• Sir2u
    Did you ask him for his sources? X-)
  • Hanover
    I self censored my response because it had to do with the blood of the womb instead of water of the womb, and I've found from past discussions that jokes about menstrual blood have a fairly limited audience.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Did you ask him for his sources? X-)Sir2u

    Sir, he whips out his additional brain he carries in his pocket and will read it to me if necessary from unlimited sources if I ask. Nope, I openly admit he is beginning to give me a run for my money politically. EVERYTHING that is wrong with the planet is OUR fault. On one occasion he said "Thanks a lot for destroying the climate we have to live in and NOT believing in climate change" to which I tried on many occasions to explain how we have evolved but he never accepted it. So now he gets a snarky response like "Where the heck is my Aqua Net Hairspray?" laughing like a fool.
    I cannot believe I am actually paying for this abuse!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    self censored my response because it had to do with the blood of the womb instead of water of the womb, and I've found from past discussions that jokes about menstrual blood have a fairly limited audience.Hanover

    I cannot imagine how that would be the case. :P
  • deletedmemberwy
    For some strange reason, this morning isn't as bad as normal mornings. :-O
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    For some strange reason, this morning isn't as bad as normal morningsLone Wolf

    8-) That Rocks!
  • deletedmemberwy
    :P Hopefully it stays okay for the rest of the day lol.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    :P Hopefully it stays okay for the rest of the day lol.Lone Wolf

    I have faith it will be okay!
  • CasKev
    First visit with the lawyer today - wish me luck!!!
  • deletedmemberwy
    Haha, thanks. I survive the day, but barely. :-O I seriously thought I was going to die today. I completely lost control of my plane, so very thankful my instructor bailed me out there. :-O
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Yaaaaaaaaaay!! You survived yesterday and I am sure you learned a lot while you lost control for a bit but you knew enough to have someone with you to give you a hand up when you spin out. It happens as we learn and if it didn't happen yesterday with your instructor with you, the day would have ended a lot differently. So take stock in yourself, for when we lose control AND gain it back, EVEN with help, we earn an internal merit badge as we have faced a fear that we probably knew we had but would never have faced without that fluke of circumstances.

    Where are you going to fly on your first solo trip and are you taking Mutty or Missy with you? 8-)

    Are you aware of my absolute crush on Tom Cruise as a result of Top Gun? OMGGGGGG!
  • deletedmemberwy
    Haha, yeah, yesterday was the first time I actually panicked in the air. I'm not sure who was more surprised at my reaction, me or my instructor. lol. One way or another, I'm not going to allow myself to respond in that way again!! :-O But hey, after that, I almost perfected the cross-wind landing technique. 8-)
    Hmm, I don't think Missy or Mutty would much appreciate my flying capability yet. :P Well, actually, I have been up several times alone, but just around the airport and local areas. Haven't got to a longer trip yet, but that's coming up soon.

    Haha, no I didn't know that. :P At least he's not a crop duster. :-O Some of them are wicked wild, AND DON'T USE THEIR RADIOS!!! >:o Very annoying, lol.
    Do you fly too?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Haha, yeah, yesterday was the first time I actually panicked in the air. I'm not sure who was more surprised at my reaction, me or my instructor. lol. One way or another, I'm not going to allow myself to respond in that way again!! :-O But hey, after that, I almost perfected the cross-wind landing technique. 8-)Lone Wolf

    Ta da!!!!! Well done, well done! (Y)

    Hmm, I don't think Missy or Mutty would much appreciate my flying capability yet. :P Well, actually, I have been up several times alone, but just around the airport and local areas. Haven't got to a longer trip yet, but that's coming up soon.Lone Wolf

    I guess the pups couldn't stick their heads out the windows like in the car so maybe they should stay on the ground, for now. ;)

    Haha, no I didn't know that. :P At least he's not a crop duster. :-O Some of them are wicked wild, AND DON'T USE THEIR RADIOS!!! >:o Very annoying, lol.
    Do you fly too?
    Lone Wolf

    Those crop dusters are annoying for the way they fly AND the pesticides they use!

    No, I don't fly but my youngest son is a Freshman at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University studying Simulation Science and he doesn't fly either but we have planes in a LOT of aspects of our lives and my youngest has a HUGE interest in the study of birds. I have tried to get him to see the correlation in his interests and he just wont give on it yet. I have to believe that Mr. Embry and Mr. Riddle along with the Wright brothers studied the mechanics of birds in order to figure out how to fly, right?
    Are you going for a commercial license?
  • deletedmemberwy
    Ta da!!!!! Well done, well done! (Y)ArguingWAristotleTiff

    haha, thanks!
    No, I don't fly but my youngest son is a Freshman at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University studying Simulation Science and he doesn't fly either but we have planes in a LOT of aspects of our lives and my youngest has a HUGE interest in the study of birds. I have tried to get him to see the correlation in his interests and he just won't give on it yet. I have to believe that Mr. Embry and Mr. Riddle along with the Wright brothers studied the mechanics of birds in order to figure out how to fly, right?
    Are you going for a commercial license?

    That is very neat! Hope they both do well in their studies! :)
    Not as of right now, just aiming for a Private Pilot. Maybe an instrument rating in the future, but not sure yet. :P
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Not as of right now, just aiming for a Private Pilot. Maybe an instrument rating in the future, but not sure yet. :PLone Wolf

    Keep on pushing yourself and you are going to rock that Private license. Where in the world are you located?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The States. :PLone Wolf

    Well hello my fellow American! Happy Veterans Day!
  • Hanover
    I have to believe that Mr. Embry and Mr. Riddle along with the Wright brothers studied the mechanics of birds in order to figure out how to fly, right?ArguingWAristotleTiff
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I have to believe that Mr. Embry and Mr. Riddle along with the Wright brothers studied the mechanics of birds in order to figure out how to fly, right?ArguingWAristotleTiff

    I get a kick out of watching black and white films like this, watching humans try to simulate those things around us that we are "not" and try to make it so humans "can". It is almost like have always lacked being content with who we are and must try to be something we are not.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    @Sir2u What are your plans for Thanksgiving?
  • Sir2u

    Not planning on doing anything really. We had a couple of friends from the US that lived near by that used to invite us over to eat but they left the area.

    It is not really celebrated down here except as a way to get people to buy stuff and go to restaurants.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    We had a couple of friends from the US that lived near by that used to invite us over to eat but they left the area.Sir2u

    Well you and the Mrs. are most welcome at our Thanksgiving table.

  • Sir2u
    Well you and the Mrs. are most welcome at our Thanksgiving table.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Going out to the road side and hitching a ride. Be there ......, errr, damn that won't work.

    Thank you for the invitation, but it might have to be next year. Looks fantastic.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Thank you for the invitation, but it might have to be next year. Looks fantastic.Sir2u

    You are quite welcome! I wish I could pull up a chair to the table in the picture but that is just an inspiration to my figuring out how to host 20+ here at the ranch. Enough In laws that we might need name tags, true story.
    To share with you, this will likely be the Last Thanksgiving at the Ranch as we are getting it ready for sale in the Spring so we can move North in Arizona. We are attempting to reinvest the money from the sale of the ranch, into a place where we can have at least one rental unit and room for more expansion. The move will save us 10k a year for the next three years as our youngest is in college and we are looking to move to his town. Freshman year they are required to live on campus but after that, they can live off and hence our home.
    So Cheers to you and your Mrs. and Thank you for being here thru the decades. 8-)
  • Sir2u

    Don't make no difference where you live in the world, you will always be just around the corner on the internet.
    Best of luck with the sale.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Don't make no difference where you live in the world, you will always be just around the corner on the internet.Sir2u
    And that my friend is a beautiful and true thought~

    Best of luck with the sale.Sir2u
    Thank you Sir~
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    3 days till Turkey day.
    My best friend felt I was down and treated me to a hair cut and color! She is such a beautiful person both inside and out.
    Here is a quick image.jpg pic at the haircutters house as I have Rotties and that Cat tower would be down and paraded around the paddock like a prize!
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