• Banno
    Are you an angler at all?Metaphysician Undercover

    Goodness, no. What on Earth are you suggesting?
  • BlueBanana
    Your question is unclear. I do believe the local events and our lives and behaviour might be related to larger movements in the universe, but I don't believe anyone on the Earth, especially anyone who calls themselves an astrologer, has figured out how to predict or understand the effects of those connections. And none of them even considers the speed of light.
  • Banno
    I do believe the local events and our lives and behaviour might be related to larger movements in the universe,BlueBanana

    Why and how?
  • BlueBanana
    Well, maybe I'm more of agnostic on the issue but it's a realistic possibility. Obviously matter and consciousness do interact and we can make conclusions about one based on the other: if a person (their physical body) looks happy, they probably are, or if you feel pain, you can draw the conclusion that your body is wounded.
  • VagabondSpectre

    I happen to know that astrology is a mix self delusion and superstition. I feel that it is generally stupid to employ as a decision making device but as far as superstitions go it's potentially less harmful than many others.

    Astrological predictions and readings tend to work by making vague and general statements that seem specific but usually apply to anyone. I've heard them labeled as "Barnum statements" (from the famous P.T. Barnum circus' slogan "we've got something for everyone" which is what persuasive astrological readings tend to do). Consider the following reading recently interpreted by one astrologer:

    "You're a very intelligent person but you could be better at saving money and organizing your relationships. You are likeable and quick to understand others, but others have a hard time understanding you. Be sure to get the extra sleep you need and you may achieve your goals for the coming months. Your predictive dream symbol is water, and your spiritually relevant number is 9."

    Everyone thinks they're intelligent and most people would like to be better organized (especially people who are already well organized it seems). Everyone at least wants to think they're likable and thinks they understand others well while generally holding a much more complex understanding of themselves. Everyone tends to want more sleep and if someone doesn't have any goals for the coming months, they will probably just invent some on the spot. All of these statements more less apply to everyone but a few of them might feel like they apply perfectly. If something doesn't apply to you at all that's O.K because it only takes a few good hits to really impress someone and failures are quickly and easily forgotten. "Cold reading" they call it.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Goodness, no. What on Earth are you suggesting?Banno

    I noticed that the referred article suggested that the practising astrologer ought to use the technique of fishing. And I recognize that there is a lot of different angles to astrology; take a look at the center of that chart for example. Do you not think that the use of mathematics with the art of fishing might be productive? After all, there is a lot of so-called science which is just based in statistics and probabilities anyway.
  • S
    I am not surprised that there are people who are willing to read, listen, and entertain astrology and those who believe in it. That is testament to the proclivity of some people to read, listen, and entertain bullshit and those who fall for it. I am not one of those people, because I am a Gemini and therefore quick-witted.
  • Banno
    Is that what Astrology is?
  • Banno
    Here's your horoscope for today:

    You're quite a cerebral, intellectual creature, but that doesn't mean you don't have any feelings -- just that you're better at keeping them contained than most are under similar circumstances. That talent is vital right now, as well as your ability to remain objective under fire. You should do just fine, and might even amaze the masses in the process! If you're at all tempted to criticize a loved one, wait until you have all the information.

    Astonishing, isn't it, how accurate it is!
  • Banno
    Obviously matter and consciousness do interact and we can make conclusions about one based on the other: if a person (their physical body) looks happy, they probably are, or if you feel pain, you can draw the conclusion that your body is wounded.BlueBanana

    And therefore, Astrology?

    Seems to be something missing here.
  • Banno
    So you don't understand how it works, but it does.


    You're quite proud of everyone you love and everything you own, and that goes double for those you've worked hard to keep close. Whether they're newly acquired or they've been with you since childhood, you've worked equally hard to keep them nearby Spend some time with your most beloved people and possessions. You may feel a bit materialistic if you obsess over objects, so make sure you spend some time with your people as well.
  • Punshhh
    ↪Punshhh I'm interested in why you think that, and how you have looked into it.

    Have you read much on Astronomy? Or on Astrology?

    Sorry for the delay, I have been on the road the last few days.

    When I was young I looked into every philosophical system of thought I could find, astrology was one of them. After a while I became of the opinion that forms of divination are about people trying to find out something of interest, but out of reach. Such as what will happen in the future, or looking into a person's soul. This being the case, it is of little philosophical value, so I had pretty much put it, amongst others, behind me by the age of about 16.

    This does not mean that there is no truth in it somewhere. When one looks into forms of spirituality, then traditional mythological, divination and religious systems can become interesting sources of wisdom or inspiration.
  • Janus
    Astrology is a very profound symbolic system that may be elegantly mapped onto the twelve tones of chromatic musical harmony and the significant patterns that relate them harmonically, if you ignore the actual signs.
  • Banno
    a very profound symbolic systemJanus

    It's magic because both music and the zodiac have twelve things in them.
  • Banno
    This does not mean that there is no truth in it somewhere. When one looks into forms of spirituality, then traditional mythological, divination and religious systems can become interesting sources of wisdom or inspiration.Punshhh

    But how? Because folk think it pretty?
  • Janus

    Yeah, that's right, Simplisticus...
  • Punshhh
    But how? Because folk think it pretty?

    So as to access, knowledge, or knowing of nature, other than what is provided by current intellectual knowledge and teaching.
  • Punshhh
    Yeah, that's right, Simplisticus

    I suggest you look in the mirror before reading books by the cover.
  • charleton
    An out of date and thoroughly discredited science, devoid of any kind of basis.

    Guess my star sign beeeatch!
  • Janus

    What you, what mirror, what book and what cover do you think you are referring to?
  • Janus
    Guess my star sign beeeatch!charleton

    Saggy tits and hairy arse?
  • Banno
    SO it's down to argument ad insultum?
  • Punshhh
    You're a lot more vocal than usual. Somehow I doubt it will last.
  • Janus

    What argument, and what insult? It was a play on words; I thought we were just havin' a bit of fun!

    I mean I didn't think the OP was meant to be taken seriously in the first place. :)
  • Banno
    I'm just making a list of people worth ignoring.
  • Cuthbert

    "A touchstone to determine the actual worth of an "intellectual" - find out how he feels about astrology."

    I can't agree. Take two "intellectuals". Both think astrology is rubbish. It's quite possible that one of them is a smart intellectual and the other is, aside from his views on astrology, a fool. Conversely, a top-class intellectual might have an aberrant belief in astrology, elves or some other nonsense.

    Newton believed in alchemy. Conan Doyle believed in fairies. Pythagoras thought that beans have souls. Aristotle thought that volcanic lava is made of cheese. (I made that last one up, but you get the point).
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