• ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I love your work, especially the blue and black bowl~
  • Mayor of Simpleton

    That was a 'one off', as I really never was able to get porcelain to bend and stick together like that again.

    It was bit and pieces of broken plates that I managed to heat to a point that I could control it and bend it into a curve. They sort of just stuck together and I managed to glaze them.

    It only took about 4 hours and then the time for the glaze, about two days I suppose.

    I should really pay more attention to how I do things, but it's how I tend to cook as well... just make it up as I go and it usually works out. So far no deaths... :D


  • Baden
    Yes, I like the bowl too. Looks like it would make a good helmet in the event of a nuclear strike.
  • Mayor of Simpleton

    A bit of a tight fit...


    I should have made a size 7 3/8.


  • Mayor of Simpleton
    This is far more 'functional' art...

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Yes he is a nice view, isn't he? 8-)
    At times it is a really good thing we are not blood related!
  • Janus
    John - Your pic is probably just too large in terms of dimensions. It would have to be resized for the screen anyway. I advise you to do a .jpg at 95% and maybe make it 6 or 700 pixels across. It won't be perfect but at least we'll be able to see it. (My pic above is much reduced in quality and size but it still looks OK, I think.) Those paintings are great by the way. 8-)Baden

    Thanks Baden, I have done as you suggested and inserted the other Centennial Park images as well. I really like your photos especially the two 'abstracts' and the macaque portrait is a beauty!
  • Janus

    Jamalrob, I think they are nicely composed shots, but it's the image of the prostrate dude, that is entering the arena of the 'art photograph'.
  • Janus

    Handsome dude! And talented, too; nice portrait. Take the plunge, finish the hair...

    Another handsome dude! Nice ceramics and I particularly like your 'cat perch'.
  • Janus
    A poem I wrote a few years ago:

    Drawing the Epistemic Line

    Drawing a line along the dark hedgerows,
    mark the narrows where the night opens
    and colours invade the disjointed traversal;

    thought pictures that don’t belong there, edgy colours;
    acid red, blue and green dancing around
    the edges of monochrome.

    Not the fall of night that brings the darkness,
    but the occlusion of light by regional objects,
    constructing the context of obscurity

    in the deadlock of the senses.

    A ragged silhouette of dark trees contracts
    the silky sea of faintly luminescent sky,

    Under light particular steady rain
    from distant suns the night lies drenched
    in noon-tide where shadows come to time;

    A lingering ghost of eternal night,
    a monochromatic corpus enfleshed
    by the savage rain of the local star.
  • Michael
    You can just drag the images into the reply box.
  • Cavacava
    I saw this tree on Palm Beach Island last March. It sits directly across from West Palm Beach and it reminded me of a kind of universe.


    This is one of the few I have done from a photo, mostly I like to get outside and plein air paint. Or come up with an image based on a poem.


    And thank you for the all kind words.
    I really enjoy all the creativity that the posters have all displayed.
  • Mayor of Simpleton

    Funny thing about my 'helmet photo' is the background is something from a real artist. ;) http://www.sergibarnils.net/


  • Baden
    I did an images search on him to get a better look at his work. It's good stuff. Speaking of good stuff: @Cavacava, I love that tree. Have you got a website?
  • shmik
    @John Thanks.

    Shmik has made some decisions about where to change from one shade of grey to another, something that I struggle to do because it's somewhat arbitrary, but it makes for a better overall effect than trying to make all the transitions accurate and smooth.bert1
    "Decisions" you give me too much credit :) I'm still learning and can't mix the colors that I want as acrylic paint gets slightly darker as it dries. For that painting I premixed a bunch of shades before starting (I think it was 9), so while I was painting I didn't have much choice in the matter.
  • bert1
    In art I think limiting decisions can be very helpful, whether that limiting is by the mechanics of the medium, or a design brief, or whatever. Otherwise the freedom to do anything is dizzying and frightening. Or that's how I find it anyway.
  • shmik
    I actually like the freedom to do anything, it's just that it doesn't end up looking good. Are you interested in putting up any of your own work, I'm curious.
  • bert1
    I'd be embarrassed. I did ceramics at school and a bit at university, and I've done a few abortive things after that, but nothing worth posting I don't think. I'd have to digitise it somehow as well. I loved art when I was a kid, though, and was quite good at it (for a kid) and I've been interested ever since, just never done much. Always meant to. Just like the book everyone isn't writing.
  • Baden
    Well, it's true that nobody's going to top @Mayor of Simpleton's bowl. :)
  • Cavacava
    Hi Baden, most of my work (3 yrs) is posted on Tumblr under name "Mermonk" an old PT Barnum scam, no web site.
  • Janus
    What the hell! Here's another poem, recent....

    River of Divinity

    Literature for the light goodness knows by reason
    of these imaginings or perhaps of seeing, when seasonal
    calculations of the vectors of high flown life draw fly
    blown god, immortality and death, where pictures come to dry,
    and seethe in actuality, any ‘story’ is particular or is it not, no
    truth or barnacles, however because there sometime grows
    no life, starving off the enlightenment goal, and dread
    pursuing a final idea in the flood’s dark reign bled
    from imagination’s pale analogy of this plodding trek,
    grew some with the idea of a departing speck ,
    dirty as the given lubrication of a number of ways
    and opening to represent in additional practice, plays;
    lubricious, vivid and colourful that languages thus
    we the people have imagined and imagination must
    be exceedingly o doubtless reading, writing, and root
    what is imagined in your philosophy and thus may help us soothe
    unacknowledged the idea of escape velocity, flaccid, blessed
    steam shovel, to smell a rosy resting remainder and so come to rest?

    Glory and hoary, fairly o hairy in imagination’s tide,
    philosophy for the signatory, on the grunty literary ride,
    and the helper helps reality to rise based on seething
    similarities and from the ditch phenomena breeding,
    all abandoned the bad tempering of signification’s turn,
    and spurn what challenges, to be able to live without hurt
    In pinkened certainty, to purge from loin wiring fly
    ruthlessly demeaning of yonder destination, it is by
    simulacrum assumed that life’s felt painstaking
    it out and envelopment devolves flapping from aching
    analytic in the wind canal lead shot white out live,
    life drifting to fire or smoke, escape but then finally arrive ?

    Anywhere? Because within beloved ocean of Being This
    on the common, ruminations of the soul dismiss
    or darken self’s journey through, but should this much
    being the process of drawing on a blinding touch
    and scorching entities such as the soul, that can be bound,
    so that potentiality may lead to dream delusions, or run aground
    in madness, forbid the normal dead imagination to enthrall
    all that is desirable. It is then a grim intellectual withdrawal
    of those who are as guilty of such mistakes as are the thieves
    of idealism, spiritualism, and beauty, so the intellect believes
    walking through life as though a path could go on to infinity,
    and mind be a responsible drop to an actual river of divinity?
  • Janus

    Thanks bert :)
  • Baden
    Cheers. I'll take a look.
  • JoyB
    This is an awesome shot!!
  • Baden
    Thanks @JoyB!
  • Janus
    Latest painting...3vks00n7zwe6tb77.jpg
  • Cavacava
    Hey John, I like the painting very much. The color palette, all the forms, it looks very orgasmic and symbolic. What is the media?
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