• BC
    In 2018 I resolve:

    To use far fewer dashes, parentheses, and "..." in my writing, and will instead use semicolons and commas. As a subsidiary issue, I will try to resolve my ambivalence about using semicolons at all.

    I will continue to use the Oxford Comma. (this, this, and this. NOT this, this and this.)

    That's it. Nothing about weight loss; diet; spending; sex; getting to bed on time; being nicer to the neighbors; requests to Satan to bring Donald home immediately if not sooner; giving money to beggars; cleaning the kitchen more often, etc.

    I can reform my use of punctuation. Asking more of myself is an intolerable imposition.
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    What about that vulturing image of you? That's pretty dank.
  • T Clark
    Ok. Here's my serious list:

    • Become more self-aware in all the ways that's possible - emotional, physical, social, intellectual
    • Stop being petty. No cheap shots.
    • Get my blood sugar below 100 mg/dl and my weight 10 lbs below Homer Simpson's

    Which isn't to say punctuation isn't important.

  • _db
    • Read more primary sources
    • Self-initiate exposure therapy to anxiety triggers
    • Organize my thoughts more for my book
    • Regularly volunteer in the community
    • Prepare for things to get worse
  • Noble Dust

    I'm the opposite of you; I resolve to use less semicolons; I'm someone who often has multiple thoughts firing in the brain at the same time, and because this experience can be overwhelming, I tend to write long sentences in which semicolons become necessary; and indeed, the sensation of writing a sentence that ends, and yet continues on in spite of itself can be addicting indeed; being able to connect disparate thoughts without officially ending a sentence via a period (while also being required to fulfill all of the grammatical rules that create a proper sentence) is the true hallmark of the semicolon use; in other words, true semicolon use is demarcated by complete thoughts which are inextricably linked; they're linked in a such a way that a full stop period conveys something vaguely lacking; what's lacking, indeed, is a sense of flow; what's lacking is a sense of continuity.
  • BC
    Very long sentences of paragraph length used to be as de regueur as French phrases.
  • BC
    You have some ambitious items on your list, of which blood sugar, self-awareness, and cheap shots are the least.
  • Noble Dust

    Kramer approves. I also like short sentences. Semicolon use is an all-or-nothing affair. I say either go all the way, or don't go at all. Brevity is often best. I can go on and on. But when I do, I like to go at a short clip. I like to either go fast, or go slow. But, it ultimately doesn't matter. What matters is what is expressed. And if what's expressed is expressed succinctly or laboriously is, I think, inconsequential. There are many, many ways of saying the same thing.
  • BC
    There are many, many ways of saying the same thing.Noble Dust

    Or nothing at all.
  • Noble Dust

    Ah; are you catching on to me? Are you, BC, finding a pattern; are you finding something oh so characteristic in my writing that, as a reader, as an interpreter of what I say, you find that you're finally finding a final feeling about the sorts of philosophical findings that I finalize? True; my writing here is verbose; yes; but is it? What, exactly, do you find oh so non-canonical that you find the need to use such a paltry phrase as "or nothing at all" when responding to the resplendent aura of the light of the phrases that I use in order to intimate such specific linguistic phenomena as the sorts of meanings which I'm trying to instigate?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    My serious New Year's resolution is to approach life less seriously. Really.
  • BC
    Dank, thanks. Back to the bluejay.
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    Damn, I liked that vulture. I thought it represented the new (and improved?) you.
  • T Clark
    Damn, I liked that vulture. I thought it represented the new (and improved?) you.Metaphysician Undercover

    I've always assume BC chose the blue jay for the same reason I choose a crow - they are raucous, argumentative, and cranky. I've always loved blue jays. I played football for the Seaford, Delaware HS Blue Jays. I also like red squirrels, chipmunks, mockingbirds. Anything loud and bad-tempered.
  • praxis
    I'm gonna drink a lot less. O:)
  • TimeLine
    Get along better with TimeLineT Clark

    You have some ambitious items on your list, of which blood sugar, self-awareness, and cheap shots are the leastBitter Crank

    I am going to stop being so paranoid and suspicious that people think it is hard to get along with me.
  • Agustino
    To have more discipline with my sleeping schedule, and to work less at night >:O
  • Banno
    It strikes me as philosophically unwise to use some arbitrary date as an excuse for such resolutions. wpid-screenshot_2014-12-30-13-53-57-1.png
  • Janus
    To follow the 'Watercourse Way' and realize the resolution of non-resolution.

    Or as Camus liked to say "Find an excess in moderation".
  • BC
    Good idea.
  • Noble Dust

    Anyway, on a more serious note, I'm resolving to start taking care of myself this year; physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc. Can't kill yourself forever.
  • Sir2u
    I resolved last year not to make resolutions that I probable would not keep, think I'll do the same this year because I actually managed to keep my resolution.
  • dog
    I like to either go fast, or go slow. But, it ultimately doesn't matter.Noble Dust

    I object to the commas in both sentences above. But I like this attention to prose style.

    Should I have combined my two sentences into one? Maybe. But I like the extra pause that comes with a period before a 'but.'
  • dog
    I will continue to use the Oxford Comma. (this, this, and this. NOT this, this and this.)Bitter Crank

    I salute you. Oxford Comma all the way.
  • BC
    Good dog. Welcome to the Philosophy Forum.
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