• ArguingWAristotleTiff
    We are within 48 hrs of departure but I have to be shhhh not to duck it up! :eyes:
  • Hanover
    You do realise that I am a woman. And you are a man.


    Ha! I said I'd prove men stupider than women, and now I have. Wait, though, this shows you're stupid for not realizing I did that, which means you're stupider. Damn you.
    But no, you were resolved on bringing forth from your creative womb some dodgy couple hanging out in a car park in Detroit.TimeLine

    Unlike you, obviously a daughter of an archduke or perhaps a high priestess or some such shit, I grew up in the hip hop area of the Boudreaux region, and that is precisely how we talk when hanging out on our burro (not in a car like your royal highness). Please remember that just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, there are other people out there who didn't, who have been relegated to late night love making beneath the simple setting of the moon in the back seat of their burro, while listening to the off-key humming of "Love Hurts" by a stray vineyard urchin, who was paid a small rock for his services.
    Have you never encountered a person who appears to believe that his/her partner is cheating or doing things behind their back only because they themselves have cheated and done shifty things? The person is misinterpreting the guilt that they feel by projecting the blame onto others. How can you say that intuition precedes rationality, when it is rationality that regulates and articulates our behaviour and our responses? What we call 'intuition' is just a feeling, an emotional response and indeed it is our subjective or unconscious constitution that we experience though these sensations, it is absolutely useless without reason and rational thought. It just makes a person anxious or depressed or feeling all weird without understanding why.TimeLine

    Now for some real analysis. What you have identified is not a distinction between intuition and carefully thought out decisions, but you have only identified how it is that bad information results in bad decisions. That will be the case whether the decision is knee jerk or whether you write out the pros and cons in your unicorn adorned journal and deliberate upon the reasons for days. If I believe that people are prone to cheat because I am a cheating dog, then I will necessary allow that bias to impact my conclusion that you too are a cheating dog despite the scant other evidence supporting it. My conclusion is rational in its own right, considering my data points are derived from my own experience, which is that I have cheated much in the past.

    What I mean here is that if you have a past that is filled with all sorts of unhealthy events, those events will drive many of your decisions, and you will think them rational whether the decision is well thought out or not. Complicating matters further is that no amount of introspection is likely to free you from those biases in thought, as those biases will continue to pervade the introspection. It will require someone to inform you of your blind spots and you must be receptive to that information. In fact, depending upon how deeply held the unhealthy viewpoint, it might be ingrained in your entire worldview, and it will take nothing less than full trust and faith in the conclusions of others not so impacted by your blind spot.

    As I've said, I don't draw a distinction between intuitive and rational. I just consider intuition the pre-digested conclusion, that is formed prior to a conscious deliberation of details and facts. It is the sudden knowledge, for example, that you should not take that job. You might go through the various reasons supportive of that decision upon conscious deliberation, but you might also find yourself searching for the rational basis, recognizing that many of your very valid reasons lie in your subconscious unarticulated to yourself. It is why you instinctively say no to many things as it is so obvious to you, and it wouldn't be until someone asked you why that you might attempt to offer a reason, but, in truth, you instinctively knew the reasons prior to your hammering out your itemization of reasons. I'd also say that there are plenty of times as well that you allow your rational, deliberate decision making to over-ride your intuitive response, only to later learn you should have trusted your intuitions. The reason for that being that some of the intuitive reasons might not have been fully expressible and were therefore missed during your internal deliberation.

    And as an aside, I really do believe in the ineffability of thought and ideas. In fact, so much so, that I find those philosophies that deny it completely incomprehensible.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The last word should definately be chocolate based so if you two could work some into your stories I would be forever grateful.
  • Hanover
    The lady likes her hot chocolate does she?
  • deletedmemberwy
    Feels like I am suffocating...
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The lady likes her hot chocolate does she?Hanover

    Hella yeah!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Feels like I am suffocating...Lone Wolf

    From what?
  • deletedmemberwy
    Life. Just can't snap out of this crap for very long.
  • javra

    I’ve heard of this sort of thing before, as in:

    I’ve also been told it means one hasn’t become fully dead inside.

    Strife can be a pain in the … heart. But then there wouldn’t be any pleasure in living life without it every now and then … at least in the before and after parts.
  • deletedmemberwy
    I suppose so. Sometimes I wish I were fully dead inside, I would sacrifice the pleasure in order to have no pain.
  • T Clark
    There is just "intuition" and "rationality" and the former is dependent on the latter. Doesn't matter what gender you are, you are either irrational or rational. Kantian distinctions of intuition is more objective and conscious vis-a-vis representations, but the idea of how most interpret the word 'intuition' is that sensation we feel that is devoid of any real indication of factual properties. We can create meaning to these feelings and rather imaginatively too, but the conditions for any authentic retrospection requires factual determinates dependent on reason.TimeLine

    Over the months we have known each other, we've clashed once or twice about this reason vs. intuition thing. Sometimes you've been mean to me and I went off with my tail between my legs like a frightened puppy. Poor T Clark. Now I'm ready to take you on like a man!!! :strong: Well...

    Anyway. In a normal situation on the forum, with someone reasonable like, say, Sapientia :joke: , I'd discuss the differences in our opinions and try to come to some sort of reconciliation. But with you I'll lay it out without pulling my punches. You're wrong, and you're blind. :grimace: To believe that reason is anything except a veneer we paste over what our hearts tell us is self-deception. I have always seen that reason is something we add later to justify what we already believe. Over the past year, I've also come to see that some people can use it as a tool to guide them to a place where they can be free of the shackles our feelings put on us. I have a lot of respect for that.

    That doesn't change which comes first. We do what we do because of who, what, we are. It comes from inside. The, I don't know, is it irony, is that you and I come down in just about the same place in terms of what is the right way to live our lives. Compassion, honesty, honor, strength, generosity, grace. I must admit, you have come closer to that ideal than I have, but that's not a matter of reason, it's a matter of character.
  • javra

    I’m aware that anything I might say will be trite. So I’ll say this trite thing: It’s part and parcel of the empathetic life not to be dead inside, with both its ups and downs—ups and downs that most empathetic people share. To those who even remotely cherish empathy, more empathetic people are needed in the world. And it can be painful when these empathetic folk no longer are as numerous due to, well, joining the clan of the non-empathetic people that are out there. This isn’t not about cheering you up. It’s about wanting strength in you during the hard times that presently are.

    A partial song lyric I never ended up putting to music: “turn you’re sorrow into anger and your hatred into love”. … anger at all that’s fu*ked up with the world; and self-loathing or antipathy can be a form of hatred.
  • javra
    just so ya know. Nicely said, imo. :smile:
  • TimeLine
    just so ya know. Nicely said, imo. :smile:javra
  • T Clark
    I suppose so. Sometimes I wish I were fully dead inside, I would sacrifice the pleasure in order to have no pain.Lone Wolf

    Not sure if this will help - I don't have a lot of friends, but I have found friends here. If you hang around a little while, you will too. Maybe that's not enough, but this could be a place where you feel at home.
  • TimeLine
    Ha! I said I'd prove men stupider than women, and now I have. Wait, though, this shows you're stupid for not realizing I did that, which means you're stupider. Damn you.Hanover

    How dare you speak about Tiff like that!

    Unlike you, obviously a daughter of an archduke or perhaps a high priestess or some such shit, I grew up in the hip hop area of the Boudreaux region, and that is precisely how we talk when hanging out on our burro (not in a car like your royal highness). Please remember that just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, there are other people out there who didn't, who have been relegated to late night love making beneath the simple setting of the moon in the back seat of their burro, while listening to the off-key humming of "Love Hurts" by a stray vineyard urchin, who was paid a small rock for his services.Hanover

    Truth be told, I was raised a pauper in Roubaix, one of those proletarians that worked as a child, ash and soot on my wee nosey, and schools that merely housed me by day as I couldn't afford books. I got smacked around by my brother and my sisters were meanies. Even now I have no car, but I thank you for recognising the whole commoner to queen princess thingi.

    Nevertheless, I will respond to you and @T Clark tonight when I get home, since I want to destroy both of your arguments and the day is ghastly and rainy and cold.
  • T Clark

    Ah, yes. The voice of reason.
  • TimeLine
    Ah, yes. The voice of reason.T Clark

    You old fool. You dare challenge me?
  • T Clark
    You old fool. You dare challenge me?TimeLine

    I've been old since before you could vote and a fool since before you were born.
  • deletedmemberwy
    I’m aware that anything I might say will be trite. So I’ll say this trite thing: It’s part and parcel of the empathetic life not to be dead inside, with both its ups and downs—ups and downs that most empathetic people share. To those who even remotely cherish empathy, more empathetic people are needed in the world. And it can be painful when these empathetic folk no longer are as numerous due to, well, joining the clan of the non-empathetic people that are out there. This isn’t not about cheering you up. It’s about wanting strength in you during the hard times that presently are.javra

    Empathy seems painful. And I suck at emotional stuff. Always have. They don't make much sense to me... but I try.
  • TimeLine
    Sometimes I wish I were fully dead inside, I would sacrifice the pleasure in order to have no pain.Lone Wolf

    I had a hike planned today but I had to cancel because of the weather, but just like horse riding, being outdoors and active in nature is really useful and helpful in so many ways. Spending time at the park, in forests, on hikes or any outdoor natural environment can improve blood pressure, memory, release stress, eliminate fatigue, and even reduce inflammation providing a number of other physical benefits such as strengthening your immune system, helping you increase your concentration, and all that can boost your self-esteem and improve your mood which thus allows you the improved cognition to tackle rumination. Rumination is the worst symptom and a promotor of the negative affect of depression or anxiety. Camping or hiking can improve psychological and behavioural well-being and is really an effective treatment modality to help you understand how to connect to others and nature. It is really evolutionary.

    Get back on your horse or camp out. Even hiking on your own can really change you for the better.
  • deletedmemberwy
    Not sure if this will help - I don't have a lot of friends, but I have found friends here. If you hang around a little while, you will too. Maybe that's not enough, but this could be a place where you feel at home.T Clark

    Hmm, yeah. I have found two out of my three friends here lol. And those two I don't know with certainty if they want to stay friends...
  • deletedmemberwy
    True. The weather here was crappy (think cyclones) probably part of the reason my mood is out of whack. Wildly up and down. The poor horse was spooked when I tried to get her in the barn today. :sad:
  • TimeLine
    True. The weather here was crappy (think cyclones) probably part of the reason my mood is out of whack. Wildly up and down. The poor horse was spooked when I tried to get her in the barn today. :sad:Lone Wolf

    Holy shit, we're just cold and rainy here. Ok then, jump on youtube and do those 20min HIIT workouts :lol: and stay safe.
  • deletedmemberwy
    Lol, yeah I should. Or on the heavy bag... that always takes a good deal of frustration out.
  • Buxtebuddha
    Hmm, yeah. I have found two out of my three friends here lol. And those two I don't know with certainty if they want to stay friends.Lone Wolf

  • TimeLine
    Ewww, why would she be friends with you?
  • Buxtebuddha
    Because I'm a gentleman.
  • TimeLine
    Prove it by changing the red faced emoji and treat my girl with gentlemanly respect by replacing it with the love heart eyeball one.
  • Buxtebuddha
    Yeah, when someone holds the door open for you at the post office you expect them to blow you a kiss, is that it?
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