• Baden
    Those who think borders are important are apparently racistraza

    No, you won't be considered a racist and / or xenophobe for considering borders important my little snowflake (I'll bet everyone here does consider them important, I know I do), you will be marked as a racist and / or xenophobe though for comparing illegal immigrants to rapists, which you did do while contrasting rapists vs. boyfriends and legal vs. illegal immigrants.

    Now let's see if you can work that out and respond to it without another self-pitying strawman / distraction.
  • Jeremiah
    So you are not a victim? At all? See I noticed you talked around that aspect. So do you or do you not think you are the victim here?
  • raza
    Nothing to back out of. You read what you wanted into it. I’ve already explained.

    Someone cannot be reasonably or rationally considered to be racist, in the context of an immigration discussion, if that same someone welcomes any race to legally immigrate.

    However it is your thing, if you so desire, to be irrational and unreasonable.

    Perhaps you are feeling a bit hurt.

    It’s up to you. You be whatever you want to be.
  • raza
    Your nonsense has entertainment value, I suppose.

    But your nonsense is classic of today.
  • Jeremiah
    Yet you are still avoiding the question.
  • Baden
    Someone cannot be reasonably or rationally considered to be racist, in the context of an immigration discussion, if that same someone welcomes any race to legally immigrate.raza

    You made that claim after I rightly pointed out that you would be marked as a racist / xenophobe for comparing illegal immigrants to rapists. Which you will be. Folks aren't just going to bow down and eat up your rhetoric like it's doggie kibble. You're going to get it thrown back in your face.

    Typical tactics of the Laura Ingraham / Sean Hannnity / Anne Coulter style dumb-down-right. Stoke irrational hatred of a minority group with suggestive rhetoric and when someone suggests that might have something to do with the minority group's race, start crying about how unjust they've been to you. Follow that up with a random strawman of your pleasing.
  • raza
    A victim of who or what?

    A victim has to be a victim of something, right?
  • raza
    I don’t try to control people. You may mark me as anything you want. I know my mind.

    I may have some opinions about your behavior. Do you care that I may do?
  • Baden

    I accept you're not a racist if you say so. I'm just commenting on the effect of your words, and how they're likely to be responded to. If you can't stand the heat, don't start a fire.
  • raza
    In my opinion, rape is wrong. If caught raping there will likely be negative consequences for the rapist.

    Border jumpers know they may risk negative legal consequences. They KNOW this.

    They KNOW it is legally wrong.

    From many, many legal immigrant’s point of view, border jumping is wrong particularly as it negatively impacts on the legal immigrant.
  • Baden

    I've never claimed border jumping is right (in general I would say it's not), but we can all play this game. Let's see, sexually abusing children is wrong and so is parking illegally, both have negative legal consequences, which are known. Therefore bad parkers are like pedophiles.

    See? The analogy is offensive / inappropriate not because of a literal error in some comparable characteristic between the two situations, but because of its rhetorical / emotive content.
  • raza
    perhaps, then, one should ask for clarification rather than have their emotions run away with them.

    On the subject of pedophiles and child trafficking and as it may relate to separating, albeit briefly (if family relationships can be ascertained as a consequence of investigation), adults from children:

    Tragically there is a large market for young children for pedophile networks. The most desirable kids toward this end are undocumented. This is so that once they are finished with, served their pupose, they are most easily disappeared.

    This is a great cover for pedophiles. No evidence.

    Many times adults abduct children and then pretend they are their parents.

    Because the adults also have no documents it becomes wise, in order to protect these kids, to separate them and investigate these people.

    No documents often means it is very difficult to ascertain relationships.
  • Maw
    DNA comparison is extremely easy and quick to verify.
  • Maw
    It's telling here that your go-to analogy for undocumented immigration is rape.
  • tim wood
    No, no no no no!! No! And more NO!!

    No to what? Just about every thing you wrote. Clearly you're neither stupid nor illiterate. So tell us here, once and for all. Do you, or do you not, stand with what you wrote? Do you commit yourself to being judged by it? Are you that person?

    I doubt it. Which leaves the question, what is your point? Why are you writing such not-sense?
  • Jeremiah
    one should ask for clarificationraza

    You are making your racism very clear.
  • Baden

    Interesting article. Thanks.
  • raza
    It's telling here that your go-to analogy for undocumented immigration is rape.Maw

    It is nothing more than your belief system.

    I can't, and won't bother to try to, dissuade a christian from being a christian and I am equally disinterested in attempting to dissuade you from your belief system.
  • raza
    You are making your racism very clear.Jeremiah

    Same reply for you;

    It is nothing more than your belief system.

    I can't, and won't bother to try to, dissuade a christian from being a christian and I am equally disinterested in attempting to dissuade you from your belief system
  • raza
    DNA comparison is extremely easy and quick to verify.Maw

    For all I know they could be conducting such tests.

    Regardless, vetting these people separately from the children they happen to be caught with has been going on for years.
  • Jeremiah
    What is my belief system?
  • wellwisher
    You are are giant hypocrite.

    You claim your subjective morally is based on being a team player, but yet exclude Dems and the LGBT community from your team. That is not being a team, all you are doing is egotistically judging people who don't fit into you narrow and very subjective views. The only team you are playing for is your own, and the notion that Trump is trying to help everyone shows a great lack of insight.

    Democrats are not your enemy. You claim to be a team player but have these senseless subjective divisions. It is completely backwards.

    as you have indicated.
    — wellwisher

    Your own warped views are just that yours. Personally, I think your views are disgusting and you are clearly a judgmental homophobe.

    A team player does not bring their personal business to the game. They do not gossip and try to divide the team. Identity politics divides the team. If two strangers met at a party and kept to neutral topics they may get along. If they bring up politics, such as pro and anti Trump, they may start to argue and lose their rapport. The left tries to induce and inject differences that divide people. They do not seek common culture.

    Diversity creates team problems based on induced ignorance. If a group separates itself from the main herd, to be more distinct, members of the larger herd lose touch with them, and no longer know them as well as before. Strangers will induce a different emotion than will family. Diversity may build the self esteem of some via the smaller group, but this also makes walls with the larger team.

    It would take all my time to learn the ways of every diversity group, such as 36 different sexes, to where I am sufficiently familiar with all, to overcome my ignorance and my fear of the unknown. The team player understands these walls is not very efficient, He does not separate himself by a wall, thereby saving others a lot of extra work and/or misunderstanding. If we all are on one team without walls we are family and not just neighbors.

    The Jews, for example, based on their religion, are the chosen people. As such, they need to follow a certain strict path to satisfy the pact. This path will separate them from others. This builds a wall between them and others, where one is not allowed to fully exit or enter, unless you know the secret handshake.

    This creates a wall of unknown, which can impact different people, in different ways, on both sides of the wall. It makes people in the opposites side feel like strangers or acquaintances instead of family; Arab world. Diversity builds walls of misunderstanding, that causes strangers to appear from family, so we are not all on one team. If the LBGT community stopped being its own separate island, with its in your face exhibition style, that is shocking to some, this would lower the wall of the unknowns. It come down to being an individual apart from smaller groups so there are less walls to separate us.

    I am not pro-wall of diversity, because it is too much work for me to overcome all the walls others place to keep me out. I try to knock down the walls, so we can see each other. But many people have been conditioned to needs these walls, due to induced fears caused by the left for political gain.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    As we run out of facilities to house families that are being kept together while waiting to see a judge about their case, we are now prepping three Military bases to accommodate the illegal immigrants being caught under the Zero Tolerance policy.

    Whom is the moral authority that we should be consulting on this accommodation? :chin:
  • raza
    The belief system that says opposition to what corporate media pumps out on behalf of government Corp must inherently be racist/fascist/xenophobe etc, etc.

    Adolescent, boring goon-speak, essentially.
  • raza
    If the LBGT community stopped being its own separate islandwellwisher

    Although there is no “LGBT community”, A handful of loud activists who claim to speak, without being voted to do so via some democratic selection process by a nation or world of gay people etc, are not of a so-called whole community.
  • Jeremiah
    I think you are debating your imagination more so than the other people in this thread.

    I said you are racist due to your racist comments.
  • raza
    Although I haven’t made any. This is what I mean by your belief system.

    I’ve answered your questions on this now.
  • Maw
    I can't, and won't bother to try to, dissuade a christian from being a christian and I am equally disinterested in attempting to dissuade you from your belief system.raza

    In order to dissuade someone, you first have to defend your arguments and show why ours are poorly reasoned. You haven't done either.

    I'd wager that you would never consider Norwegian, or French, British immigrants to be analogous to "rapists". Jeremiah is right, you're just a racist.
  • raza
    Believe whatever suits your arrested state of consciousness. What real choice do you have? You don’t choose. Choosing takes ability.

    Just be that.
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