• CasKev
    I never thought I'd say this, but... I kind of miss 'Rich'. Anyone know why he got banned?
  • S
    I don't miss him. He was very annoying (which I realise is - for lack of a better word - rich coming from me. :grin: ). Didn't notice that he got banned though. But he did post a lot rubbish. He struck me as quite fanatically anti-science, and he had a bad habit of fallaciously appealing to ridicule without saying anything of substance. Other times he would say something shallow or nonsensical with the apparent intention for it to be taken seriously, as something deep and meaningful.
  • TimeLine
    We all do post game analysis because we want to know what went wrong, but sometimes you realize the game was lost for so many reasons, it's hard to really isolate any one thing. And it's actually easier to lose for a thousand reasons than just one bad play, where you sit around wondering "what if" I hadn't made that one blunder. You guys weren't compatible because your values were different, your communication styles were different, your ambitions were different, and it sounds like you were a whole lot smarter than him.

    But love is indiscriminate and you fell for Hotty McHotty and got a bit battered, but you're better for it now.

    There are a number of post-game regrets that I have, despite the entirety of the problem being caused by him. One predominant flaw on my side was that I took the advice from others who told me he was crazy and gave me tips to try and get rid of him, which just made me look really bad. They saw in him a pretty strong attachment and suggested the best thing to do was present myself in a way that would put him off so that he can leave willingly. I regret listening to others, because I know that despite his overwhelming flaws, we actually were compatible. I hid all of that, the joker that I am, the traditional person that I am, the intelligence etc. I genuinely believed at one point from what others were telling me that he was going to hurt me and so I closed the door to his initial knocking (or banging I should say) until I later figured out that all I needed to do was control the situation. By the time I opened the door and tried to trust the situation, he was in the shadows, behind the fucking trees or whatever.

    A man in my current job recently started this whole flirt game with me despite being in a relationship and I was phenomenally brutal in my honesty against his behaviour right at the beginning that he backed off very quickly and has since shown me nothing but respect. There is nothing wrong with flirting with your partner or when the conditions are right, but I realised that I have a lot of integrity in my own person, that I am not someone's plaything or mistress or side woman, that virtue and honour actually mean something to me so no man will ever be able to cross that line with me. In a way, I am proud that despite Hotty McHotty being ridiculously sexy, despite him having that strange power over me, I was on the flip-side still strong enough not to allow him to take away my virtue and honour. That is why I know that I love myself, because I respect who I am. But I do regret presenting myself as someone that I am not, although it came from a place that only wanted to protect me.

    Yeah, it looks like you guys had a major communication break down. That's frustrating even with people you remotely like, much more someone you really want to be with.Hanover



    Where is your imagination? Tools are sometimes required to achieve desired outcomes, no?

    Why not hold a placard that says "The sky is blue" as well, considering you wish to inform the Israelis of the obvious. Oh, and thanks for the invite. I had to wash my hair that day anyway so couldn't have made it anyway.Hanover

    Do you like Israel or something? Shampooing your hair is of vital importance to your grooming regime, let's not forget, but hey, you are welcome to hang out with us and our chic, trendy Tel Avivian brahs.

    I don't want to divert too much, but I do believe the distinctions between men and women go beyond the simple anatomical. You sort of conceded it above where you asked for more understanding by men regarding how they treated women. Men and women are each screwy in the own weird ways, but I am so aware of the magical Spidey sense that women have, I often watch their reactions to see what I'm missing, much like you notice your dog when its ears perk up.Hanover

    You are still wrong, sorry, I am not going to agree with you. Think about those women who are consistently abused by their partners and yet continue to 'love' them as they remain in the relationship despite being treated like dirt. There are also very manipulative women who advantageously use men for personal gain and men who only use women for sex alone as though she were a commodity. The differences between men and women in some instances are perhaps the ease for a woman to remain monogamous comparatively, which is clearly seen in homosexual communities where gay men seem to run rampant whereas gay women form long-term relationships (not to say either cannot do one or the other, but predominantly). Why do you think religion is full of male prophets? Because men were the one's that needed the information.

    Some women, and I hope to class myself in this category, are independent, intuitive and loving and they simply want to find a person who stands equal to them. If you are not like that and you meet someone who is, you will think she is magical. It's like calling someone holy just because they are good people. They are not holy. A psychoanalyst may help you find out things about you that you never knew, but that does not make them have some magical Spidey sense, all they are doing is holding a mirror. Women are holding that mirror to make you see yourself better, but men are also holding that mirror. You are stupid and you happened to meet someone who isn't.
  • Hanover
    There are a number of post-game regrets that I have, despite the entirety of the problem being caused by him.TimeLine

    Alright, some new facts provided by you, so some revisions of sorts by me:

    You were not above it. You were down in it. You did stupid shit to him. He did stupid shit to you. You listened to your friends to manipulate responses by him. He likely did the same to manipulate behavior from you. You noticed the artificiality of his behavior. He likely noticed the same of yours.

    You regret the games you played, but despise the games he played. You blame him for all that went wrong, yet you describe wrong behavior on your part.

    Don't worry, I'm not saying you were equals. You invested, threw yourself in it, bounced all around in the chaos of the turbulence. You loved him in this painful suicidal way. You were genuinely living life, hacking away the best you could with some degree of acknowledged ineptitude to find happiness. But not him. He didn't crash and burn. He bounced around with you, but where you were fighting, he was just along for the playful ride, maybe even smirking. Your intuition keeps telling you he didn't care about you, and that's why. You felt yourself struggling, crying, yearning and he just rode the roller coaster with his hands in the air enjoying the ride.

    So, am I retracting my prior comment that he did care about you, despite all your intuitions telling you that he did not? I would, given these new comments by you, but for this one seemingly terribly inconsistent comment slipped in: "
    I regret listening to others, because I know that despite his overwhelming flaws, we actually were compatible.TimeLine

    Now I understand your regret. As I noted, a team that loses by 10 goals doesn't look for that one thing that went wrong because there was a complete breakdown, but a team that loses in a tiebreaker will remember every small mistake that cost the game. You feel like there was a moment in time when you could have sent the message to him that you were serious because you feel like he was serious at one fleeting second before your self-doubt kicked in and you stopped listening to yourself but instead to your friends.

    Yeah, he wanted to hold your hand at first, maybe even later, but it got crazy too fast.
    Where is your imagination? Tools are sometimes required to achieve desired outcomes, no?TimeLine
    Hey Tiff, I think Timeline is talking about your rabbit thingy.
    You are still wrong, sorry, I am not going to agree with you. Think about those women who are consistently abused by their partners and yet continue to 'love' them as they remain in the relationship despite being treated like dirt.TimeLine

    I've not said that women make good decisions about the men they choose. I'm just saying that women's intuition is a thing.
    whereas gay women form long-term relationships (TimeLine
    The data shows that lesbian relationships last the shortest. http://www.thehomoarchy.com/lesbian-realtionships-are-significantly-less-stable-then-anyone-elses-why/

    From my own studies based upon a large number of films that I have reviewed, I have found the typical lesbian relationship lasts about five minutes, the participants are usually two or more very attractive women, and they are profoundly uninhibited, often allowing men to participate.
  • TimeLine
    He bounced around with you, but where you were fighting, he was just along for the playful ride, maybe even smirking. Your intuition keeps telling you he didn't care about you, and that's why. You felt yourself struggling, crying, yearning and he just rode the roller coaster with his hands in the air enjoying the ride.Hanover

    This really hurts, because I knew that but didn't want to believe it. I think he really did not care about me at all and all those games stemmed not from any feelings of affection but rather a deep hostility toward me for not giving him the sole thing that he wanted. I think that is why I was so sad, because I wanted to hold his hand and for him hold mine back, but he treated me in such a way as to make me feel afraid of him. I yearned for him to 'see me' and get to know the real me so that he may realise that bullying me was wrong, that I am a good person, but then I kept myself hidden and never showed him who I was because he was bullying me. Do you see the confusion he wrought? I felt ugly, small, afraid, and terribly sad and I tried everything I could to be friends with him, behaving in ways that I thought he may like while hiding who I really was. I also think that I needed to tell myself that his hostility stemmed from somewhere innocent and maybe that is what I still want to believe, but only to save myself from the hurt that someone I like didn't like me. He enjoyed his games and I needed him gone, I needed help from friends at that time because I was struggling with so many emotions I didn't understand - more than humanly possible - while dealing with him in the shadows. I needed other people to think for me because I was so helpless.

    I just liked him, that's all. I didn't do anything to deserve that and I blamed myself for so long as though something was wrong with me and that is why I got sick. I wished I was strong enough to see all this back then so that I could have prevented all that hurt by finding the empowerment to walk away from it all myself. And without any resentment, jealousy or hostility, I still do look at his life and see that while he may be having fun, I would be miserable in his shoes and can see why he would enjoy hurting someone like me to escape that life.

    Anyway, never again. Hold my hand?

    I'm just saying that women's intuition is a thing.Hanover

    Fair enough, but are you saying that men don't have intuition?

    Hey Tiff, I think Timeline is talking about your rabbit thingy.Hanover

    Is that the thing with the vacuum cleaner?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Hey Tiff, I think Timeline is talking about your rabbit thingy.Hanover

    Hanover! I told you the rabbit died!
    It was a sad day but he was given a proper send off before being replaced :joke:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Is that the thing with the vacuum cleaner?TimeLine

    Hmm no but interesting idea! :lol:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Word is, WORD is that we areone week away from my Mother In Laws departure.
    @jamalrob going....going....
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Oh and one of my God Son's is pursuing a degree in Fire Science and is working towards becoming a....wait for it.....a FIRE FIGHTER!
    :party: :party: :party:
    :kiss: Such a proud God Mother over here
  • Hanover
    Is that the thing with the vacuum cleaner? — TimeLine
    Hmm no but interesting idea! :lol:

    What exactly would be in the vacuum cleaner bag when you emptied it? Some old French fries, maybe a credit card receipt, you know, whatever might have fallen into your lap on your way to work?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    What exactly would be in the vacuum cleaner bag when you emptied it?Hanover

    There is no "bag" and I have faith in the Universe that you will soon find someone who is able to explain it to you in person. :rofl:
  • Hanover
    Ohhhhh. It's a bagless Dyson. Fancy.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Ohhhhh. It's a bagless Dyson. Fancy.Hanover

    :lol: :rofl: :lol:
  • TimeLine
    What exactly would be in the vacuum cleaner bag when you emptied it? Some old French fries, maybe a credit card receipt, you know, whatever might have fallen into your lap on your way to work?Hanover

  • deletedmemberwy
    I smell like horse, am covered in dirt and super tired. But I am happy. :cool:
  • Hanover
    Anyway, never again. Hold my hand?TimeLine
    Fair enough, but are you saying that men don't have intuition?TimeLine

    Men's intuition is a mix of experience and rationality, but not just true intuition. It's something, but it's different. Like if you were talking to some dude, laughing, flipping your hair, licking your lips, holding your hips, gyrating , I might be like "wassup wid dat" and you'd be like "awww baby it ain't nothin but a chicken wang" and I'd be like "for realz?" and you'd be like "you know it's you and only you," and then I'd go bout my bidness like nothins up, and on the side, you'd be like hittin dude up, making plans an shit, and I'd be damn two timed. See, now if we flipt dat scrip and I'm chattin some lady up, you'd be like "Nuuu-uuuu" and I'd be like "baby, she nothin I swear," but you'd be like "nuuu-uuuu" til I was cryin on the curb "lemme in baby, I'm 'sorry, it ain't like dat," and then you'd finally lemme back in only after I learned my damn lesson, cuz you know bullshit when you see bullshit.

    The difference, as you can see, is that the gentleman in our example could be convinced his conclusions were wrong because his intuition didn't offer him the certainty and clarity as did the young woman in our example.
  • Hanover
    I smell like horse, am covered in dirt and super tired. But I am happy. :cool:Lone Wolf

    Alright, I've got this one. What smells like a horse, is covered in dirt, is super tired, and is happy?

    Sounds like someone might be preggers with a centaur.
  • deletedmemberwy
    Eh, no. Rode one of my horses today and had a good workout. lol.
  • Hanover
    Oh and one of my God Son's is pursuing a degree in Fire Science and is working towards becoming a....wait for it.....a FIRE FIGHTER!ArguingWAristotleTiff

    He better be careful not to catch fire.

  • TimeLine
    Men's intuition is a mix of experience and rationality, but not just true intuition. It's something, but it's different...The difference, as you can see, is that the gentleman in our example could be convinced his conclusions were wrong because his intuition didn't offer him the certainty and clarity as did the young woman in our example.Hanover

    I accidentally deleted my post about pap smears and stallions. Such a good post, too. It thoroughly confirmed that you were wrong. :fear:

    Nevertheless! Intuitions never offer certainty, that is why it is 'intuition' and exists as a feeling, a sense that something is not right but that you rationally or consciously cannot understand or articulate why. It is a feeling and the response is often emotional, such as experiencing anxiety and it could well be that culturally through concepts of masculinity, many men fail to be given the adequate training to explore such feelings. They just avoid it or, lacking the experience, interpret it incorrectly.

    I mean, are you suggesting here that women are intuitive, or are you suggesting that men are dumb? Your story has no correlation, in my opinion, to intuition at all, it is about rationality or the lack thereof. There is also a balance of probability here. More men tend to cheat, you would have to be one hell of a stupid girl to not figure out that he is doing shit behind your back, from changes in his behaviour and responses to you. It is all rational, your ability to interpret others.
  • TimeLine
    Rode one of my horses today and had a good workout. lol.Lone Wolf

    I love horses, especially riding fast because they are beasts, cars that are alive and that means a little less control from you and a bit of trust in them. It is so exhilarating. And your butt has a good workout :razz:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    He better be careful not to catch fire.Hanover

    OMG! Did you know there is a name for females that get weak in the knees when a Fire Fighter is around? Or maybe know that her local firehouse shops on Saturday am? ONLY because I like to shop before it's 100* outside!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I accidentally deleted my post about pap smears and stallions.TimeLine

    I think I am glad I missed this post? Pap smears I get but stallions? Maybe I am just used to riding geldings.
  • TimeLine
    Most are domesticated geldings, but trained stallions are the best because they have a touch of independence from the experience that I have with them and I love being tough back to try and control them. Although you would likely be more experienced then me with horses, I love that feeling when we reach a moment where what we both want is somehow aligned, like we're both thinking the same thing. Speed.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I love that feeling when we reach a moment where what we both want is somehow aligned, like we're both thinking the same thing. Speed.TimeLine

    It is an amazing time to be alive when you are aligned. :love:
  • deletedmemberwy
    I love horses, especially riding fast because they are beasts, cars that are alive and that means a little less control from you and a bit of trust in them. It is so exhilarating. And your butt has a good workout :razz:TimeLine

    Lol, yeah, definitely have to have trust. It is actually very hard for me to trust because I was in an accident while riding fast that I shouldn't have survived from. Slowly, slowly, I gain confidence back lol. Do you ever ride at liberty with no saddle or bridle? It is great fun!
  • Hanover
    I mean, are you suggesting here that women are intuitive, or are you suggesting that men are dumb? Your story has no correlation, in my opinion, to intuition at all, it is about rationality or the lack thereof. There is also a balance of probability here. More men tend to cheat, you would have to be one hell of a stupid girl to not figure out that he is doing shit behind your back, from changes in his behaviour and responses to you. It is all rational, your ability to interpret others.TimeLine

    You'll recall a prior post where I specifically stated I would prove men were stupider than women, so it should come as no surprise to you that I would remain on point.

    Next, stop attacking my story. It was a good story, nice plot line, developed characters, and, if you'd have asked instead of launching into attack mode, you'd have known the setting, a picturesque town in the wine region of France. A wonderful place, but for the French.

    Back on point, though. There is often rationality behind the intuition to explain it, else I'd be arguing that women were irrational impulsive messes, insisting upon judgments rooted in the blowing of the wind. But that's not what I'm arguing (at least I'm bright enough not to admit it here), but I'm saying the impulse precedes the rationality, and, while the impulse may be ultimately defensible rationally, it is not the basis. For that reason, when a woman says her judgment tells her X, all the rational defenses in the world hold no weight, not because the woman isn't rational (ahem, just clearing my throat), but because the intuition is immovable and rational defenses appear as lame excuses.

    This is all to say that I am not arguing that intuition and rationality are diametrically opposed. If I were, then I would be saying women's intuition really is nothing more than women's irrationality. And if I said that, I'd have no one's hand to hold.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    This is all to say that I am not arguing that intuition and rationality are diametrically opposed. If I were, then I would be saying women's intuition really is nothing more than women's irrationality. And if I said that, I'd have no one's hand to hold.Hanover

    Damn straight :up:
  • TimeLine
    You'll recall a prior post where I specifically stated I would prove men were stupider than women, so it should come as no surprise to you that I would remain on point.Hanover

    You do realise that I am a woman. And you are a man.


    Next, stop attacking my story. It was a good story, nice plot line, developed characters, and, if you'd have asked instead of launching into attack mode, you'd have known the setting, a picturesque town in the wine region of France. A wonderful place, but for the French.Hanover

    Listen here, old horse, but I darn well attack whatever I please. Your story lacked stamina and finesse, lustreless like your personality. There were no colours in the words, no robustness in the characters. In France? Where is the blushing, voluptuous milkmaid preparing her cow, or the dashing youth overflowing with testosterone that catches a glimpse of her ankles and becomes enamoured, or indeed the bitter middle-aged man with a giant, provocative moustache who is prepared to kill so he can marry her? The suspense! The intensity! But no, you were resolved on bringing forth from your creative womb some dodgy couple hanging out in a car park in Detroit.

    But that's not what I'm arguing (at least I'm bright enough not to admit it here), but I'm saying the impulse precedes the rationality, and, while the impulse may be ultimately defensible rationally, it is not the basis. For that reason, when a woman says her judgment tells her X, all the rational defenses in the world hold no weight, not because the woman isn't rational (ahem, just clearing my throat), but because the intuition is immovable and rational defenses appear as lame excuses.Hanover

    Have you never encountered a person who appears to believe that his/her partner is cheating or doing things behind their back only because they themselves have cheated and done shifty things? The person is misinterpreting the guilt that they feel by projecting the blame onto others. How can you say that intuition precedes rationality, when it is rationality that regulates and articulates our behaviour and our responses? What we call 'intuition' is just a feeling, an emotional response and indeed it is our subjective or unconscious constitution that we experience though these sensations, it is absolutely useless without reason and rational thought. It just makes a person anxious or depressed or feeling all weird without understanding why.

    There is no 'women are irrational' or 'men are stupid' or all these generic stereotypes that you are continuously formulating as part of some broader generalisations between the two sexes. There is just "intuition" and "rationality" and the former is dependent on the latter. Doesn't matter what gender you are, you are either irrational or rational. Kantian distinctions of intuition is more objective and conscious vis-a-vis representations, but the idea of how most interpret the word 'intuition' is that sensation we feel that is devoid of any real indication of factual properties. We can create meaning to these feelings and rather imaginatively too, but the conditions for any authentic retrospection requires factual determinates dependent on reason.
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