• god must be atheist
    Paradoxes are not self-contradictions. You just showed the lack of your science education, @3017amen.
  • 3017amen

    You're using rationalism to disprove EOG no?

    And self reference unresolved paradox exists yes?
  • god must be atheist
    Really, please explain consciousness then LOL

    We're waiting????

    As long as you explain first the unification theory between quantum mechanics and relativity theory.

    Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? Are you my boss? No. So I do expect the courtesy and respect that you don't treat me like I were your subordinate.

    Don't task me, please.
  • god must be atheist
    I am riled. I don't like to argue with blind fanatics who lose sight of logic, reason, and civility when they engage in their most sacred subject.
  • Artemis

    Consciousness and subconsciousness are as non-contradictory as a duck swimming on a lake. The legs are moving, but you can't see them, all you see is the body. It's still a unified whole.
  • unenlightened
    One of the deficiencies of atheism is the notion that the existence of God is of great importance.

    There is no love. God is love.

    Therefore I have faith. Therefore I practice.

    This is called 'practical reason'. Lawyers and judges believe in law and order despite, and because of, knowing that the world is chaotic and anarchic. Doctors seek to preserve life, despite and because of knowing that all men are mortal.

    Atheism is inadequate because it is not worth dying for.
  • god must be atheist
    Atheism is inadequate because it is not worth dying for.unenlightened

    I wouldn't die for your god, either. It's not worth it.

    Lawyers and judges believe in law and order despite, and because of, knowing that the world is chaotic and anarchic.unenlightened

    The world WOULD be chaotic and anarchic without law and order.

    Doctors seek to preserve life, despite and because of knowing that all men are mortal.unenlightened

    I am not sure if all doctors have the same motivation to practice medicine. I see a lot of deaths in the United States that could have been prevented by proper medical care, which would have happened if the doctors actually practiced what YOU preach.

    There is love. If you don't find it outside of God, it's not god's fault or the atheists'. Others do have love without involving god or the notion of a god image. You extrapolated from yourself, and at the same time admitted that you are not a loving person, or wouldn't be, if you did not believe in god. That is a pretty strong statement of your natural abilities and the lack of your inclination for compassion.
  • unenlightened
    I wouldn't die for your god, either. It's not worth it.god must be atheist

    Fine, die for nothing, then.

    Sorry, that sounds a bit harsh, doesn't it. but I don't know how to put it kindly.
  • 3017amen
    I am riled. I don't like to argue with blind fanatics who lose sight of logic, reason, and civility when they engage in their most sacred subject. "

    Are you sure? No one can seem to resolve this paradox, using your logic:

    Socrates: " What Plato is about to say is false."
    Plato: "Socrates has just spoken truly."

    Which statement is true?
  • Artemis
    Fine, die for nothing, then.unenlightened

    Seems like a false dichotomy to me. Either god or nothing is worth dying for?

    The people you love are worth living and dying for to most people, I would think.
  • Artemis

    That's not a paradox. It just means one of them is mistaken or lying.

    Edit: misread it.

    I already answered that: it's just a linguistic quirk that you can say all sorts of crazy things that have no bearing on reality.
  • 3017amen
    Consciousness and subconsciousness are as non-contradictory as a duck swimming on a lake. The legs are moving, but you can't see them, all you see is the body. It's still a unified whole. "

    Are you sure? When a person daydreams while driving, causing a crash, how does that happen?

    Was their subconscious daydreaming, or was it their conscious?
  • Artemis
    Are you sure? When a person daydreams while driving, causing a crash, how does that happen?

    Was their subconscious daydreaming, or was it their conscious?

    Probably a bit of both.
  • 3017amen
    That's not a paradox. It just means one of them is mistaken or lying. "

    Oh I see.

    1. Is this statement a lie?
  • 3017amen
    Probably a bit of both. "

    How does that work? Both suggests P and -P.

    I must be mistaken...
  • Artemis

    That's not a statement, it's a question.
  • unenlightened
    Seems like a false dichotomy to me. Either god or nothing is worth dying for?

    The people you love are worth living and dying for to most people, I would think.

    Erm, can I just highlight the 'love' there? Did you think I was talking about some ectoplasmic emanation?
  • 3017amen
    That's not a statement, it's a question.

    1. This statement is a lie.

    Is that better?
  • Artemis

    No, it doesn't. The brain multi-tasks. It can do many things at once. Like I can rub my belly and pat my head at the same time. Or play the melody and bass line on the piano at the same time.
  • Artemis

    Love doesn't entail god.
  • 3017amen

    Ok, then answer this: did my consciousness daydream or my subconsciousness daydream, while driving the car?
  • Artemis
    1. This statement is a lie.3017amen

    You keep on doing the same thing, so I'll jus shorthand it for ya: linguistic quirk.
  • Artemis
    Ok, then answer this: did my consciousness daydream or my subconsciousness daydream, while driving the car?3017amen

    I answered that: probably a bit of both. They work together.
  • 3017amen

    We are waiting for both of you to prove something, but you got nothing. Your logic could not answer those questions. Mmmmmmm, sounds like Atheism isn't as logical as you thought, no?
  • 3017amen
    Ok, then answer this: did my consciousness daydream or my subconsciousness daydream, while driving the car?
    — 3017amen

    I answered that: probably a bit of both. They work together

    But how?
  • unenlightened
    Love doesn't entail god.Artemis

    God is love.
  • Artemis
    We are waiting for both of you to prove something, but you got nothing. Your logic could not answer those questions. Mmmmmmm, sounds like Atheism isn't a logical as you thought, no?3017amen

    Actually, I did, and you're just refusing to engage it. That not only shows you've lost the argument, but that you're kind of a bad (and impolite) interlocutor.
  • Artemis
    God is love.unenlightened

    If you want to define god as love so that you can continue using that random word for whaatever reason, go ahead. But that means god is just an emotion and not a conscious entity, creator of the universe, or an independent existence in any way.
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