Trump's.
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