• Shawn
    Wonder what s/he was selling, got the same thing...
  • Baden

    Some fantasy. I guess s/he doesn't have much faith in the street smarts of philosophy fans.
  • praxis
    He was an oddity, but I think he added a certain flavor to the forum that wasn’t without value.Noah Te Stroete

    Bubble gum cherry apple?
  • Hanover
    Wonder what s/he was selling, got the same thing...Wallows

    I'll find out soon. I sent her my bank information and she said my surprise package would show up in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!
  • god must be atheist
    Memo to everyone who feels a bit schitzoidal: Some of us are not good diagnosticians. Please be as blatant as possible. Mention your medications. Tell us your symptoms. DSM references are always helpful. Share your worst hospitalization experiences. were your parents a form of cruel and unusual punishment? Have you been cruelly jilted recently? Any really weird hallucinations? Is God talking to you a lot? All that sort of thing.Bitter Crank

    I am sorry. I can't do all this. I have a note form my doctor that exempts me.

    But I can do magic circles on the ground*, backward sommersaults and pronouncing three words at once.

    *these are done in P.
  • god must be atheist
    Yes. I only know his first name, which is Gerald.S

    I know a mouse
    He hasn't got a house
    I don't know
    Why I call him Gerald.
    He's getting rather old,
    But he's a good mouse.

    (Pink Floyd, "Bike")
  • god must be atheist
    Wonder what s/he was selling, got the same thing...
    — Wallows

    I'll find out soon. I sent her my bank information and she said my surprise package would show up in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!

    I got it already in the mail. It's a chain-letter bomb. You get one letter bomb, and you're supposed to send it to ten different people. If you don't, you'll grow a hand out of your back, her letter promised me.
  • god must be atheist
    I can foresee already the posts about me after I get banned. "He was like God to me." "The most intelligent, charming person who has ever graced the pages of these forums." "I cherished every word he wrote. Pearls to swine." "His sense of humour was legendary, and his love for mankind and womankind was kindness embodimented." ETC.
  • RegularGuy
    Bubble gum cherry apple?praxis

    Whatever narcissism and a pathological need for recognition tastes like. I think it tastes like ham, personally. He tasted like ham. Some people taste like bitter herbs like S. Some people taste saccharine sweet like Together Turtle. Ilya tasted like ham.
  • Michael
    You get one letter bomb, and you're supposed to send it to ten different people. If you don't, you'll grow a hand out of your back, her letter promised me.god must be atheist

    So why would I send it to ten different people?
  • praxis
    Some people taste like bitter herbs, like S.Noah Te Stroete

    He’s more spicy than astringent. In fact, if memory serves, S is short for sriracha, a chili sauce that thinks it can burn but ends up being merely mildly amusing.
  • RegularGuy
    He’s more spicy than astringent. In fact, if memory serves, S is short for sriracha, a chili sauce that thinks it can burn but ends up being merely mildly amusing.praxis

  • Baden
    Banned @SteveKlinko for advertising his website after being warned not to.

    Please be reminded that as per the guidelines:

    "Advertisers, spammers: Instant deletion of post followed by ban."

    We didn't make this site ad free so members could use it to sell T-shirts. Anyway, regardless of the content, please don't link to your personal site anywhere except in your profile And if in doubt, or if you want us to make an exception, just drop one of us a PM.

  • T Clark

    I just asked this question over on The Shoutbox.

    Is that why the whole "Emphasizing the Connection Perspective" thread was deleted? It was a really interesting and valuable one for me.
  • T Clark
    Is that why the whole "Emphasizing the Connection Perspective" thread was deleted? It was a really interesting and valuable one for me.T Clark

    And, as usual, I was brilliant.
  • Baden

    Ah ok, I'll consider restoring it minus the link. Steve is staying banned though.
  • T Clark
    I'll consider restoring it minus the link. Steve is staying banned though.Baden

    I would appreciate restoration of the thread. As usual, I try to have no position on bannings and, in most cases, I succeed.
  • Isaac

    Just found this myself, wondering why I couldn't post to that thread. It had morphed into a discussion about consciousness (I know - it's a wonder no-one's thought to discuss the matter before!). Perhaps you could restore it under a different title and remove just the advertising?
  • Baden

    No worries. Restored.
  • Isaac

    Thanks - finally we can nail the whole consciousness thing once and for all!
  • T Clark
    Thanks - finally we can nail the whole consciousness thing once and for allIsaac

    I thought we had. When @khaled admitted he was wrong, I thought we were done.

    Yes, @khaled, I’m joking.
  • Janus
    Does the same go for posting youtube videos one has produced (that may or may not have website details attached to them)?
  • Wayfarer
    Banned SteveKlinko for advertising his website after being warned not to.Baden

    Also could have been banned for Totally Random Capitalisation of Words, but never mind.
  • Baden

    Hadn't thought about it. Best just to PM one of us first in a case like that. The main consideration is to preserve the site's integrity and that it not be used by anyone for promotional purposes. So, we'd judge in that context.
  • unenlightened
    Also could have been banned for Totally Random Capitalisation of Words,Wayfarer

    TRC is not ABO (a bannable offence), and nor is AA (acronymic addiction), AFAIK. Incidentally the offending link remains in a quote.
  • Baden
    Again, the Clinton DNC is a front for the House of Islam: one required access to the "underground market" via Clinton, which is where you will find all of your human trafficking, pedophilia etc. and it leads back to the House of Islam.A Gnostic Agnostic

  • fdrake

    Bloody PC police, you can't even say that Islam is a paedophile human trafficking conspiracy being backed by the Clintons!

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