• Terrapin Station
    Yes, have you a better plan with subjective harms and benefits?Isaac

    All it amounts to is, "I like this enough that I'm not going to bother trying to ban/regulate it, but I don't like this, so I will try to ban/regulate it."
  • S
    You have no logical reason to be asking about that specific phrase, rather than antisemitic phrases generally. But if you want to be illogical in a futile attempt to gain the upper hand in this debate for a second notable time, like when you deliberately selected a sample group that was far too small, then be my guest.
  • Terrapin Station
    You have no logical reason to be asking about that specific phrase, rather than antisemitic phrases generally.S

    Isaac claimed there was a correlation between saying that phrase and violence, and worse, he did it in the context of someone saying that phrase satirically, which is what we had been talking about.
  • Isaac

    Yes, and I've already made clear that saying every psychologist thinks the correlation is causal is not the same as saying every psychologist thinks the correlation exists at all. My subsequent comments about the nature of psychological evidence would have made that abundantly clear to anyone actually reading them.
  • Terrapin Station

    lol now 'yes"

    I'm just going back to laughing at you. Try being honest/not crazy and maybe I'll give you more than that.
  • Isaac
    All it amounts to is, "I like this enough that I'm not going to bother trying to ban/regulate it, but I don't like this, so I will try to ban/regulate it."Terrapin Station

    Yes. Again, have you a better plan to deal with subjective benefits and harms across a heterogeneous society?
  • Terrapin Station
    Isaac, S, and others here are just too much of a moron for me to bother with.
  • S
    So he gave an example of antisemitic language and the detrimental effects that it can have. There's no shortage of examples of that. Look up Nazi Germany. Once you've removed your head from your arse, that is.
  • S
    So if a lot of people agree to how it's being made up, then it's good to go?
    — Terrapin Station

    Yes, have you a better plan with subjective harms and benefits? Ignore them all to serve some religious ideology? Come and ask you? Why on earth shouldn't a community get together and decide that the risk of allowing people to say "Gas the Jews" isn't worth the benefit?

    He doesn't really have any answers, and what he has revealed about his vision of how society should be is ludicrously impractical, chaotic, and dystopian. He is just an opinionated and outspoken ideologue.
  • NOS4A2

    If by “having a personality” you mean I behave and act in certain ways, yes, but if you mean I am something more than my biology, no.
  • S
    If by “having a personality” you mean I behave and act in certain ways, yes, but if you mean I am something more than my biology, no.NOS4A2

    Funny how "body" became "biology", by the way. You do like to move the goalposts, don't you?
  • NOS4A2

    Funny how "body" became "biology", by the way. You do like to move the goalposts, don't you?

    Are you upset I didn’t add on that my “personality”? My biology, my body, same thing.
  • S
    My biology, my body, same thing.NOS4A2

    Clearly not the same thing. In English, "I found a body in the canal" cannot be accurately translated as "I found a biology in the canal".
  • NOS4A2

    Clearly not the same thing. In English, "I found a body in the canal" cannot be accurately translated as "I found a biology in the canal".

    Only if you suspiciously leave out the possessive pronouns.
  • deletedusercb
    He doesn't really have any answers, and what he has revealed about his vision of how society should be is ludicrously impractical, chaotic, and dystopian. He is just an opinionated and outspoken ideologue.S

    One irony is that people who are for the censorship of hate speech spend time telling each other negative things about him. IOW not just Terrapin's arguments, but him as a person. I may have missed it, but the guy who is most protective of free speech (T) has mainly or entirely avoided insulting or ad homming those on the other side of the fence.
  • S
    Only if you suspiciously leave out the possessive pronouns.NOS4A2

    "My leg detached from my body in the accident".
  • S
    One irony is that people who are for the censorship of hate speech spend time telling each other negative things about him. IOW just his arguments, but him as a person. I may have missed it, but the guy who is most protective of free speech has mainly or entirely avoided insulting or ad homming those on the other side of the fence.Coben

    You definitely just missed it! :lol:

    And that's not an irony, because nothing that we've said counts as hate speech. Not even close. My goodness! There's a world of difference between mere negative comments and hate speech.
  • NOS4A2

    Like Gorgias, sophists overestimate the power words, and believe they can produce magical effects on other bodies. Hence their rampant use of fallacy and rhetorical trickery.
  • S
    Like Gorgias, sophists overestimate the power words, and believe they can produce magical effects on other bodies. Hence their rampant use of fallacy and rhetorical trickery.NOS4A2

    You'd know all about that.
  • NOS4A2

    I do. I am confidently inoculated against it.
  • S
    I do. I am confidently inoculated against it.NOS4A2

    "Confidently inoculated". You're a walking contradiction. You just admitted in a separate discussion to hyperbole and sarcasm. You yourself are full of fallacy and rhetorical trickery, but you're in denial, whereas others are at least more self-aware.
  • Isaac
    I may have missed it, but the guy who is most protective of free speech has mainly or entirely avoided insulting or ad homming those on the other side of the fence.Coben

    What thread have you been reading? Presumably not the one where we've been called Aspies (in a derogatory sense), ridiculous, morons, stupid, dishonest, disingenuous...
  • NOS4A2

    Oh here we go. You’ve admitted you are employed to manipulate people through words as a living. It’s not working so well here, is it?
  • S
    Oh here we go. You’ve admitted you are employed to manipulate people through words as a living. It’s not working so well here, is it?NOS4A2

    Yes, I'm self-aware that my job involves manipulation. Whereas you're in denial about your own rhetoric.

    By the way, have you considered renovating your bathroom?
  • NOS4A2

    By the way, have you considered renovating your bathroom?

    I can appreciate the humor. :ok:
  • S
    We have a fantastic promotion on at the moment, although it's ending soon, so you'll have to get on there quick if you want a bargain!
  • TheMadFool
    Should all forms of hate speech be allowed, including the racist ones. Should hate speech which instigates violence be allowed ? If we ban a certain type of offensive speeches and usually the arguments are oriented around feelings being hurt. We may also argue against criticizing a religion or an ideology. I know one of the group isn't a choice and the other is but does it matter.Wittgenstein

    Tough question. On the one hand truth must be preserved and on the other hand violence must be avoided.

    The ignorant don't know the truth and are susceptible to violence.

    May be we can teach. Education? I don't know. If you read comics supervillains tend to be geniuses but then so are the heroes.

    Moral education?

    Reason and feelings together firm the foundation of a moral society. Feelings consists of the happiness-sorrow couple and reason guides us towards one and away from the other.
  • Terrapin Station
    Clearly not the same thing. In English, "I found a body in the canal" cannot be accurately translated as "I found a biology in the canal".S

    You can not possibly be that much of a moron. Seriously.
  • S
    I may have missed it, but the guy who is most protective of free speech has mainly or entirely avoided insulting or ad homming those on the other side of the fence.Coben

    Entirely. :up:
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