• Jake
    Here's one case study, my life, summarized as follows, in no particular order.


    - My very responsible parents loved me and nurtured me every way they could.

    - I was born in a free country.

    - I've been very healthy my entire life, 67 years and counting.

    - I was born a white male, member of a privileged class.

    - I grew up half a block from a Florida beach.

    - I got to go to college.

    - I've been happily married for 40 years.

    - I made a bunch of money on the Net, and then inherited even more.

    - I'm retired now, and can do whatever I want every single day.

    - Way more way good things that I've forgotten to mention.


    And here's what my brain wants to focus on way too often, my allergic reaction to dog barking. You know those stupid little yappy dogs that bark hysterically every time some leaves fall out of a tree and so on? They drive me insane, or rather, reveal my insanity.

    And I'm not the only one. I'm amazed (not that I should be) how many people are tailgating drivers, by which I mean, if I had to slam on the brakes they'd wind up in my back seat. They're willing to risk everything so that they can arrive at their destination 8 seconds sooner. Spoiled yuppy brat madness.

    Are you a spoiled yuppy brat? If yes, this thread can be your confessional.
  • Jake
    What inspired this post was a story on NPR about the battle for Mosul, and all the related horrors. So much of humanity spends their entire lives in such hell holes, and I know that because I listen to hours of NPR every day, and have been a news junkie for 50 years. And yet...

    I STILL don't get how lucky I am.

    I should write a song about this. What are a bunch of words which rhyme with "pathetic"?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I STILL don't get how lucky I am.Jake
    To start with I must confess I do not believe in "luck". I will admit that good fortune (in all it's forms not just money) may be involved but it was not just a matter of chance that your parents provided the life that they did for you. And it is not simply by chance that you have made it to where you are in life, you have actively made decisions to get to where you are.
    Now that I have explained that part of my response to your post, if I could, I would like to offer up a suggestion on how to beat back the importance you are placing on the plethora of idiots around you.
    Rise one morning amongst the constant barking of the dogs, paying attention to the mood it sets you in. Drive downtown, in front of the tailgaters that ride you till they agressively blow past you and allow yourself to get steamed!
    But once you get to your destination, which surprise is a homeless shelter where volunteers are welcomed daily, let what you see, feel and learn about others that we know are less fortunate guide you into appreciating the fortune you have in your life. In sharing time, being with others less fortunate than ourselves, we often walk away with a deeper appreciation for what we have been blessed with to have in our lives. :heart:
  • Jake
    Hi there Tiff,

    To start with I must confess I do not believe in "luck". I will admit that good fortune (in all it's forms not just money) may be involved but it was not just a matter of chance that your parents provided the life that they did for you.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Yes, they made choices, agreed. But it was luck for me. I had nothing to do with where I was born. I could have been born to Charles Manson and one of his murderous groupies.

    And it is not simply by chance that you have made it to where you are in life, you have actively made decisions to get to where you are.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Partly true, agreed. I've made both good and bad decisions, and reaped the reward and paid the price. But some events were obviously beyond my control. As example, the Net just happened to open up to the public at the time I was most ready to take advantage of it. I took advantage, a choice, not luck. But the arrival of a history opportunity was totally luck.

    n sharing time, being with others less fortunate than ourselves, we often walk away with a deeper appreciation for what we have been blessed with to have in our lives.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    This is very wise advice. I have walked this walk at times. But being one of the plethora of idiots, not often enough.

    And please remember that I am a spoiled yuppy brat and that Federal law requires me to whine constantly about the smallest of things, so it appears I just don't have the time for anything else. Oh dear, what bad luck! :smile:
  • Pattern-chaser
    What are a bunch of words which rhyme with "pathetic"?Jake

    "Cathartic" isn't a very good rhyme, is it? :meh:
  • Jake
    No, it's pathetic!

    But yelling that was kind of cathartic, so thanks.
  • Jake
    I am SHOCKED that members aren't rushing forward to declare themselves spoiled yuppy brats. Who knew this could happen???
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I have walked this walk at timesJake
    As have I and those are the ties that bind us. :sparkle:
    Personally, from what interaction I have had with you, you hardly come across as a self righteous, entitled yuppie. :wink:
  • Jake
    Stop fooling around feeding those stupid homeless people and bring me a latte bitch, and I mean RIGHT NOW!

    YAP, YAP, YAP!

    I want to talk to the manager, and you can forget about a tip.

    YAP, YAP, YAP!

    He barked, while driving so close to her bumper she could feel his spoiled brat breath on the back of her neck.


  • RegularGuy
    I was lucky and unlucky. I’m a white man. Plus one (or maybe a thousand). I grew up in a middlish class family (my parents were correctional officers with public pensions and good benefits). Plus another one. My parents instilled in me the need of a good education. ( I graduated as my high school class valedictorian and earned a college scholarship.) Plus one more.

    However, my father was an angry alcoholic and was often abusive. Minus one. I was depressed ever since I was fourteen. Minus. I developed schizoaffective disorder (partly schizophrenic, partly bipolar) at 19 or 20. Big minus. But, my student loans were canceled due to disability. I have no debt now, and have a little money in a Roth IRA. Plus. When my dad died in August, I got a decent inheritance. Plus another. But my dad died, and we had a complicated relationship. It got much better towards the end. Neutral but still sad.

    I am blessed to have a loving wife who is a great stepmother to my two teenage boys. Huge plus! I recently discovered God’s grace, and I am actively working to be more humble and grateful. Another huge plus!

    So, it’s been a mixed bag for me, but I still can’t help but feel privileged. I know if I were black or brown I wouldn’t have had the same fair treatment, which is something i feel guilt about. It’s really not fair.

    I often bitch and moan as you do, and I really can’t justify it most of the time.

    For what it’s worth, you seem like a very humble guy, and I find that admirable. God bless you and yours!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Stop fooling around feeding those stupid homeless people and bring me a latte bitch, and I mean RIGHT NOW!Jake

    Umm... EXCUSE me? :brow:
    Ahem. It would be a bad way to start the day with that attitude in my presence.
    I am up at 4:00 am every morning, including weekends, in all weather, feeding the animals and mucking their stalls BEFORE I make my first cup of coffee. So if you think for a single, dingle berry moment, that I am going to respond positively to your little pompus demands, sprinkled with vulgarity, you obviously don't know me and my memory very well.
    I will let this one go because of the thread we are in but address a forum member like that again and my response will be quite different in nature.
    Is there any confusion in what I am suggesting? I hope not because I think you are pretty cool and I would like to think of you that way rather than an entitled, trust fund baby under the influence of the Race for the Gray movement. Those who tell you to slow down and get off your lawn!
  • Hanover
    I'm lucky in that I was both born into priviledge and lucky enough to feel entitled. I'm also lucky enough not to worry about those who feel guilty for having more.
  • Jake
    I am up at 4:00 am every morningArguingWAristotleTiff

    Me too!

    BTW, I was joking, and hope you are too.

    And hey, where is my latte already??? :smile:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Me too!

    BTW, I was joking, and hope you are too.

    And hey, where is my latte already??? :smile:

    Ah yes I knew you were joking but alas I had to show you where the line is :halo:
    So how about we go out for a coffee after we sling 15 bales of hay to the animals? I will drive slow and you can toss the 130lb bales off as we make our way to the Thirsty Lizard for some good desert brew. :up:
    Game? :point:
  • RegularGuy
    You sound like a true saint. I’m glad there are people like you in the world. :)
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