• SherlockH
    First off the system is based on an ideal no one is by law required to follow. Fasfa is designed to help parents pay for a students college. Parents are not by any law required to do so. This goes under the assumption mom and dad are paying. Parents are not even required to house you after 18. Second if your parents were like mine only gave the bare basics becuase they do not by law have to teach you to drive, help you get a job, pay for college, care about your well being. All that is required is they give you food and a place to sleep till 18. Even if living away from home unless you are an orphan/foster or join the military first are still declared a dependant under these standards. This system is unrealistic or idealistic with ideals which are not even being enforced.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    First off the system is based on an ideal no one is by law required to follow. Fasfa is designed to help parents pay for a students college. Parents are not by any law required to do soSherlockH

    I hope you receive this response in the spirit in which it is being sent. Fafsa is designed for "parents" not for a set of people who have given birth to a child. For your own health or to lose the appeal to emotion, don't confuse a "parent" with a "Mom" or "Dad" because everything you list after your first couple sentences, are necessary life skills to teach and instill in your child which Mom's and Dad's do but not all "parents" feel obligated to do.
  • SherlockH
    Im confused by your response. Are you worried about my well being or are you going against my point?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Im confused by your response. Are you worried about my well being or are you going against my point?SherlockH

    A little bit of both. If you had a Mom and/or a Dad that has taken the time to look out for your well being beyond what the government mandates then they already feel a fair degree of obligation to seeing you thrive in life, not just survive. Government's make sweeping decisions on the minimum amount a child needs "to be" in line with becoming a contributing member of society. And in doing so establishes what a Parent must provide but that is quite different than what a Mom or a Dad feels obligated to help with in raising their children.
  • BC
    Not so fast, Sherlock:

    What are a Parent’s Legal Responsibilities to a Child?

    Parents must meet their children's basic needs for food, clothing, housing, medical care, and education.

    A parent must meet a child’s basic needs and parent in a way that serves the child’s best interests. Parents also have a financial duty to support their children, which typically continues until each child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school. In most cases, a parent doesn’t have a financial responsibility to a child over 18, unless the child has special needs.

    Granted, the law does not require the parents to actually love their child(ren), or even find them sort of likable and/or amusing. Society generally considers parents who do not at least LIKE their child(ren) to be BAD PARENTS.

    But in general the law requires parents to care for their children and prepare them to be productive citizens.
  • Artemis
    I'm confused as to why you think parents are obligated in any way with Fafsa?
    For one, Fafsa stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It's not a grant or loan by itself.
    Secondly, the grants are federally funded.
    Thirdly, (almost all) of the available loans do not require a cosigner. The student can take them out on his/her own.

    Unless you're complaining about this coming from taxpayer dollars? Which is a whole different question.
  • SherlockH
    You are required list your parents if under 24. Unless you are married, have a child, military or orphan/Foster. Meaning its expected your parents assist otherwise. If nothing requires family to assist why is this needed to decide how much a student gets?
  • Artemis

    Well, Bitter Crank is right. It's not required of any parent to subsidize a dependent child, but it is assumed that you would want to.

    But I'm still not quite clear what your particular criticism is. Are you criticizing that it lists you as dependent until 24 regardless of living situation? I imagine that is a rule in order to preempt people taking advantage of the system. People who would otherwise be able and willing to pay for their kid would just have them move out long enough to claim they were independent just to mooch off the system.
  • Thorongil
    Dude, it's FAFSA.
  • SherlockH
    Yes, the fact it lists you as dependent till 24 is what I am talking about. Also if that was the case it should not be applied to students who parents already outright said they would refuse. Its always assumed parents will pay and that isnt the case. If it was truly a fact of student fruad why would they not give the parents the chioce to opt out?
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