• ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Road trip to see my son at college and bring him a tech care package.
    Sooooooooo excited to see him, get out of this town, even if just for a few hours.
  • deletedmemberwy
    Sounds fun! Hope you have a safe trip!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The quiet thread in the sea of debate. I wanted to let you know that on Easter I approached my Dad about his stuborness and he made it clear to me that he wants nothing to do with hospitals or Doctors. My feeling is, even as he gasps for air as we talk, that he is in fact chosing his way out, doing it his way.
    I will say that I won't ask him to do more to stay here but I will support him in what he chooses. I know that I couldn't have made it to this early position of acceptence without @Hanover @Bitter Crank @unenlightened @Sir2u @Agustino @Lone Wolf @TimeLine @T Clark
    From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely Thank you~
    My Way
  • Agustino
    From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely Thank you~ArguingWAristotleTiff
    No worries, glad I could have been of some help to you :)
  • deletedmemberwy
    Wish I could make it easier for you, it's so hard.
  • Sir2u
    Stay in the shade Tiff. Keep cool about the way life moves on, cus there ain't a damn thing you nor anyone else can do about it. Have a smiley. :smile:
  • TimeLine

    I am currently going through a process of applying philosophy into the real world, moving up professionally and teaching myself to better myself. I have never felt so at peace, months have passed and not a moment of anger or sadness, just peace. This Friday, I am meeting up with my mother who did quite a lot of wrong to me as a way to learn how to apply forgiveness for wounds that are very deep, because forgiveness is something that you give as is love. Authenticity is simply a way of thinking.

    We love you :love: This place wouldn't be the same with you floating around sharing the spaced-out sexiness that is you. But I am almost certain that you are even more caring and kind in reality since places like this really never do a person justice, so I can imagine how much you mean to your family and your dad. I wish him peace.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    @Sir2u As always, I can find shade in the middle of the desert, Thank you my friend~
    @Lone Wolf Thank you for your wish~
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I am currently going through a process of applying philosophy into the real world, moving up professionally and teaching myself to better myself. I have never felt so at peace, months have passed and not a moment of anger or sadness, just peace. This Friday, I am meeting up with my mother who did quite a lot of wrong to me as a way to learn how to apply forgiveness for wounds that are very deep, because forgiveness is something that you give as is love. Authenticity is simply a way of thinking.

    We love you :love: This place wouldn't be the same with you floating around sharing the spaced-out sexiness that is you. But I am almost certain that you are even more caring and kind in reality since places like this really never do a person justice, so I can imagine how much you mean to your family and your dad. I wish him peace.

    Thank you for your wishes for my Dad, I am forever grateful. :hearts:

    Healing the child within in one of the hardest things to face but I have a feeling you will do so with the grace and authenticity of the woman you have become. You are likely to shock her with all that you are, all that is before you and the wonderful life you now have.

    Forgive? Yes. Forget? If you can figure out how, please let me know. The closest I got was compartmentalizing my past, taking the strength of character that it built within me and place that chapter of my life, on a shelf, tied with a bow, ready to be pulled down if necessary but I have never felt the need to do so. Every so often I catch myself making sure that chapter is still there, maybe to remind myself of the strength I needed to get through that and come out a smiling and loving person. I have a feeling you will see more of the beautiful person you already are~
  • TimeLine
    Forgive? Yes. Forget? If you can figure out how, please let me know. The closest I got was compartmentalizing my past, taking the strength of character that it built within me and place that chapter of my life, on a shelf, tied with a bow, ready to be pulled down if necessary but I have never felt the need to do so. Every so often I catch myself making sure that chapter is still there, maybe to remind myself of the strength I needed to get through that and come out a smiling and loving person. I have a feeling you will see more of the beautiful person you already are~ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Some nights while curled in bed, you remember something, a harsh comment made against you from a person that you love and a part of your heart feels torn away and lost from that loneliness that only your tears anaesthetises. It is those nights where memories can feel unforgivable, but that is the reason for forgiveness. It is something that you give, a giveness and it takes a great deal of strength and even a greater deal of courage to accept that memory, to accept that person. That epitomises what it means to give love and not when this love is reciprocated.

    I only had a hard time with forgiveness because I wanted others to change, to improve, to acknowledge their wrong doing because I loved them and wanted to be with them, but it is impossible to be in the presence of those that never acknowledge their own wrong doing, on the contrary, they will happily lie to themselves and others in denial that they have done any wrong. Forgiveness is thus an acceptance and the tears are really just a dream, a wish for something you can never have.

    So much love right now :fire:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I have had you on my mind and I just wanted to wish you strength and inner peace as you engage tomorrow. :hearts:
  • TimeLine
    You remembered :cry: Thank you, much needed as it has been on my mind all day.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I think you will impress yourself with how much you have grown and how much has stayed the same. If I were near you, there would be a container of Hagen Daz Chocolate ice cream on ice and a single Star Gazer Lily surrounded by greenery and baby's breath. Be well, stay strong and remember, you have changed and if you like who you are, then any problems another may have with you, is their problem, not yours.
  • deletedmemberwy
    Is it possible to die of a broken heart?
  • Hanover
    Yes, but there will be a resurrection. You'll rise again.
  • deletedmemberwy
    Hope so, cuz it sure doesn't feel like it now.
  • Hanover
    Tell us your woes. It feels better to talk about it. It really does. I'll pour the wine, the shot, the beer, you name it.
  • Hanover
    This place is a damn love in lately.
  • deletedmemberwy
    Lol. Summed up it is just a simple childish heartbreak. Thought I loved him, but oh well.
  • Hanover
    It's not childish at all.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    @Lone Wolf
    {{{{{LoneWolf}}}} I am not sure there is something simple about any heartbreak. What made you realize you didn't love him?
  • deletedmemberwy
    It's a long story. :sad: I think I still do, to be honest, but it isn't reasonable to do so. I have to get rid of these emotions. Once a lone wolf, always a lone wolf.
  • Sir2u
    Someone, please tell a joke or something.

    We cannot let the last word be a sad one.

  • deletedmemberwy
    *fakes something happy* close enough? Lol
  • Hanover
    Yeah, if you didn't love him, you wouldn't be heartbroken.

    That lying sociopath son of a bitch.

    No one fucks with Lone Wolf and just walks away like lalala nothing happened.

    Am I right?
  • deletedmemberwy
    He is still a good man. Has faults like everyone else does. Nothing anyone can do, so this is the way things have to be. Hurts, but oh well.
  • TimeLine
    How did things go?ArguingWAristotleTiff

    It went really well, I am surprised at how empowered I feel. :strong: I welcomed conversations about the past, holding firm to never blaming her but rather articulating in my gentle way all that I have experienced over the last several years. She felt sad for me, which is unusual because she was never the type to care (crocodile tears) but I had gone through so much that it really stopped her, before explaining my improvements in work and study. She told me she admired me. People can change and it is simply time for me to grow up.

    My sister was there too and we got on really well. She is an anthropologist and is married to an American who is a keen hiker and we're both very close in age so we clicked well. I am taking everything slow but I think wounds are healing and it really shows my solid improvement as a person.
  • S
    I really don't wanna go to work. FML. When are they going to replace us with robots? But then I might be out of a job, which would be worse. Although, I might be out of a job before long anyway.

    Feels inappropriate to comment in the Shoutbox now, and in here it feels like I've invaded Tiff's territory. Although it's actually Hanover's thread.


    Now I have less time to get ready for work. Why do I do this? :lol:

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