• raza
    Sure. They are pulling out the stops after the fact to fudge reality.

    Here is merely one of the many reports of the time including James Comey’s own testimony.

    ‘The FBI requested access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) servers and servers for other Democratic entities that were hacked during the 2016 election, FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday, but its request was not met.

    In a hearing with the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday afternoon outlining the intelligence agencies’ findings on Russian election interference, Comey said there were “multiple requests at different levels” for access to the Democratic servers, but that ultimately a “highly respected private company” was granted access and shared its findings with the FBI.’

  • unenlightened
    The point is that Trump had zero control of that phenomena while Obama, comparively speaking (relative to Trump), had massive, governmental authoritative resources, therefore the other end of the spectrum with regard to control.raza

    Not really. The point is that Store owners didn't ought to be best buddies with store robbers. And if they are, folks start to talk about 'an inside job'.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    The point is that Trump had zero control of that phenomena while Obama, comparively speaking (relative to Trump), had massive, governmental authoritative resources, therefore the other end of the spectrum with regard to control.

    To utilise your analogy, therefore, Trump was neither the robber or the store owner whereas Obama would be the store owner.

    Your premise that Trump had zero control is unsupported, so you cannot conclude that trump was not the robber. And the store owner cannot be held responsible for the theft (unless there is evidence of 'an inside job'). That responsibility is placed squarely on the thief.
  • raza
    Not really. The point is that Store owners didn't ought to be best buddies with store robbers. And if they are, folks start to talk about 'an inside job'.unenlightened

    Did I say that Russian Facebook ad creators were colluding or “buddies” with Obama-the-store-owner?

    No I did not.
  • raza
    Your premise that Trump had zero control is unsupported, so you cannot conclude that trump was not the robber. And the store owner cannot be held responsible for the theft (unless there is evidence of 'an inside job'). That responsibility is placed squarely on the thiefMetaphysician Undercover

    The “store owner” has responsibility for security (just as Hillary Clinton was responsible for security of classified material with which she spectacularly failed at).

    Trump as robber, insert your evidence here >……………<

    So much derangement on display all over this thread.
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    I just said your premise that Trump had zero control is unsupported. So we cannot yet rule out the possibility that trump is the robber.

    The “store owner” has responsibility for security (just as Hillary Clinton was responsible for security of classified material with which she spectacularly failed at).raza

    So the robber goes to court and says look judge, the store owner should have prevented me from robbing the store he's the real guilty party.
  • raza
    I just said your premise that Trump had zero control is unsupported. So we cannot yet rule out the possibility that trump is the robberMetaphysician Undercover

    It is not up to the accused to provide evidence of what he is accused of.

    Your premise, or accusation, that Trump controlled a Facebook ad operation by some particular persons of Russian origin is unsupported.
  • unenlightened
    Man, you got it bad, ain't you? No, Trump is best buddies with Putin, and Putin is looking to undermine the alliance against him, and foment conflict within both Europe and the US. Trump is just a puppet, and the US is run from Moscow. And for sure this operation has been many years in the making, far longer than Trump's presidency.
  • raza
    So the robber goes to court and says look judge, the store owner should have prevented me from robbing the store he's the real guilty party.Metaphysician Undercover

    You are being really quite silly.
  • raza
    Man, you got it bad, ain't you? No, Trump is best buddies with Putin, and Putin is looking to undermine the alliance against him, and foment conflict within both Europe and the US. Trump is just a puppet, and the US is run from Moscow. And for sure this operation has been many years in the making, far longer than Trump's presidencyunenlightened

    I think you should consider writing children’s literature.
  • Baden

    Because even a child could see that Donald is Putin's poodle...?
  • Baden
    Anyway, I don't know what you hope to achieve by pimping for the great orange one here, @raza. Tell you what though, if it all turns out we loonies have got our heads stuck in a CNN blown fart cloud of fake news, and it's all just a big misundermastanding and Trump is just as clean as a newborn's arse and not at all the dirty little KGB-controlled birdy we make him out to be, I will personally come on this thread and admit publicly I was all wrong. Will you? Or will you disappear back into the dark bowels of the that-will-here-remain-unmentioned country from which you emerged to await your next mission in the hostile jungle of the lib-run internets?
  • raza
    I accept the challenge.
  • raza
    Because even a child could see that Donald is Putin's poodle...?Baden

    It appears that children are seeing it that way.
  • unenlightened
    It appears that children are seeing it that way.raza

    Let me tell you the story of the emperor's new clothes. Are you sitting comfortably?
  • creativesoul
    Any reasonable person can look at a comprehensive timeline of events.

    I'm sure there's a mathematician out there somewhere who could put some statistical numbers out there... the odds that it is all coincidence?

    More likely to win the lottery, I would think.
  • Wayfarer
    Today in Slate - the sane Republicans are trying to reach The Donald through the only medium he pays any attention to, namely television:

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, Sen. Marco Rubio, and Rep. Trey Gowdy spoke directly to the president, often looking into the camera and occasionally pleading with him by name. They staged a collective intervention, begging him to understand that Russian interference could be true even if collusion by Trump’s campaign wasn’t.

    These Republicans, at least, realise the very serious nature of Russia's information warfare capabilities, and that it has to be combatted. And also how serious it is, that the President of the USA doesn't see that, and in fact seems infatuated with Putin, and dictators generally.

    But Trump simply can't get his head around the idea that the Mueller probe isn't necessarily about him - because in Trump's world, everything is about him. This is why he keeps frantically tweeting about 'witch hunts' and conspiracy theories. It would be funny if it weren't so diabolically serious.
  • creativesoul

    Honestly, I think trump is a symptom of much bigger problems. Other symptoms include the recent attacks on workers' rights, equating money to freedom of speech, de-regulation of the financial sector, de-regulation of environmental protections, repealing anti-trust laws, etc...

    All have the same root. Monetary corruption.
  • Shawn
    The FBI is great at tracing money. If you can't make Donald hurt now, let's see him wiggle out of the (surrealism) of him laundering money cognizantly or not for the Russian mob.
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    Yes, I believe we've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
  • Jeremiah
    It would be a completely subjective and made up number.
  • Wayfarer
    Google Trump Cohen.

    This could be the dam wall going.
  • Shawn

    Aww yeah, that's was' up...
  • Shawn
    Trump's antisocial personality must be going in overdrive.
  • Shawn
    Shit is hitting the fan.
  • Benkei
    Not without corroborating evidence which we haven't seen at this point.

    Remind me though, did Trump jr. originally lie about the existence of that meeting?
  • Shawn

    If memory serves me well, yes.
  • Shawn
    Not without corroborating evidence which we haven't seen at this point.Benkei

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