• Wayfarer
    Anthony Scaramucci, the former White House communications director, has lashed out at Donald Trump, suggesting the president will one day “turn” on those he claims to be fighting for and that he may need to be replaced at the top of the Republican ticket in 2020.

    On Monday, Scaramucci was asked by CNN whether he was “no longer an active supporter of President Trump and his re-election bid?”

    Scaramucci replied: “I think that’s pretty obvious from over the weekend.”

    Asked if he was calling for a change to the Republican nomination for president, Scaramucci said: “Well, I’m calling for it to be considered, yes.”

    Scaramucci introduced that theme on Sunday, telling Axios: “We are now in the early episodes of Chernobyl on HBO, where the reactor is melting down and the apparatchiks are trying to figure out whether to cover it up or start the clean-up process.”

    He went on: “A couple more weeks like this and ‘country over party’ is going to require the Republicans to replace the top of the ticket in 2020. We can’t afford a full nuclear contamination site post-2020.”

  • Baden

    The guy doesn't have a huge amount of credibility. I doubt anything he says matters except to the choir.
  • Wayfarer
    Of course, he's legendarily idiotic, but at least even he gets it right in this case. That's why I posted it! I should have said, 'against all expectations, Scaramucci says something true'. :lol:
  • Baden

    I do relish anyone sticking the boot into the wigged one, but until Moscow Mitch and his cronies decide they have more to lose than gain with crass appeals to the worst instincts of rural white males and the white working class, Trump will ride on.
  • Baden
    against all expectations, Scaramucci says something true'. :lol:Wayfarer

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    against all expectations, Scaramucci says something true'. :lol:Wayfarer

    Although my maiden last name is pretty awesome it doesn't keep me from being green with envy of someone with the last name of "Scaramucci"! I can spell his last name with hand motions only! Love it :love:
  • thewonder
    I will say that Donald Trump really did make me feel like anyone could be president.

    What I mean, though, is that I think that it's part and parcel to the campaign by the American Right for Trump to be ridiculed. The whole man in the monkey suit act is just a means to dismiss how intimidating that guy is. I find for the whole thing to be rather unsettling.
  • frank
    He let it be known that Kim had given him a small apology for engaging in nuclear testing.

    He's an idiot.
  • thewonder

    Eh, I don't agree with the standoff. The situation in North Korea should not be left up to Vice News. They did "talk them down", but I don't think that it will result in anything substantial.
  • NOS4A2
    The anti-Trump cult, who don’t have far to look for consensus and propaganda to affirm their beliefs, have been crying wolf for years now.

    Whether it was the next Hitler, economic collapse, nuclear war, the prophecies have all proven false and their fears unjustified.

    To cover for their mass hysteria, they have resorted to the worst kind of contextomy and tweet-policing.
  • frank

    No, I mean he fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.

    He forgot to pay his brain bill.

    He's dumber than a box of hair.

    A few peas short of a casserole.

    All foam, no beer.

    The cheese slid off his cracker.

    Warning: objects in the mirror are dumber than they appear.

    He's as dense as a one tree forest.

    He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

    The wheel's spinning but the hamster is dead.
  • thewonder

    Oh, so you were just calling him an idiot.

    I have resorted to no such "contextomy" and I am not the thought police. I just think that this political situation is absurd. It seems obvious to me that Trump is not the sort of person who should be the President of the United States of America. There is no satire to make of Trump as he already embodies what would be caricatured. It's not the end of the world, but it is unsettling.
  • praxis
    Whether it was the next Hitler, economic collapse, nuclear war, the prophecies have all proven false and their fears unjustified.NOS4A2

    A few prophecies that were spot on:

    • Mexico didn’t pay for a “huge” beautiful new wall (concrete and steal).
    • Obamacare wasn’t repealed and replaced, with republican majority in the house and senate, no less.
    • Taxes were reduced for the rich (Trump promised to raise them, or at least that the rich, which includes himself, wouldn’t be favored).
  • NOS4A2

    That is at least a more nuanced view. But among the intelligentsia, the celebrities and their voracious followers there is a mass hysteria going on. Anti-Trumpism is now a veritable ideology.
  • Wayfarer
    .... otherwise known as 'common sense' or 'understandable trepidation'
  • Baden
    *Shrug* I don't see any reason to worry about a president who is going to let a psychopathic dictator continue to develop nuclear weapons because he writes him "beautiful letters".
  • RegularGuy
    *Shrug* I don't see any reason to worry about a president who is going to let a psychopathic dictator continue to develop nuclear weapons because he writes him "beautiful letters".Baden

    Not to mention that Trump may single-handedly be bringing on a world recession with his trade war with China. Not to mention the appeasement by Trump of Russia’s interference in the world’s democratic governments. Not to mention the escalation of tensions with Iran over pulling out of the nuclear deal, pushing Iran into a corner where they have no choice but to lash out.
  • Baden
    Dear Donny,

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Your hair is silky soft
    and your skin a pretty hue,
    Please can I have lotsa nukes
    an' I'll write more poems to you,

    Hugs and kisses,

    Kimmy :heart: :heart:
  • RegularGuy

    The con man says there’s nothing to worry about (regarding Kim) and that he’s got it under control. In all fairness to the con man, I’m not sure what he can do about it without China’s help.
  • S
    If it comes down to Biden or Trump, I will be really disappointed.Wallows

    Me too.
  • NOS4A2
    Anti-trumpism leads the thinker to blame the world’s ills, not to mention their fears, on a single individual man. Either Trump is a great sorcerer or they’ve subscribed to magical thinking. The rest of their criticism stems from political correctness and base snobbery, as it was taught to them by Washington and Hollywood elites.
  • Baden

    True, I admit Tom Cruise was the one who taught me that you should not let personal flattery by vicious dictators affect your foreign policy positions towards them.
  • NOS4A2

    Tom Cruise has never dealt with a vicious dictator. Trump has wrapped them around his finger. North and South Korea are talking of unification, something that was unimaginable for the past 70 years.
  • Baden
    Tom Cruise has never dealt with a vicious dictatorNOS4A2

    That's worrying as I tend to follow Tom's political advice to the letter. So maybe Kim's apology for continuing missile tests is genuine rather than a calculated strategy and Donald is really in control. Well, that's a relief. :up:
  • S
    Either Trump is a great sorcerer or they’ve subscribed to magical thinking.NOS4A2

    You don't have to be a great sorcerer in order to have the charisma, personal qualities, and rhetoric required to bring the worst out in people. Hitler had it, and Trump has it too. That footage of the crowd behind Trump chanting, "Send her back!", whilst Trump stands there and does nothing, indicating passive acceptance, is chilling to the bone.
  • RegularGuy
    You don't have to be a great sorcerer in order to have the charisma, personal qualities, and rhetoric required to bring the worst out in people. Hitler had it, and Trump has it too. That footage of the crowd behind Trump chanting, "Send her back!", whilst Trump stands there and does nothing, indicating passive acceptance, is chilling to the bone.S

    And don’t underestimate the capacity of a moron to fuck things up.
  • NOS4A2

    “Rhetoric”, the censor’s bogeyman. If Trump’s magical spells and “charisma” is enough to “bring out the worst in people”, one has to wonder why the vast majority of anti-trumpism, which slobbers from the mouths of every pundit, late night television host, celebrity, newspaper, and musician, has little to no effect. Maybe it’s not rhetoric after all?
  • S
    “Rhetoric”, the censor’s bogeyman. If Trump’s magical spells and “charisma” is enough to “bring out the worst in people”, one has to wonder why the vast majority of anti-trumpism, which slobbers from the mouths of every pundit, late night television host, celebrity, newspaper, and musician, has little to no effect. Maybe it’s not rhetoric after all?NOS4A2

    It doesn't have little to no effect, except perhaps on that basket of deplorables, and it's definitely mostly rhetoric coming from Trump. What else would it be if not rhetoric? An impartial and unbiased reporting of the facts? Get outta town! :rofl:

    Lots of people tune in to laugh at the incompetence of the president, which those late night television hosts, celebrities, and others, use for material. There's no shortage of supply. I would hazard a guess that Trump is probably the most mocked president since George W. Bush, and he may well have overtaken him in that regard, even at this comparatively early stage in his presidency. That's an achievement of a sort, I suppose.
  • frank
    He's not the antichrist, he's just an idiot, as his own former chief of staff observed.
  • NOS4A2

    Rhetoric has no effect beyond a slight expelling of breath and sound.

    All that anti-Trump rhetoric on late night, much of it cherry picked from twitter, may work wonders on those who require an “applause” sign to remind them when to laugh. But they preach ant-Trumpism as a one-sided story, suppressing all evidence to the contrary.
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