• Chisholm
    Some people do commit suicide, and this has surely happened since humans first walked the earth. This is not a treatise on the causes or possible reasons for suicide, but the complexities behind the act have puzzled me for many years. In particular our seeming abhorrence and our obvious dismay, regret, and great sadness that anyone should even contemplate the need to end their life, by whatever means has taxed my understanding and the meaning of my life.

    What follows below is my considered opinion.

    I ask the question — why is suicide considered such a bad thing? Now I am not advocating that anyone should commit suicide. I am just trying to pick apart the emotional clutter that accompanies this very personal and private act. The only answers I get are that it is a waste of a (usually) young person’s life; that they were loved; that they had unlimited potential, now never to be realized; that they had a future to live for . . . etc, etc.

    This is partially correct but is not a real answer. The person concerned—the person now deceased—obviously had a different view of life. I am not discussing his or her view—I have no idea what that was. I am discussing our view—that of the outsider—the ones left behind.

    Why are we “outsiders” (I deliberately use this word because we are “outside” that person’s inner world) affronted because someone considers living—in their current situation—to be so bad, so threatening, so limiting as to be not worthwhile continuing? Are we discomforted because this rejection, this dismissal of all we have striven for (in “our” world), may reflect poorly on us, those left behind, regarding the way we have organized the world? Are we disturbed by the confronting prospect of having to admit that we make mistakes and that the way in which the economy, our legal, welfare, and education systems are set up may actually cause distress, that we are not always fair or just in our dealings? Do we feel guilty that we have developed a financial system that promotes the massive imbalance between the very wealthy and the very poor and the disadvantaged?

    We have to recognize that we are all, all, party to the ills of the world. We created them. If we look with even a modicum of insight, we should see in ourselves the cause of these short-comings and see ourselves reflected in the eyes of the distressed. And we should be dismayed.

    Is this why we consider suicide a “bad thing” and are so shocked when it occurs?

    It is needful to remember that we, each one of us, have our own experiences of life. These are our own. No one can see the world through our eyes with the same imagery and emotional response. No one can see the world through our eyes with our life experiences and our interpretations of those experiences—these are our own.

    So, I ask the question again — why is suicide considered such a bad thing? Obviously for the person concerned the prospect of death is more alluring than continuing living as currently experienced. What is “wrong” with that? It is their choice.

    Furthermore, to declare (as some authority figures do) that most people who commit suicide suffer from a mental “illness” or disorder is surely wrong. It is also highly presumptuous on the part of the person making such a declaration—how do they ACTUALLY know! This is categorizing a person, who now has no recourse or ability to refute the presumption. This is putting a label on someone. And what about those “outsiders” left behind to live with the event—the family and friends?

    Are they to be made to suffer further pain with the stigma provided by so called experts who provide the “knowledge” that their son, daughter, friend, brother, sister “must have been mentally deranged” to have committed such an act. This implies that no “normal” person would ever do such a thing! What about self-sacrifice when there is loss of life? Isn’t this an act of suicide? But if it saves the life of others it is considered “noble”! (“There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends,” English King James Bible: John 15:13).

    Research on completed suicides is notoriously difficult. It is always referring to an historic act—something that has already happened. Police, the coroner’s, autopsy, psychiatric and psychological, and counselling reports are analyzed and carefully combed through to try and establish some reason or motive for the suicide. This is fraught as it is impossible to know what was actually going through a person’s mind at the precise moment they took their own life. At that moment they made a choice. Why? We can never know.

    Shall we now look at what suicide actually is? Someone taking his or her own life—right? It seems that the “act” is only considered suicide if it results in the quick death of the person concerned. But what about those who commit suicide in the “long term”? Those who drink or drug themselves to death over a number of years, what about them? They may suffer from abuse, or from unbearable pressures associated with their domestic arrangements or at work. They may determine that the easiest and most “socially acceptable” way of easing this pressure or pain, is to get drunk or to get “stoned” on a regular basis. It may take some time but in possibly 5 or 10 years they will be dead. The emotional (and economic) “cost” of this (“long-term suicide”) far exceeds that of any number of “quick” suicides.

    To get back to the “mental illness or disorder” accusation. Disordered from what? What are these people supposed to be disordered from? From “normal”? As far as I can discover, there is no accepted definition of “normal.” Possibly those considered “disordered” react to life’s trials and tribulations differently from those around them. Are they wrong? Or are we “outsiders” just being intolerant and lacking in understanding or compassion? Maybe these people are just eccentric—God knows there are enough odd-ball people in the community! Some behavior may be considered maladaptive or possibly antisocial by “outsiders” but not by the people concerned—otherwise they wouldn’t act the way they do!

    Similarly, why should anyone “live” according to another’s expectations?

    The Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) wrote the essay, “Suicide,” wherein he said, “I believe that no man ever threw away Life while it was worth keeping.”

    What follows is a warning relating to anti-depressant drugs, with which you will be familiar:

    US FOOD AND Drug Administration Product Information Warning

    Patients with major depressive disorder, both adult and pediatric, may experience worsening of their depression and/or the emergence of suicidal ideation and behavior (suicidality), whether or not they are taking antidepressant medications, and this risk may persist until significant remission occurs. Although there has been a long-standing concern that antidepressants may have a role in inducing worsening of depression and the emergence of suicidality in certain patients, a causal role for antidepressants in inducing such behaviors has not been established. Nevertheless, patients being treated with antidepressants should be observed closely for clinical worsening and suicidality, especially at the beginning of a course of drug therapy, or at the time of dose changes, either increases or decreases. Consideration should be given to changing the therapeutic regimen, including possibly discontinuing the medication, in patients whose depression is persistently worse or whose emergent suicidality is severe, abrupt in onset, or was not part of the patient’s presenting symptoms.

    From the above it is apparent that psychopharmaceutical medications are not always the answer!

    Finally, I give you a quote from the Indian sage Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), who said, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

    There we have it—in a nutshell!
  • Tzeentch
    Suicide is a bad thing because it causes my trains to run late.
  • RegularGuy
    The first time I attempted suicide was two weeks after first being put on antidepressants. I have been on them for 20 years now, and it would be dangerous to stop now. My brain chemistry is dependent on them (along with the antipsychotics and mood stabilizers).
  • OpinionsMatter

    You have certainly thought this through! I love how neutral you are, that you are not for nor against those who choose to commit suicide. I think when someone chooses to end their life it's only sad to those that loved that person, although I think that if we still have the ability to think after death, that the suicidal person may come to regret their decision after time. But this is dependent of an 'if' which is not definite. Suicide is a touchy subject on the basis that it is usually viewed as 'bad' (as you stated) but that does not necessarily mean it is. Most suicides are committed by people who believe they have no other choice.(once again, as you stated)
  • old
    I ask the question — why is suicide considered such a bad thing?Chisholm

    Let's remember that some people are hated and even told to kill themselves. Usually this kind of aggression is not in the mouths of the talking heads who largely give us a sense of norms. I will agree that the norm is more or less to speak as if suicide is unfortunate.

    When young people are involved, I think the thought is usually that their despair is a kind of illusion. If they are helped through it and discouraged from acting rashly, they may become only mildly miserable like the rest of us (as happy as the rest of us). Also, 'everyone is crazy in their 20s.'

    I suspect however that the suicide of older people is quietly viewed differently, at least by some. I occasionally reflect on Hunter S. Thompson.

    Thompson's inner circle told the press that he had been depressed and always found February a "gloomy" month, with football season over and the harsh Colorado winter weather. He was also upset over his advancing age and chronic medical problems, including a hip replacement; he would frequently mutter "This kid is getting old." Rolling Stone published what Doug Brinkley described as a suicide note written by Thompson to his wife, titled "Football Season Is Over". It read:

    No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun — for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your age. Relax — This won't hurt.[48]
    — Wiki

    Personally I think a proud, accomplished old man of sane mind should not be blamed for choosing his moment. We put beloved animals to sleep when we think the quality of their lives has departed. Finally there is something heroic about facing death, actually walking into it, at least when the alternative is becoming a helpless burden or losing one's mind to Alzheimer's, etc. I suspect that my view is common enough. It's perhaps not talked about much.
  • Artemis

    Have you ever had a close family member commit suicide?

    It's like a bomb exploded right in the middle of everyone's lives and the scars stay with you forever.

    You don't commit suicide because that would be one of the most horrifying things you could do to anyone who gives a hoot about your well-being.
  • Judaka

    There are many reasons why people think suicide is wrong and I could go on all day but I will emphasise what I think the main ones are:
    1. Empathy
    We empathise with both the individual and their family/friends, the results force us to contend with suicide as a thing which is caused by and brings about misery and pain.

    2. Lost potential
    The person who killed themselves could have changed their mind and gone on to do anything. Had a happy life with a family, being a respectable person with a respectable job and being a real asset to the community. So it's sad that we don't get to see that possibility come to fruition.

    3. Suicide is not always done for even remotely wise reasons
    If you specifically talk about examples where suicide seems understandable then you'll get different attitudes to suicide in general. Young people kill themselves over bad grades, breakups, fights with friends and while all of these reasons might seem really good at the time for that person, outside, people can't possibly agree with the actions.

    4. The actual act
    Most of the time with suicide, we're talking about possibly violent (even extremely violent) methods being done by people alone and most likely, troubled by many things. The setting for suicide and the actual method are not pleasant and that cannot be separated from the act.

    5. The perspective of the family/friends
    Whether it's suicide or not, saying that the person who died was better off dead even if it's because they themselves wanted that isn't going to go down well. You're not going to be able to sell this perspective to people and especially not the actual family/friends of the victim except in special circumstances.

    So there you have it, I think you can find special circumstances where the above things have been eliminated. A person with a debilitating disease who has no potential for a good life, who is making an understandable choice in a peaceful manner surrounded by family and friends who have more or less accepted the choice. Give people something like that and you will actually get support for the act, in my opinion.
  • Frank Apisa
    My main thought about suicide is that it should be something a person can obtain help in doing in a decent way...perhaps even with final good-byes.

    It may be apocryphal, but supposedly poet/author Richard Brautigan left a suicide note that read, "Messy, isn't it." He died by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

    There has got to be better ways.
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