• BC
    ART DECO, decidedly beautiful.

    Beautiful steam engine

    Beautiful radio

    Beautiful table lamp
  • T Clark
    Beautiful steam engineBitter Crank

    Beautiful orange steam engine. Love, love, love, love, love. May I please have it.

    Yes, the others are beautiful too.
  • T Clark
    I love this thread. I hope you will believe me when I tell you I feel like crying. I am crying. No irony.
  • Hanover
    I'm disappointed in the USB ports and earphone plugs on the front of the radio. It's faux retro. I like the hum of real vacuum tubes.
  • BC
    I didn't like that either, but it sort of looks like vintage legit.
  • BC
    This is better. All knobs, no USB ports, no female phono plugs. Cloth over the speakers. Beautiful.

    The RCA Skyscraper model 115.
  • BC
    executed by deletion
  • TimeLine
    When I had a serious car accident several years ago, my situation worsened physically and mentally months after I actually had it and by lucky chance through the transport commission, I was given the opportunity to fly out to Italy. It was after visiting Cafe Florian, the Dolomite mountains, Florence and San Gimignano that I slowly started healing again and it has taken me a good two years to really bring myself together again. Seeing Caravaggio (in particular St. Jerome writing) who is one of my favourite artists at the Villa Borghese (also Bernini and Titian) and everything about my time in Italy is beautiful to me for that reason.



  • T Clark

    Your photos of Italy made me think about the trip to Europe I made with my brother in 2014. On the trip, after 10 days together, sharing rooms most nights, I found out that, after 67 years of being brothers, it turns out we are also friends. Whoda thunkit.

    My favorite photo. Lunch in the Black Forest. I'm not scenery person, but I could feel the Black Forest in by my gut. In Europe, the food looks beautiful and tastes wonderful. Ich mochte einen trockenen Weißwein, Bitte. 45 year-old college German.


    The Mosul River in Germany before it becomes the Moselle in France. Vineyards and fortresses. You can feel the history while people go about their business as if it were normal:


    Tilted shale deposits on the Meuse River in Germany. Some of the worst fighting of World War I took place in this area.

  • Noble Dust

    The Mosel wine region is home to the steepest slopes with vine plantings in the world; some of the worst vineyard accidents occur there.

    Please tell me you drank some Mosel riesling while you were there.
  • T Clark

    Pretty amazing. The most beautiful part is when they are unfurling.
  • T Clark
    The Mosel wine region is home to the steepest slopes with vine plantings in the world; some of the worst vineyard accidents occur there.

    Please tell me you drank some Mosel riesling while you were there.
    Noble Dust

    The slopes were amazing - almost 45%. There were old men 100 feet up the slopes cultivating and picking grapes. They had small monorails to transport people up the slopes and people and grapes down. I didn't take a picture, so here's one I got off the web. Probably not Germany.

  • T Clark
    Please tell me you drank some Mosel riesling while you were there.Noble Dust

    As I said in my post - Ich mochte einen trockenen Weißwein, Bitte. I would like a dry white wine please.
  • TheMadFool
    Pretty amazing.T Clark

    Glad you liked it.(Y)
  • Noble Dust

    I'm glad you enjoyed some dry Mosel riesling, but the secret is that German riesling runs the gamut from bone dry to dessert-level sweetness, and, from a good producer, they're all world-class wines. It just takes a little bit of homework to decipher the labels.
  • T Clark
    I'm glad you enjoyed some dry Mosel riesling, but the secret is that German riesling runs the gamut from bone dry to dessert-level sweetness, and, from a good producer, they're all world-class wines. It just takes a little bit of homework to decipher the labels.Noble Dust

    The wine we drank was from the grapes growing right near where we were. No labels. No choices. Just Weiswine - troken or susse (dry or sweet). Dry was not real dry, which is the way I like white wine.
  • Noble Dust
    Dry was not real dry, which is the way I like white wine.T Clark

    Ah yes, the beauty of German wine. Trocken is a loose term.
  • TimeLine
    Your photos of Italy made me think about the trip to Europe I made with my brother in 2014. On the trip, after 10 days together, sharing rooms most nights, I found out that, after 67 years of being brothers, it turns out we are also friends. Whoda thunkit.T Clark

    It also took me 10 days in Italy to become friends with me. It is those memorable stories, the relationship between you and the experience that makes something beautiful. The rug you liked, the orange bowl, these are fragments of your existence that I am thankful you are sharing, an image with an essence. I find that abovementioned statement beautiful.

    When I was younger, I went on a school excursion to the rainforest and the smell of the wet ferns remains pierced into my senses that till this day I love trekking through rainforest. I loved going on school excursions as a child (and excursions as an adult!); I remember going on one and seeing a giant opal encased in a stone. Till this day, I am entranced by opal gemstones.


  • Sunshine Sami
    I wonder how much a role composition plays in the way we view beauty....
  • Noble Dust

    Why not wonder about the role perception plays in the way we view beauty?
  • TimeLine
    What guys do to get the girl :D
  • TheMadFool
    What guys do to get the girlTimeLine

    I know...:D
  • T Clark
    When I was younger, I went on a school excursion to the rainforest and the smell of the wet ferns remains pierced into my senses that till this day I love trekking through rainforest. I loved going on school excursions as a child (and excursions as an adult!); I remember going on one and seeing a giant opal encased in a stone. Till this day, I am entranced by opal gemstones.TimeLine

    My wife and two eldest children went to Europe in the late 1980s to visit my brother and his wife who were working there. We went to Paris, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. The Netherlands is wonderful. A country built by engineers. Civil engineers. I still think about that trip all the time. It's like a bank account. Everything's stored away but right there whenever I want it.

    My family went to Rehoboth Beach Delaware on our summer vacations for about 10 years. That's about 45 minutes from the town I grew up in. Atlantic Ocean beach with waves and a boardwalk. French fries, greasy subs, ice cream. Then my kids got older and my wife didn't want to make the 8-hour trip any more, so for the last 6 or 7 we've gone to Cape Cod. Much more quaint than Rehoboth. No boardwalk. Great fried scallops though. No waves at the beach though. What's the point of a beach if you don't get knocked down?

    I have all those memories stored. They get jumbled up and mixed together - Which year was that? I think vacations are as much for later as they are for when you're there.
  • T Clark
    I hope everyone will be tolerant of what is becoming, if not an obsession, at least a preoccupation for me. As I think people can tell, I find this thread deeply satisfying. I keep thinking of more things I want to hold up and show people. Show myself. This process has made a dramatic change in my understanding of what beauty is. Beauty is signaled by this feeling I get - peace draping itself over my shoulders, a weight, fullness in my chest. No, @Bitter Crank, I'm not having a heart attack.

    These are glasses I bought for my daughter as a Christmas present year before last. Now I've bought them for everyone I can think of. When I look at them, I can feel them in my hand, against my teeth and tongue. They're made of very thin glass.

  • Noble Dust
    What about music? This is, to me, one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've heard. The combination of logical progression of rhythmic structure plus the mysterious, emotional weight of the harmonies is..

  • Sunshine Sami
    Perhaps because somehow our perception of beauty always seems to be framed, somehow we seem to need a frame.
  • Noble Dust

    What do you mean by framed?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Svínafellsjökull behind Hotel Skaftafel photo by: Sean Parker
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