• Mark Childe
    Whitehead considered his ideas on process to be Math, yet there does not seem to be any process math system in use.
    Musical Notation is a type of process statement but not something that can be applied in general.
    I have been working on a combined Object and Process system that is intended to track changes to Mass-Energy as it moves through Space-Time.
    The basic parts of a process system are time, events and components.
    In my system there is one special event that must be a part of all equations, motion, because everything is always moving. It may be that motion could be worked into the formula for space-time.
    I have two other events, the rough equivalent of plus and minus: Collision and Separation.
    As yet the only logical operation i have come up with is "leads to".
    The formula for time I have been considering must be in object based math format. The general formula would describe a four dimensional volume beginning at the center of the universe and the beginning of our space-time, It should be expanding at the speed of light in all directions. The units should be the amount of space-time needed to hold a single quantum of Mass-Energy. The formula needs to be adaptable to a space such as the contents of a test tube, without having to locate the tube itself within the larger volume.
    A few other thoughts.. My process system must be unitary. 1+1 can only equal 1+1 in the same order, as each one is a unique one, they can never be added together to make two. A logical "and" operation would always yield another unique one. There are no two processes that are identical. Even a pair of photons occupy different points in Space-Time and are therefor unique. There is no place in the universe that does not exist, so there is no Zero in my process system.
    Any thoughts on how to expand and apply it?
  • Wayfarer
    My process system must be unitary. 1+1 can only equal 1+1 in the same order, as each one is a unique one, they can never be added together to make two.

    So, this proposed system is not actually mathematics, then. This is because the numerical signifier, '1', is the representation for a single unit. If you're proposing that every instance of a single unit has its own signifier, then I find it hard to imagine how it could constitute either mathematics, or a system.
  • Mark Childe
    That is how object based math systems operate. A process system would not use object logic. There can be object based number system integrated into the system to perform specific functions, such as a time measurement.

    So, this proposed system is not actually mathematics, then.

    Define math. It is not the object based math you are familiar with, but an attempt to integrate an entirely different logical approach. If you cannot imagine it, then I guess you have nothing pertinent to contribute.
  • Wayfarer
    If you can't explain it, I guess you have nothing worth responding to.
  • Mark Childe

    Then I must consider your first reply to be the product of obsessive compulsive disorder. Your lack of understanding of the nature of process logic is not my fault. Try reading Whitehead.
  • Barry Etheridge

    Anybody who says they understand process logic doesn't understand process logic!

    But your whole post is predicated on Whitehead's assumption (presumption) that his ideas are Math. If, as there seems every reason to suppose, he is wrong to do so, it is reasonable to dismiss the rest of your post as Wayfarer has done, and as I am now doing.
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