• David Solman
    For this post i will make the assumption that all the reports surrounding ufology are true. (it should be noted that after my years of research i do in fact believe that many of the reports of unidentified flying objects are of alien origin)

    If there are alien beings flying around and the government cover up is in need true then what this could possibly mean for us is very scary. The Fermi paradox asks the question, where are all the aliens? and the zoo hypothesis answers this question by suggesting that if there are aliens more advanced than us out there, they have already noticed us and have in fact decided to ignore us and observe us instead. This could be for a number of reasons, one being that they dont want to influence our race or it could be to protect us, or even protect themselves.

    But how much more advanced are they? if they really believe we aren't worth including in what ever space politics might be happening right above our heads. Judging by our own history of war and how unethically we colonized the planet you couldn't blame an alien race for leaving us in the dark and watching to see how hostile we become so they can easily exterminate us if we become a threat. After all, we are still at war with ourselves.

    There is mounting evidence that ufology studies fact and that brings a more unsure future for our race because as we all know it isn't public knowledge that intelligent life formed on other planets so the studies that ufology poses shows that actually yes, this is happening and yes the zoo hypothesis is what is happening to our race. We just don't know it. What this means is that our fate is in the hands of a civilization that we know nothing about and that is a scary thought.

    The government cover up most likely comes from the fear of how the public would take this news.

    I also believe that the governments involvement in the aliens was a mistake and most likely stemmed from the incident known as Roswell, where an allege alien spacecraft accidentally crashed into earth. The US government supposedly retrieved the spacecraft and began trying to reverse engineer the technology and this most definitely would have prompted the aliens to begin interaction with us. That, and the creation of the atomic bomb probably caught their attention. All of this would explain the rise in reports of UFO sightings since the 1940s.

    Though there is as much evidence to say that our ancient civilizations had contact with aliens and that knowledge was given to us. This would explain how many of them built the same structures dispite the lack of long distant communication devices. How many of them had knowledge on the solar system that we were only able to confirm with advanced technology and apart from the suggestions, the real illustrations of UFOs in the sky and events that didn't make sense with their capabilities, and again, building structures that could never have been built with sticks and stones. There are too may question for the truth to be what we have been drip fed through our lives. i say that because i have studied UFOs and though i cant say for sure what they are, there is far too much reports or strange activity for me to decide that UFOs don't exist, it's overwhelming if you decide to actually study it yourself, you'll find that many people who have worked for NASA and other government services have come out to support the theory and claim they have seen proof and this has happened many many times.

    and so, when you read about what is actually happening the zoo hypothesis becomes a very scary reality. if they are here, they are not making it known so that begs the questions?.. when will they decide they have observed enough? what does that mean for us? did we pass whatever test we were under? judging by the state of this world i think we are failing badly.
  • charleton
    For this post i will make the assumption that all the reports surrounding ufology are true. (it should be noted that after my years of research i do in fact believe that many of the reports of unidentified flying objects are of alien origin)David Solman

    You've shot yourself in the foot already. It is impossible that all reports are true since many contradict one another.
    The fact is that any moron can and in fact do make up the most absurd claims about UFOs that one would have to conclude were they true the entire fabric of reality was capricious to say the least,
  • fishfry
    i do in fact believe that many of the reports of unidentified flying objects are of alien origin)David Solman

    The reports are of alien origin? You mean the aliens send us reports that there are aliens, but there aren't really aliens? Exactly what I suspected. Alien fake news! They probably run Twitter bots. The fiends!

    the zoo hypothesis is what is happening to our race.David Solman

    Old Twilight Zone episode.

    What this means is that our fate is in the hands of a civilization that we know nothing about and that is a scary thought.David Solman

    You mean the politicians? The Illuminati? The banks?
  • apokrisis
    Ufology seems just so ... 1990s. Contemporary conspiracy theory is focused on the Deep State or Hollywood's bearding phenomenon.
  • T Clark
    For this post i will make the assumption that all the reports surrounding ufology are true. (it should be noted that after my years of research i do in fact believe that many of the reports of unidentified flying objects are of alien origin)David Solman

    You've picked a tough place to make your case. You will find, as you can already begin to see that your ideas will not be met with much support and will likely be ridiculed. If the discussion goes very far, it is likely moderators will step in and delete your posts.

    Be that as it may. I do not believe we have been visited by creatures from other planets. That doesn't mean I'm positive, but I'm certain enough that I don't think it makes sense for me, or science, to put more effort into finding out.

    The Fermi paradox asks the question, where are all the aliens? and the zoo hypothesis answers this question by suggesting that if there are aliens more advanced than us out there, they have already noticed us and have in fact decided to ignore us and observe us instead. This could be for a number of reasons, one being that they dont want to influence our race or it could be to protect us, or even protect themselves.David Solman

    I can think of other reasons why the aliens haven't shown up.

    • There aren't any. Although this is possible, it seems likely to me that there is life, and quite likely intelligent life, out there somewhere.
    • They are too far away and faster than light transport is not possible.
    • We don't overlap in time. They are already long-gone or haven't evolved yet. I find the hypothesis that advanced civilizations reach a certain point and then kill themselves off plausible. I worry for my children that this may be happening soon here.
    • We don't have enough in common for them to have any interest in us.

    I'm sure I can think of more.

    I don't put much truck in government conspiracy theories. That's mostly because I can't imagine any government, especially in an open society, effectively keeping something like this under covers.

    Also - they're called unidentified flying objects. What's odd about that. Flying objects - that's pretty common. Unidentified - that's common too. People make mistakes, lie, fantasize, blow small things out of proportion all the time. It seems much more likely that is what is going on than that creatures from space have visited.
  • TheMadFool
    Most of the replies have been cynical but what are we, if not aliens?

    My approach to the universe is that we should keep our feet firmly planted on science and its rather mundane truths while our heads should be up there in the clouds, looking at the stars and keep all options open.
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