• Hanover
    That's the best you can come up with? I must enjoy lynchings like a Klansman?
  • Maw
    poor fella, can't read past three paragraphs
  • praxis

    the '60s generation in the Democratic Party, and they have not so far embraced the Republican Party as much as might be expected from their ideological transformation. It isn't clear who they will favor in 2012

    Well, it's clear now.

    60s generation ≠ Boomers
  • frank
    Well, it's clear now.praxis

    What's clear?
  • ssu
    Not really. Leftist Baby Boomers were a minority.Maw
    Oh I agree, Maw. They were just the loudest.

    Just like hmm...now.

    What is silent is the moderate center.
  • Wayfarer
    Trump & Co. Are Crossing Big, Bright Red Lines—and They’re Getting Away With It

    It’s been bad since Day 1, of course. But in recent weeks, the lawlessness has gotten far more egregious and dangerous. What force can stop it?

    Read the story here.
  • Wayfarer
    The basic fact is, Trump is undermining and destroying the office of the Presidency in plain view, right before the world’s eyes, and nobody outside the fourth estate - constantly belittled by Trump and his cronies - is doing anything to stop it.
  • frank

    You may be right. Do you know what percentage of boomers were leftist in the first half of the 70s?frank

    BTW, the Russians now have a human-chimp hybrid. And no, I'm not going to tell you how I know that. Look it up for yourself.
  • praxis
    What's clear?frank

  • frank
    That's cool. Do they have a graph like that from the 70s?
  • praxis
    About the middle of the Boomer section, if you're curious about the distribution of that specific time in history.
  • S
    For Millennials, the numerous catastrophes of the Bush administration, particularly the economic recession in 2007, the disappointment of the Obama administration, and the failure of the Democratic establishment to stop the election of Trump is seared into the collective consciousness of that age group.Maw

    Yeah, that's pretty hard to forget about.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    For Millennials, the numerous catastrophes of the Bush administration, particularly the economic recession in 2007, the disappointment of the Obama administration, and the failure of the Democratic establishment to stop the election of Trump is seared into the collective consciousness of that age group.Maw

    The opposition to Bush was hardcore. The opposition to Trump is quite lame (toothless and whiney).

    (Add. I think something happened during the Obama days that neutered the left.)
  • frank
    About the middle of the Boomer section, if you're curious about the distribution of that specific time in history.praxis

    I think that graph is showing data from 2015. We would need another graph from the 1970s to determine what happened to Baby Boomer views over time.
  • frank
    They named the human-chimp Roger.
  • S
    The opposition to Bush was hardcore. The opposition to Trump is pretty lame (toothless and whiney).Merkwurdichliebe

    With Bush, I got more of an impression that he was dumb, but kind of naive.

    With Trump, I get more of an impression that he's dumb, but in a much worse kind of way. Like he doesn't mean well. Like he knows he's doing harm, but tries to justify it. And often justify it with a bunch of lies and spin.
  • Maw
    I guess you missed the PEW article I posted earlier.

    The opposition to Bush was hardcore. The opposition to Trump is quite lame (toothless and whiney).Merkwurdichliebe

    How did opposition to Bush manifest itself, and why was it "hardcore", and what is the opposition to Trump and why is it "lame"?
  • Wayfarer
    Add. I think something happened during the Obama days that neutered the left.Merkwurdichliebe

    I think it’s more that Trump-Fox effectively deployed shamelessness and mendacity to undermine any prospect of reasoned opposition. After all, if an opponent recognizes no such thing as ‘fact’ then how in a democratic system can they be opposed? There’s no system of accountability that can ever work. That is why Trump poses such a mortal threat.
  • Merkwurdichliebe

    It's only an opinion, I've seen no poles on the historical trajectory of hardcore political opposition. It seemed like the left possessed greater spirit of doing it ourselves during the Bush era. Today, the left seems to have a strong desire to have things done for them.
  • Merkwurdichliebe

    Don't get me wrong, I am opposed to Trump. It's just that I'm equally opposed to his opposition.
  • Wayfarer
    I once had a manager who used to say ‘Don’t come to me with problems. Come to me with solutions’.
  • Merkwurdichliebe


    I saw the left scrambling for solutions during Bush.

    Now it seems like the left is just screaming about its problems. Perhaps it the only way left, a last desperate attempt to oppose a system that keeps promising everything and delivering nothing.
  • praxis
    Ah, right.

    Couldn't find a graphic but it looks like Democrats were about 46% to Republican 21% in the mid 70s. That changed to 35% & 31% by the mid 80s. Maybe it took that long for the acid to wear-off.
  • praxis
    They named the human-chimp Roger.frank

    What a coincidence, that's my middle name.
  • Maw

    Well the Dems didn't gain seats in the 2004 House elections, and gained 31 seats in 2006. They gained 41 seats in the house in 2018, which was the highest Dem gain since 1974, so that doesn't seem to indicate that they "want things done for them". As I pointed out earlier in this thread, Bernie Sanders is far and away the leading contender for the democratic nomination, and is doing an excellent job articulating solutions to major problems that the Left is focused on, such as Medicare for All, Green New Deal in fighting climate change, and the growing inequality of wealth. Elizabeth Warren has also been second to none in detailing policy solutions to curb Capitalism's excesses. They have both been able to do largely while treating Trump himself as a peripheral issue, while not considering Mueller as some sort of savior as other liberal types have done.
  • Merkwurdichliebe

    But they have done little to stop the onslaught of either the war machine, or the surveillance state.
  • S

    I saw the left scrambling for solutions during Bush.

    Now it seems like the left is just screaming about its problems. Perhaps it the only way left, a last desperate attempt to oppose a system that keeps promising everything and delivering nothing.

    Bernie Sanders wins the next election. Problem solved. There's little else, realistically, that can be done, except to wait it out.
  • Merkwurdichliebe

    Too bad the Democrats sabotaged Sanders last election
  • S
    Too bad the Democrats sabotaged Sanders last election.Merkwurdichliebe

    Yeah, there has been a similar situation this side of the pond, where the Parliamentary Labour Party actively sought to undermine their leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

    Bunch of wankers.
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