• Ilya B Shambat
    When I was writing about undesirability of obesity, I was accused of being shallow and of thinking with my penis. In fact there are graver problems with obesity than that it is unsightly. Obesity is only a most visible sign of a much larger problem in society. It is overconsumption of resources – overconsumption to the point that it is no longer even good for people doing it. An obese person overconsumes food, in the same way as some others overconsume huge houses and Hummers.

    In some cases, it appears to be genetic and cannot be helped. However when obesity rates in America triple in three decades, then something must be going on to cause such a large demographic shift. What has been going on over the last three decades, that is still going on, that may have effect on the obesity of the population?

    I would say, most definitely, third-wave feminism. When we have people arguing that beauty is a myth designed to control women, many women would decide to forego beauty and let themselves go. When we have people arguing that sex is exploitation of women, many women will steer clear of everything sexual. When we have people arguing that love is transference or codependence or seeking external validation, then people will avoid love. With these beautiful joys of life denied – and things such as drinking and smoking likewise frowned upon - people will have no pleasure left in life besides eating; and then they will become obese.

    Now I know a number of people who'v battled weight problems, whom I hold in high esteem. However it works in nobody's best interests for majority of the population to become obese. It is unhealthy, it is expensive, and it is unethical – unethical because, once again, it is overconsumption.

    I do two hours of exercise a day, and I can say for certain that anyone can spare half an hour a day doing exercise. It increases your productivity, which means that the time expended upon it pays for itself. As for food, it is possible to enjoy it without overindulging. The French have much smaller dishes than do Americans. Yet their food is excellent.

    If you have genetic predisposition to obesity, then that should not be held against you. However most people do not have such a predisposition, and they become obese because of choices they make. The solution to obesity is a no-brainer: Exercise and eat right. Do not pick on people for being fat or deny these people a place in society. At the same time live a healthy lifestyle and hopefully influence others to live a healthy lifestyle as well.

    As for feminism, I see no reason at all why beauty should be seen to be working against women. Swedish women are beautiful, and Sweden has stronger feminism than does United States. If anything being allowed to be beautiful works in favor of women. It allows them to express themselves. And it allows them to be appreciated for work that they do on themselves and for being their best.

    The confusion that feminists have made is between a value and misuses of the value. Anything that has appeal to people can be used for wrong. That does not make it wrong in itself. That stupid teenagers attack girls for being unattractive, or that unscrupulous plastic surgeons keep already attractive women coming back for unnecessary plastic surgery treatments, does not damn beauty; it damns the misuses of beauty. For that matter money can be used for wrong things as well. It does not damn money. We see the same thing with other values, from intelligence to moral values. All these things can be used for wrong; it does not make them wrong in themselves.

    Now not all feminism is wrong, but the anti-beauty trend in feminism is completely wrong. It does not benefit women, it degrades them. It denies them a clear area of women's superiority to men. Women are more naturally beautiful than men. And when they are not allowed to be beautiful, they lose that superiority and are put in a race where they are either second or merely equal.

    So there are bigger problems with obesity than that it doesn't look good. It is overconsumption, and as such should be discouraged at a moral level. And yes, I am willing to address the sins of other overconsumers – such as Hummer-drivers – as well. As for feminism, it needs to correct its confusion. Beauty is not responsible for the wrongs that they see; abuses of beauty are. As for beauty, it is a wonderful thing, and women are ill-served by having their self-proclaimed leaders deny them their right to be beautiful.
  • alcontali
    Now not all feminism is wrong ...Ilya B Shambat

    I think it is.

    Women are more naturally beautiful than men.Ilya B Shambat

    Beauty certainly signals health, even though it may signal other things too. In a more primitive, more natural society, the ability to bear children (for women) and the ability to provide resources (for men) would have required both genders to be in good health. Both women and men had to be beautiful.

    With development of technology, which started accelerating after humanity started farming, the gap may have started growing too. Merely handsome men may no longer, necessarily be good resource providers. Even though women may undoubtedly have a preference for naturally handsome men, they (and/or their families) may not always want them as husbands.

    Ugly men could still have lots of offspring and be genetically successful. Ugly women ... not so sure about that. It is probably harder for them.
  • Hanover
    Are you saying feminists are fat and ugly?

    I kind of think you are.
  • Banno
    What has been going on over the last three decades, that is still going on, that may have effect on the obesity of the population?

    I would say, most definitely, third-wave feminism.
    Ilya B Shambat

    No, it's obviously correlated to the rise of the use of mobile phones.
  • MrCrowley
    It's really simple. The modern feminist movement promotes obesity in women because it claims that women taking care of their health and being in shape is part of the patriarchal control.

    Good luck with that.
  • Banno
    It's really simple.MrCrowley

    Indeed, pathetically so.
  • Baden
    Swedish women are beautiful, and Sweden has stronger feminism than does United States.Ilya B Shambat

    Proving, using the same kind of simplistic logic / non-science that pollutes most of your OP, that feminism makes women more beautiful / slimmer etc.

    But let's not stop with that... My brother was recently in Houston, Texas. He noted how overweight people are there. Indeed, Texas, according to statistics, has among the highest proportion of overweight people of both sexes in the U.S. Whereas in Colorado, Connecticut, and Massachusetts reside amongst the slimmest folks in the country.


    Now, the latter slimmer states are more Democrat and left-wing than the former, and these measures correlate well with feminist views. Again, feminism makes you slimmer.

    But let's not stop with that... Another thing my brother noticed as he travelled around was that the working class in the U.S. seemed to be heavier than the middle class. It was out in the wealthier burbs that the slimmest ladies were to be found. But middle-class college-educated women form the very demographic hub of feminism, no? I guess... feminism makes you slimmer.
  • Streetlight
    But let's not stop with that... My brother was recently in Houston, Texas. He noted how overweight people are there. Indeed, Texas, according to statistics, has among the highest proportion of overweight people of both sexes in the U.S.Baden

    Clearly the conclusion is that Texas is one of the most feminist states in the US. Probably heralded by George "Fight the Patriarchy" Bush.
  • Hanover
    My brother was recently in Houston, Texas. He noted how overweight people are thereBaden

    Tell your brother we thank him for the sociological study, but he's now welcome to get the fuck out of the US and go back to Croatia or wherever the Baden clan is from.

    I stayed at an AirBnb in Paris a while back and the owner had a photo album I took the liberty of reviewing, and apparently he thought it funny to document every fat American ass in his recent trip to Washington DC. He did tell a rather poignant story in photo.

    These feminists you reference, are they easy? If they are, have your brother bring me one before he gets the fuck out. Let him know we have a "leave no trace" thing here, meaning he needs to pack out all his shit when he leaves, literally. But bring me the easy feminist first, one with plenty of sass please.
  • Michael
    These feminists you reference, are they easy? If they are, have your brother bring me one before he gets the fuck out. Let him know we have a "leave no trace" thing here, meaning he needs to pack out all his shit when he leaves, literally. But bring me the easy feminist first, one with plenty of sass please.Hanover

    I'm an easy, sassy feminist.
  • Hanover
    an easy, sassy feminist.Michael
    I was looking for an innie not an outie though.
  • WerMaat
    indeed! :up: :razz:
  • WerMaat
    However when obesity rates in America triple in three decades, then something must be going on to cause such a large demographic shift. What has been going on over the last three decades, that is still going on, that may have effect on the obesity of the population?

    I would say, most definitely, third-wave feminism.
    Ilya B Shambat

    Above, children, observe the Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc in its natural habitat. This animal is, unfortunately, in no danger of going extinct any time soon.
    Now, children, repeat after me:
    "Correlation does not imply causation"
    "Correlation does not imply causation"
    "Correlation does not imply causation"

    What has been going on over the last three decades, that is still going on, that may have effect on the obesity of the population?Ilya B Shambat
    Oh, I don't know... what about industrialized food production, online shopping or reality TV?
    I bet you that I could fabricate some nice-sounding reasons why each of these is the single cause of obesity. (I kind of don't dare to do that online since there's sure to be SOMEONE who immediately believes that sh#t)
  • Banno
    Ilya dun got his self banned for being a bit of a dick.

    Thus pass all such on this forum.
  • Michael
    Ilya dun got his self banned for being a bit of a dick.

    Thus pass all such on this forum.

    Except for Hanover. He's still here.
  • Banno
    Bloody admin's pet.
  • Michael
    Bloody admin's pet.Banno

    @Baden likes having his face licked.
  • Baden

    By gaggles of obese feminists (at least that's the way it usually goes down).
  • Banno
    Well, who doesn't.
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