• Streetlight
    Richard Prum - The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin's Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World - And Us
    Jakob von Uexküll - A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans: With A Theory of Meaning
    Miguel Sicart - Play Matters
  • Streetlight
    Byung-Chul Han - The Agony of Eros
    Byung-Chul Han - Shanzhai: Deconstruction in Chinese

    A low period at work, so I'm tearing though some shorter works.
  • _db
    A Short History of Atheism by Gavin Hyman. Fascinating read.
  • Maw
    I've been reading Cioran's oeuvre in chronologically published order. Finished Tears and Saints a week ago and I'm nearly done with A Short History of Decay, which I've long considered his best and most well-written work.

    Also rereading The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. Haven't read it since 2011
  • Shawn
    Utopia for Realists: The Case for a Universal Basic Income, Open Borders, and a 15-hour Workweek by Rutger Bregman

    Just finished it actually.
  • Streetlight
    Whaddya think? Sway you on UBI any?
  • Shawn
    Whaddya think? Sway you on UBI any?StreetlightX

    Very persuasive, eloquent, and factual. Couldn't ask for a better book on UBI.
  • Streetlight
    Andreas Wagner - Arrival of the Fittest: How Nature Innovates
    Ernest Cline - Ready Player One (first fiction book in... months)
  • Noble Dust
    Memoirs Found In A Bathtub - Stanislaw Lem

    This is some almost-black-comedy/surrealist/horror 1984 shit. Really different; barely even sci-fi.
  • Pierre-Normand
    A few interesting things that I am reading or have read this year. Sorry for the bad formatting of references; this is copied from a wikidPad page ('personal wiki'):

    2018 February

    Walsh Denis M Mechanism, Emergence, and Miscibility: The Autonomy of Evo-Devo
    (in Functions: selection and mechanisms, Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science vol. 363)
    2018-02-03 (currently reading)

    Moreno Alvaro (with Xabier Barandiaran) Adaptivity: From Metabolism to Behavior (2008)
    2018-02-03 (currently reading)

    2018 January

    Bechtel William (with Adele Abrahamsen) Mental Mechanisms, Autonomous Systems, and Moral Agency

    Lennox James G Darwin was a Teleologist (1993)

    A theory of biological relativity: no privileged level of causation

    Collins Arthur W The Nature of Mental Things (1986)
    2018-01-26 (Second reading of chapter 6: Action and Teleology)

    Noble Denis Evolution beyond neo-Darwinism: a new conceptual framework

    Bechtel William Explicating Top-Down Causation Using Networks and Dynamics (2016)

    Bateson Patrick The Nest’s Tale: A reply to Richard Dawkins

    Glenberg Arthur M (with Justin Hayes) Contribution of Embodiment to Solving the Riddle of Infantile Amnesia (2016)

    Sterelny Kim The Evolved Apprentice: How Evolution Made Humans Unique (2012)
    2018-01-20 (first two chapters)

    Hacker PMS Shame, Embarrassment, and Guilt
    Chapter 6 in The Passions: A Study of Human Nature Wiley-Blackwell (2017)
    2018-01-19 (unfinished reading)

    Sterelny Kim Dawkins Vs. Gould: Survival of the Fittest (2001)

    David Cole's review of The Evolved Apprentice

    Costall Alan From Direct Perception to the Primacy of Action: A Closer Look at James Gibson’s Ecological Approach to Psychology
    (Chapter 3 in Theories of Infant Development, Gavin Bremner & Alan Slater eds, 2004)

    A Piecewise Aggregation of (Some) Philosophers' and Biologists' Perspectives (review of Re-engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings by Isabella Sarto-Jackson1, Miles MacLeod, Stephan Handschuh, Christoph Frischer, Julia Lang, Martin Schlumpp and Werner Callebaut)

    Wimsatt William C Re-engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings (2007)
    2018-01-10 (first 14 pages only)

    Estany Anna (with Sergio Martínez) “Scaffolding” and “affordance” as integrative concepts in the cognitive sciences (2013)

    Wiegman Isaac Angry Rats and Scaredy Cats Lessons from Competing Cognitive Homologies (2016)
  • Pierre-Normand
    Here are also most of my readings from last year, since February 2017 when I began reading and annotating pdf files mostly on my smartphone :

    2017 December

    SterelnyK Artifacts, Symbols, Thoughts

    CostallA The 'Meme' Meme Revisited
    (Chapter 4 in Epistemological Dimensions of Evolutionary Psychology, Thiemo Breyer, Ed. 2015)

    MenaryR Cognitive integration, enculturated cognition and the socially extended mind (2013)

    SmitH Darwin’s Rehabilitation of Teleology Versus Williams’ Replacement of Teleology by Natural Selection (2011)
    2017-12-01 (approximative date)

    2017 November

    KirchhoffMD Extended Cognition & the Causal-Constitutive Fallacy: In Search for a Diachronic and Dynamical Conception of Constitution (2015)

    PankseppJ (with Biven) The Archaeology of Mind
    2017-11-28 (unfinished reading)

    DennettD A Difference That Makes a Difference _Edge.org_
    2017-11-17 (A conversation with Daniel Dennett)

    GiuntiM (Simone Pinna) Toward a dynamical theory of human computation
    2017-11-17 (unfinished reading)

    PankseppJ (with peer commentaries in B&BS) Toward a general psychobiological theory of emotions
    2017-11-13 (unfinished reading)

    StoffregenTA Affordances Are Enough: Reply to Chemero et al.
    2017-11-09 (First section only)

    HackerPMS The Conceptual Framework for the Investigation of Emotions
    (in Emotions and Understanding Wittgensteinian Perspectives, Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla Kronqvist and Michael McEachrane eds (2009)

    HackerPMS (with BennettM) Criminal Law as It Pertains to Patients Suffering from Psychiatric Diseases 2011

    HardcastleVG (with C. Matthew Stewart) What Do Brain Data Really Show? (2002)

    CostallA Socializing Affordances (1995)

    WellsAJ Cognitive Science and the Turing Machine: an Ecological Perspective
    in Alan Turing_ Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2004)

    WellsAJ Gibson’s Affordances and Turing’s Theory of Computation
    2017-11-19 (partially read)

    WilsonRA Boundaries of the Mind: The Individual in the Fragile Sciences (2004)
    2017-11-20 (Second reasing of some sections)

    BarrettL Beyond the Brain: How Body and Environment Shape Animal and Human Minds (2011)

    BechtelW Explanation: Mechanism, Modularity, and Situated Cognition

    RollsET (with peer commentaries in B&BS) Précis of The brain and emotion
    2017-11-13 (unfinished reading)

    SmitH Inclusive Fitness Theory and the Evolution of Mind
    and Language (2016)

    SandelMJ Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do (2010)
    2017-11-07 (chapter 9)

    2017 October

    CostallA From Darwin to Watson (and Cognitivism) and Back Again: The Principle of Animal-Environment Mutuality (2004)

    BarrettLF The Future of Psychology: Connecting Mind to Brain (2010)

    SmitH Popper and Wittgenstein on the Metaphysics
    of Experience (2015)

    RollsET Emotion and decision making explained (2013)
    2017-10-19 (read some sections only)

    SmitH The Social Evolution of Human Nature: From Biology to Language (2014)

    ScrutonR My Brain and I (2014)

    PankseppJ How to Undress the Affective Mind An Interview with Jaak Panksepp

    LoveAC Hierarchy, causation and explanation: ubiquity, locality and pluralism
    2017-10-05 (must reread)

    LanceM (with WhiteWH) Stereoscopic Vision Persons, Freedom, and Two Spaces of Material Inference

    HackerPMS (with BennettM) Chapter 7 on emotions, in Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience
    2017-09-28 (second reading)

    BoullierDG Le danger du "débat" lancé par Bronner et Gehin sur les sociologies (2017)

    2017 September

    PankseppJ Exchange with BarrettLF and IzardCE:

    1- BarrettLF Are Emotions Natural Kinds (2006)

    2a- PankseppJ Neurologizing the Psychology of Affecs (2007)

    2b- IzardCE Basic Emotions, Natural Kinds, Emotion Schemas, and a New Paradigm (2007)
    2017-09-26 (unfinished reading)

    3- BarrettLF et al. Of Mice and Men: A Response to Panksepp and Izard (2007)

    4- PankseppJ Cognitive Conceptualism - Where Have All the Affects Gone (2008)

    5- BarrettLF & LindquistKA Corrections to Panksepp (2008)

    IsmaelJ Interview by Andres Lomena Cantos about How Physics Makes Us Free

    IsmaelJ Freedom and Determinism, chapter 5 in How Physics Makes Us Free

    IsmaelJ From Physical Time to Human Time, chapter 6 in How Physics Makes Us Free

    IsmaelJ Decision and the Open Future, chapter 8 in Adrian Bardon (ed.) The Future of the Philosophy of Time - Routledge (2011)

    BarrettLF (With Kristen A Lindquist) A functional architecture of the human brain: emerging insights from the science of emotion (2012)

    BlackmanR Why Compatibilists Need Alternative Possibilities (2015)

    AlbertDZ Time and Chance (2008)
    Chapter 6: The Asymmetries of Knowledge and Intervention

    KhooJ Backtracking counterfactuals, revisited

    MenziesP The Consequence Argument Disarmed: An Interventionist Perspective
    in Beebee, Hitchcock, Price (eds) Making a difference: Essays on the philosophy of causation - OUP (2017)

    PankseppJ (workshop with Stephen Asma, Glennon Curran, Rami Gabriel & Thomas Greif) The Philosophical Implications of Affective Neuroscience (2010)

    RestallG A cut-free sequent system for two-dimensional modal logic, and why it matters (2010)

    2017 August

    ShafferJ Causal Contextualism
    2017-08-28 Chapter 2 in BlauuwM (ed) Contrastivism in Philosophy

    SinnottArmstrongW Free Contrastivism
    Chapter 7 in BlauuwM (ed) Contrastivism in Philosophy

    SmallW Practical Knowledge and the Structure of Action
    Chapter in Abel & Conant eds. Rethinking Epistemology Volume 2 (2012)

    HitchcockC Contrastive Explanation
    2017-08-25 Chapter 1 in BlauuwM (ed) Contrastivism in Philosophy

    HornsbyJ A Disjunctive Conception of Acting for Reasons
    Chapter 10 in Macpherson and Haddock ed. Disjunctivism: Action, Perception, Knowledge
    2017-08-04 (second reading)

    HornsbyJ Knowledge How in Philosophy of Action (2017)

    BlauuwM (ed) Contrastivism in Philosophy - Routledge (2013)
    2017-08-31 Introduction

    FrostK Action as the exercise of a two-way power
    2017-08-18 Second reading

    2017 July

    ClarkeR Dispositions, Abilities to Act, and Free Will: The New Dispositionalism - clarke2009

    SmallW Agency and Practical Abilities

    SøvikAO (partial reading) Free Will, Causality and the Self

    SmithM Rational Capacities, or: How to Distinguish Recklessness, Weakness, and Compulsion
    Chapter 1 in Stroud & Tappolet eds. Weakness of Will and Practical Irrationality OUP (2003)

    TuckerC Agent Causation and the Alleged Impossibility of Rational Free Action

    VihvelinK Free Will Demystified: A Dispositional Account

    WallerBN A Metacompatibilist Account of Free Will, Making Compatibilists and Incompatibilists More Compatible

    StewardH Action as Downward Causation

    KannistoT Freedom as a Kind of Causality

    MarcusE (second reading) Events and States
    Chapter 5 in Rational Causation HUP (2012)

    LeviDonS The Trouble with Harry

    2017 June

    RankinWK Ifs as Labels on Cans

    Carl Ginet's review of Rankin's Choice and Chance

    SchmidtJH Newcomb's Paradox Realized with Backward Causation

    SpohnW Reversing 30 years of discussion: why causal decision theorists should one-box

    RottschaeferWA The Biology and Psychology of Moral Agency
    Chapter 7: The neurophysiological bases of moral capacities: Does neurophysiology have room for moral agents?

    SainsburyRM Paradoxes CUP (Section on Newcomb's Probelm)

    AyersMR Reviews of The Refutation of Determinism by

    Elizabeth Telfer (review of TROD)

    John W Yolton (review of TROD)

    K W Rankin (review of TROD)

    Curd's review of Freedom From Necessity: The Metaphysical Basis of Responsibility

    John Martin Fischer's of Freedom From Necessity

    Widerker and Katzoff's review of Freedom From Necessity

    Mark Ravizza's review of Freedom From Necessity

    MayrE (Erasmus) Understanding Human Agency OUP (2011)
    2017-06-22 to 2017-07-18

    Stewart Goetz's review of Understanding Human Agency

    CraigWL Divine Foreknowledge and Newcomb's Paradox
    (Only re-read the beginning on 2017-06-08 but found references therein to interesting one-boxing papers by GrandyRE and GalloisA)

    FaraM Masked Abilities and Compatibilism (2008)

    SpohnW Reversing 30 years of discussion: why causal decision theorists should one-box

    SobelJH Critical Notice John Martin Fischer, The Metaphysics of Free Will

    SobelJH Puzzles for the Will, chaper 2 -- Predicted Choices
    2017-06-04 (About Newcomb's problem)

    MenziesP (with Huw Price) Causation as a Secondary Quality (1993)
    2017-06-02 (unfinished reading)

    NoonanHW Two-Boxing is Irrational

    RobertsonLH The infected self: Revisiting the metaphor of the mind virus (2017)

    GrandyRE What the Well-Wisher didn't Know

    GalloisA How Not to Make a Newcomb Choice

    BurgessS The Newcomb Problem: an Unqualified Rresolution (2004)

    AltshulerR Character, Will, and Agency

    BishopJ Is Agent-Causation a Conceptual Primitive

    2017 May

    VargasM Precis of Building Better Beings

    Tamler Sommers' review of Building Better Beings
    2017-05-16 (To be revised; the NDR of his book BBB seems to be missing the first part)

    Desert, responsibility, and justification: a reply to Doris, McGeer, and Robinson
    2017-05-17 (Incomplete reading)

    MumfordS (with AnjumRL) Freedom and Control: On the Modality of Free Will

    (with AnjumRL) Getting Causes from Powers (2011)
    2017-05-15 (second reading, first chapter)

    Powers, Non-Consent and Freedom

    ThalosM The gulf between practical and theoretical reason
    2017-05-25 (Incomplete reading)

    (Also read two reviews of her book: Without Hierarchy, 2017-05-24)

    ListC Non-Reductive Physicalism and the Limits of the Exclusion Principle

    Free Will, Determinism, and the Possibility of Doing Otherwise

    What's wrong with the consequence argument

    DorisJM Doing without (arguing about) desert
    2017-05-16 (Comment about Vargas' Building Better Beings)

    McGeerV Building a better theory of responsibility
    (Comment on Vargas' Building Better Beings)

    MerricksT Against the Doctrine of Microphysical Supervenience

    MooreD Supervenient Emergentism and Mereological Emergentism

    MeleAR Weakness of Will
    in 'Donald Davidson', Kirk Ludwig ed. (2003)

    BishopRC The Hidden Premise in the Causal Argument for Physicalism

    BalaguerM A Coherent, Naturalistic, and Plausible Formulation of Libertarian Free Will

    LavinD Action as a form of temporal unity: on Anscombe’s Intention

    RigatoMJ Reductionism, Agency and Free Will

    RigatoMJ The Agent as Her Self

    RobinsonM Revisionism, libertarianism, and naturalistic plausibility
    2017-05-16 (Comment on Vargas' Building Better Beings)

    SpeakD Review of Four Wiews on Free-Will in NDPR

    2017 April

    DeWallF Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved
    with Robert Wright, Christine M. Korsgaard, Philip Kitcher and Peter Singer, EDITED AND INTRODUCED BY Stephen Macedo and Josiah Ober (2006)

    Andrew McAninch's review of Primates and Philosophers

    Zed Adams' review of Primates and Philosophers

    Wade L. Robison's review of Primates and Philosophers

    AllaisL Manifest Reality: Kant’s Idealism and his Realism
    Chapter 3: Things in Themselves Without Noumena

    BainJ Emergence in Effective Field Theories

    CrowtherK Decoupling emergence and reduction in physics (2013)

    GlymourC Android Epistemology for Babies: Reflection on Words, Thoughts and Theories (2000)

    KlaymanJ (with Young-Won Ha) Confirmation, Disconfirmation, and Information in Hypothesis Testing (1987)

    StanovichKE (with Richard F. West and Maggie E. Toplak) Intelligence and Rationality (Chapter 39 in the Cambridge Hanbook of Intelligence) (2011)

    HaackS Just Say "No" to Logical Negativism
    chapter 12 in Putting Philosophy to Work: Inquiry and its Place in Culture

    2017 March

    WeinbergS Reductionism Redux
    Chapter 10 in Facing Up: Science and its Cultural Adversaries

    GroffRP Agents, Powers and Events: Humeanism and the Free Will Debate
    Chapter 6 in Ontology Revisited Metaphysics in Social and Political Philosophy (2012)

    GroffRP Sublating the free will problematic: powers, agency and causal determination (2016)

    GroffRP Causal Mechanisms and the Philosophy of Causation (2016)

    BauerN A Peculiar Intuition: Kant's Conceptualist Account of Perception (2012)

    BauerN Kant's Subjective Deduction

    BitbolM (with Pierre Kerszberg and Jean Petitot eds) Constituting Objectivity: Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics (2009)
    2017-03-26 (or earlier)

    BitbolM Decoherence and the Constitution of Objectivity
    in Constituting Objectivity: Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics (2009)
    2017-03-26 (or earlier)

    DeutshD Constructor theory (2013)
    2017-03-16 (incomplete reading)

    MayrErnst Analysis or Reductionism
    Chapter 10 in What Makes Biology Unique? Considerations on the autonomy of a scientific discipline (2004)

    MacbethD Responses to Brassier Redding and Wolfsdorf (2017)
    (response to comments on her book Realizing Reason)

    RödlS Roedl Law as the Reality of the Free Will

    BonioloG Chapter 9 - Laws of Nature: The Kantian Approach (2009)
    in Constituting Objectivity: Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics
    2017-03-26 (or earlier)

    HarréR Chapter 6: The Transcendental Domain of Physics (2009)
    in Constituting Objectivity Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics
    2017-03-26 (or earlier)

    KauarkLeiteP Chapter 10: The Transcendental Role of the Principle of Anticipations of Perception in Quantum Mechanics (2009)
    in Constituting Objectivity Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics
    2017-03-26 (or earlier)

    2017 February

    BitbolM Quantum Mechanics as Generalised Theory of Probabilities (2014)

    EarleyJE Three Concepts of Chemical Closure and their Epistemological Significance (2010)

    EllisG How Can Physics Underlie the Mind: Top-Down Causation in the Human
    Context (2014)
    2017-02-11 (First chapter: Complexity and Emergence)

    FeserE From Aristotle to John Searle and Back Again: Formal Causes, Teleology, and Computation in Nature (2016)

    HarréR (with Steen Brock) Nature’s affordances and formation length:
    The ontology of quantum physical experiments (2016)

    PihlströmS Kant and Pragmatism
    2017-02-24 (skipped third section)
  • Streetlight
    Aaah so much interesting looking stuff here! Got a top 3?


    Elizabeth Grosz - Time Travels: Feminism, Nature, Power (rereading)
    Elizabeth Grosz - Becoming Undone: Darwinian Reflections on Life, Politics, and Art
  • Pierre-Normand
    Aaah so much interesting looking stuff here! Got a top 3?StreetlightX

    Selecting only three would be tough but I'll limit myself to the five items that I judged to be outstanding. As you may guess, I've been quite impressed with Alan Costall who I only discovered recently thanks to Louise Barrett having referenced him in her book Beyond the Brain: How Body and Environment Shape Animal and Human Minds.


    Bitbol Michel, Decoherence and the Constitution of Objectivity
    in Constituting Objectivity: Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics (2009)

    Bauer Nathan, A Peculiar Intuition: Kant's Conceptualist Account of Perception (2012)

    Costall Alan, From Darwin to Watson (and Cognitivism) and Back Again: The Principle of Animal-Environment Mutuality (2004)

    Costall Alan, The 'Meme' Meme Revisited
    (Chapter 4 in Epistemological Dimensions of Evolutionary Psychology, Thiemo Breyer, Ed. 2015)

    Costall Alan, From Direct Perception to the Primacy of Action: A Closer Look at James Gibson’s Ecological Approach to Psychology
    (Chapter 3 in Theories of Infant Development, Gavin Bremner & Alan Slater eds, 2004)
  • Maw
    Has there been any interesting trends/developments in philosophy within the last few years? Speculative realism (while not a movement per say), produced some interesting philosophers, but nothing interesting has come out of it in several years, least not on my radar. Looking to start something fresh and novel.
  • Agustino
    Any good book of comparative religion between Christianity and Buddhism? (I am mostly interesting in something that has a philosophical side to it, mostly from the Thomist perspective) Thanks.
  • SpacedOut
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus and Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception. Also, Stephen King'sFrom a Buick 8 which is about a magical car that poops out cabbage-smelling aliens.
  • Noble Dust
    The Transmigration of Timothy Archer - Philip K Dick ... :-#
    Prologemena To Any Future Metaphysics - Kant
    The End Of Our Time - Berdyaev
  • Agustino
    Prologemena To Any Future Metaphysics - KantNoble Dust
    Awww, poor you, you just spent some hours reading a text that may not be relevant anymore in light of non-Euclidean geometry ;)
  • Noble Dust

    I read in several places that it was a good intro to the Critique of Pure Reason, and since I have a lot of other stuff to read, I figured it would be a good crash course, and then I'll get to the Critique in the future. No?
  • Agustino
    I read in several places that it was a good intro to the Critique of Pure Reason, and since I have a lot of other stuff to read, I figured it would be a good crash course, and then I'll get to the Critique in the future. No?Noble Dust
    My comment was more tongue-in-cheek with reference to this thread:

    Having read both, I don't particularly think the Prolegomena is better than the Critique to start with, though many have thought that. I think the Critique is quite thorough if you go slowly - Kant explains how he uses his terms throughout. I personally found the Prolegomena more confusing than not, and personally, I found the Critique harder, not easier to understand afterwards, since I had some judgements based on the Prolegomena that ended up being erroneous in light of the Critique.
  • Noble Dust

    Fair enough, noted. The intro to my copy outlines exactly where to go to get the gist of the Critique, so I'll follow that. I just don't have time for the Critique right now, my interests are too broad.
  • Agustino
    Fair enough, noted. The intro to my copy outlines exactly where to go to get the gist of the Critique, so I'll follow that. I just don't have time for the Critique right now, my interests are too broad.Noble Dust
    Hmm, I see. Then you're more likely going to enjoy literature atm I think, since the Critique (and the Prolegomena pretty much) go step by step, discussing subject after subject in depth.

    Prolegomena goes straight to addressing how is mathematics possible, how is science possible and then how is metaphysics possible. That's it's structure, pretty much.

    The Critique explains this whole journey in a lot more detail and shows how it actually happens.
  • Noble Dust

    I'm interested in all of that, but I don't have time for it right now. I have enough discipline to get through the Prolegomena. But that's about it :P
  • fdrake
    Been reading through Jared Diamond's anthropological work, following it up with Debt by David Graeber. I think this is completing my late teenage Marxist deprogramming - better follow it up by finishing 'Society of the Spectacle' and making a thread about it.
  • Maw
    Evidence and Inquiry by Susan Haack
    History and Utopia by Cioran (rereading)
  • Shawn
    Rereading Nel Nodding's Happiness and Education.

    Oh, how I yearn for her philosophy of education to become manifest.
  • Pierre-Normand
    Evidence and Inquiry by Susan Haack
    History and Utopia by Cioran (rereading)

    I much enjoyed Haack's paper Just Say 'No' to Logical Negativism. I share her profound dissatisfaction with Popper's falsificationism. She seems to have already expressed some of her critical arguments against falsificationism in Evidence and Inquiry (I merely browsed it). A minor criticism that I may have is that she doesn't have a clear view of the possibility of a disjuctivist epistemology as a fallibilist alternative to falsificationism. She seems not to distinguish fallible epistemic grounds (or defeasible criteria, as they're also called), from fallible epistemic abilities. To be fair, almost everyone working in epistemology makes this unfortunate conflation.
  • Pierre-Normand
    Been reading through Jared Diamond's anthropological work, following it up with Debt by David Graeber. I think this is completing my late teenage Marxist deprogramming - better follow it up by finishing 'Society of the Spectacle' and making a thread about it.fdrake

    Thanks for drawing my attention to Graeber. If you've enjoyed Diamond's anthropological work (I've only read Guns, Germs and Steel, and maybe a couple chapters from The Third Chimpanzee), maybe you'll also find interesting Sterelny's The Evolved Apprentice, which I mentioned above. (I'm currently midway into the third chapter). It reaches deeper into the past than does Diamond's Guns but it articulates a conceptually overlapping framework for understanding the origins of culture.
  • fdrake

    It sounds good! Bah. I have so much to read.
  • Pierre-Normand
    I hear you. For each item that I read, ten more join my reading list. (I've learned in my probability theory class, though, that there is a way to add 10 new beads in a jar, and only draw one out at random, at each step, and end up with with an empty jar after countably infinitely many steps.)
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