• S
    Aristotle thought that volcanic lava is made of cheese. (I made that last one up, but you get the point).Cuthbert

    He thought that women had fewer teeth than men. Bloody idiot!
  • Banno
    Quite possible, but likely?
  • Banno
    Your horoscope for today:
    If you are a parent, don't forget to set aside some playtime with the kids right now. Don't get too competitive with a board game. Remember it is only 'Monopoly Money' - but there are lessons being learned about sportsmanship that may last an entire lifetime.
  • ivans
    Astrology has several logical issues:
    -The position of a nearby observer in relation to celestial bodies does not have a known affect on mental development or genetics.
    -Double-blind studies show no correlation between the position of a hypothetical nearby observer in relation to celestial bodies and certain developmental factors which cannot be attributed to statistical artifacts.
  • S
    Astrology has several logical issues:
    -The position of a nearby observer in relation to celestial bodies does not have a known affect on mental development or genetics.
    -Double-blind studies show no correlation between the position of a hypothetical nearby observer in relation to celestial bodies and certain developmental factors which cannot be attributed to statistical artifacts.

    Yes, but on the other hand, some nonsense about a pregnancy "really" being ten months, instead of nine. Therefore, astrology. (Perhaps very quite possibly maybe could be dunno).
  • Banno
    No, the argument was that there are twelve constellations in the zodiac, and twelve notes, therefore Astrology is mysterious.
  • Cuthbert
    On whether it's likely that a highly intelligent and educated person might also have some totally foolish beliefs - well, I'm afraid not only likely but quite normal. Education and intelligence are only a limited form of protection from folly. But perhaps I am too cynical or have too low an expectation of the intellect to foster wisdom.
  • Banno
    But knowledge is justified...

    How can astrology be justified? Beyond Jungian handwaving.
  • Banno
    Then what is their worth?
  • Banno
    Maybe not.
  • Janus

    Gee, I hope I'm not on it. :)
  • Banno
    Astrology is a very profound symbolic systemJanus

    I'm just assuming this was ironic.
  • Janus

    Actually this was not the argument at all. There are also twelve months, twelve kinds of fermions, Kant's twelve categories of the undertsnding. Of course the signs correspond to the first, but I haven't said that the symbolic structure of astrology "maps elegantly" onto the other two. In fact, I specifically said that the signs have to be ignored. It is the basic structure, the succession of three sets of four kinds, in Astrology which maps onto musical harmony. It might correspond to Kant's categories too, but not in as elaborate a way as it does with musical harmony.

    I also have not claimed any significance to this "mapping on" other than that it is beautiful (elegant) and interesting in the kind of way mathematics is beautiful and interesting.
  • Janus

    And as I implied before this is a simplistic assumption.
  • Banno
    I like simple.

    Down here the greatest start sign is the Dark Emu. 130114_01_First-620x349.jpg
  • Janus

    Ok, fine, I live in Australia too, but what has what you like got to do with "the worth of an intellectual"? Perhaps his or her worth to you or according to what you like, but nothing beyond that, no?

    (BTW, the emu looks like it's floating or prostrate; is it a dead emu?)
  • Banno
    Meh. The dark emu is profound and symbolic. Is that what is required?
  • Janus

    Almost everything can be symbolic, how is it profound? Does it map elegantly onto musical harmony?
  • Banno
    Is that the measure of worth?

    Ever noticed the eight-by-eight broken symmetry of a chess board? Is that also mysterious and profound?
  • Janus

    What does that symmetry relate to? By itself it is trivial. Did I anywhere say that Astrology is mysterious?
  • Banno
    I've lost track of this conversation.

    Think I might go work on "Breakfast at sweetheart's" instead.
  • Janus

    So, you're a fan of CC? Bit early in the day to listen to that, isn't it? Doug Mulray once ran a faux competition on 2MMM where the prize was a Jimmy Barnes alarm clock...
  • Banno
    Perfect breakfast song. Poaching a few eggs and making coffee. I just can't get the rhythm right, despite it being quite simple.
  • Janus

    Cool. :)
  • Punshhh
    But knowledge is justified...

    How can astrology be justified? Beyond Jungian handwaving.
    Perhaps the individual enquirer can achieve his/her own justification, for it to be accepted as knowledge, for themselves.

    When I referred to an interest in such sources within spirituality, I took it for granted that alternative criteria may be considered.
  • Banno
    When I referred to an interest in such sources within spirituality, I took it for granted that alternative criteria may be considered.Punshhh

    Can you give and example or explain what alternative criteria might be used?
  • Punshhh
    Can you give and example or explain what alternative criteria might be used?
    The process of personal transfiguration. Such a process may require an uncoupling from interpersonal intellectual understanding provided by other people, in order to develop the mind of the individual in different ways.
  • S
    Can you give and example or explain what alternative criteria might be used?Banno

    Astrology can be justified by the methodological process of interpersonal and spiritual individuation via an intellectual transfiguration of the mystifying understanding of the developmental uncoupling of differential jargon in a multitude of ways.

    And because twelve.
  • Cuthbert
    Everything is a goat, therefore I am a Capricorn.
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