• Biblical Realism
    This is not a source people should trust or amend by because I'm literally a high schooler but i'm making this from a catholic's point of view

    so if you didn't know, Catholics take a certain view of the bible which is an Allegorical view which means that we don't take the bible as real truth but a book if wisdom and authority, so let's get to the stuff that everyone wants to read

    1, God made the world in six days
    this is untrue, there is scientific evidence that it was the Big bang, and to deny it would be straight arrogance but the saying of God creating the whole known world and/or universe in six days, it shows God's omnipotence (is all powerful) and he can create things "ex nihilo" (Latin for "from nothing") so God created the Big Bang and with the fact that we can not create something from complete nothing shows that God is more powerful than the whole universe and that is what the story of Creation is trying to show, that God is omnipotent, omniscient (all knowing) and omnibenevolent (all loving but I won't get into the last two right now, but maybe in the future)

    (mini fact: some people can have the argument that God could not have created the Universe because there was no universe to live in or create in, Catholics believe God is Transcendent which means he lives outside of all time and space and that God is no physical being because he does not exist in either space or time and that he is everywhere and nowhere at the same time)

    2. Lucifer is a talking snake and there was a forbidden fruit
    I'm a bit shaky on how they (Adam & Eve) sinned but i'll explain my theory
    so god created humans "imagio dei" (latin for in his image) and is a show of omnibenevolence and being related to God closely and Satan wants them to be as far from God as possible so he comes in the form of temptation showing that Satan is also transcendent as he comes in the form of an emotion inside someone's head, he tempts Adam and Eve to eat the fruit with the promise of omniscience and omnipotence but without the perceived weakness of omnibenevolence, the apple represents knowledge and power which is the poison of humanity, which is the thirst for power, and knowledge and leads to hate, And with adam and eve trying to be more powerful and more knowing than God, is distancing themselves from god himself thinking they know more, and is more powerful than God himself, now I believe God did not take the garden of eden from them because that'd be a punishment which contradicts omnibenevolence I believe that the garden of eden is a life of faith and faith in God but with both Adam and Eve not wanting God, leaves them all alone with just Satan, a feeling of loneliness and powerelessness and a world of no God to confide in or to confess, speak or believe in and their thirst for power and knowledge poisons their own lives with no God, no power, no knowledge or no love with God which could be a self induced exile which could be where the idea of Hell comes from

    Don't take this seriously it's just my own thoughts on a page
    note, adam and eve can represent the whole of humanity and the people that don't believe or distance themselves from God will experience the loneliness and the feeling of being lost in a cruel world
  • Banno
    Full stops. They are good. Learn to use them.
  • T Clark
    Don't take this seriously it's just my own thoughts on a page
    note, adam and eve can represent the whole of humanity and the people that don't believe or distance themselves from God will experience the loneliness and the feeling of being lost in a cruel world
    Biblical Realism

    Don't sell yourself short - this is well-written and you've expressed arguments against biblical literalism clearly. In terms of this forum, I have two thoughts:

    • A lot of people here are atheists. They reject arguments for the Christian god and all other gods no matter whether or not you take the Bible literally or metaphorically.
    • You won't hear many arguments for Biblical literalism from those here who do believe in God.

    This is not a source people should trust or amend by because I'm literally a high schooler but i'm making this from a catholic's point of viewBiblical Realism

    As for that, I'll quote Emerson:

    To believe our own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, -- that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost,--and our first thought, is rendered back to us by the trumpets of the Last Judgment. Familiar as the voice of the mind is to each, the highest merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato, and Milton is, that they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what men but what they thought. A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages.
  • Jake
    God made the world in six daysBiblical Realism

    This is not so important, but it's interesting to know that time runs as different speeds depending on the observer's relation to a large mass body such as a planet. As example, scientific fact, GPS satellites have to program this time speed difference in to their software or their location data would be useless.

    Point being, when we discuss time on the grandest of scales we are typically misrepresenting the reality.
  • wax
    I came up with the ideas a few years ago, that the 'garden of Eden' existed before the universe, and that 'the fall' of Adam and Eve and their subsequent ejection from Eden was represented by the 'big bang'....ie the beginning of the expansion event was a result of their rejection, and wasn't a creative event, but represents a destructive event.....the universe and all its processes represents a part of Eden that was rejected, and so has some of the same processes, of which some have been corrupted....so you still have some beauty in this universe, but you also have products of the corruption of some of the processes so you have things like the apparent perpetual increase in entropy, which can't go on indefinitely...the first cells were created by the life forces, yet have to struggle to survive, and the process of evolution is kind of founded on the fact that life has a limited length and there is death..
  • Banno
    A theory can always be redeemed by auxiliary hypotheses.
  • wax
    If I had the cash I'd like to commission a small animation of the ejection event, from the perspective of someone watching Adam and Eve loitering around the Tree of Knowledge.....they'd get talking to some weird being and then they'd be seen eating an apple/quince and then the whole area around the tree would be sealed in a sort of spherical bubble, and an alert would be sounded across Eden saying 'Ejection procedure initiated. Ejection commencing in 5 seconds.'

    and five seconds later the bubble would sink into the ground replaced by empty land. and then a small tree would sprout in its place, and in a short while the tree of knowledge would be fully grown again, sans Adam and Eve,

    The bubble would in its ejected state form the (perhaps) hypersphere at the beginning of the inflation event(big bang), and would be a corrupted part of Eden that had some of its life forces, some of which had been corrupted....the life forces would lead to the creation of the first single cells on planets, and in this manner all life would have sprung partly from Adam and Eve..
  • hachit
    As a wetlyan I treat the bible as a history book
  • Biblical Realism
    I like to get my opinion out as fast as possible so I don't really care for that sort of punctuation on anything other than my English work
  • RegularGuy
    I found your interpretation of the Genesis story insightful.
  • alan1000
    All I know about the universe that I live in is that the sun is shining today. Everything I think I know beyond that is guesswork. That was Richard Feynman's view and I agree with him!
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