• Sunnyside
    I've been listening for awhile but lately I've been bored so I'll try throwing something out as a conversation piece.

    The study of people is the only true science.
    Mathematics is an abstraction of reality.
    Aphorisms lie in the heart of philosophy.

    Anyone care to have a go?
  • Shamshir
    Why are they irritating?
  • Sunnyside

    Philosophers can make argument with anything. I figured it didn't matter what I said someone would take issue with it.
  • Shamshir
    Indeed, most anything. Ironically, my question fits the bill.
  • schopenhauer1
    The study of people is the only true science.Sunnyside

    This goes along with that

    Mathematics is an abstraction of reality.Sunnyside

    I believe that these two sentiments taken together can be construed as saying that man is the measure of things. It has wafts of Kant. But it could also be about importance of understanding humans above all else. My most asked question is why people procreate more people, especially if there is suffering? Most people will throw out happiness or something like that. But it's the most important question- more important than suicide. Procreation is about why continue life in general whereas suicide is about why continue your life only.

    Aphorisms lie in the heart of philosophy.Sunnyside
    I find some of the most informative philosophical statements to be aphorisms (pace Schopenhauer and E.M. Cioran).
  • Fine Doubter
    If you haven't tasted rijstvlaai, you don't understand Belgium.
  • Sunnyside
    My most asked question is why people procreate more people, especially if there is suffering? Most people will throw out happiness or something like that. But it's the most important question- more important than suicide. Procreation is about why continue life in general whereas suicide is about why continue your life only.schopenhauer1
    You think what's most important is people not having children and thinking about suicide?

    I wouldn't say man is the measure of things since I believe there are external realities--truths--that have some say in what's valuable, sort of like Godel's incompleteness theorem. Personally what I mean by the first statement is that human nature is critical to understand since what is practical must ultimately be based in what is real. Continuing on that thought what isn't is a pipedream.
  • Sunnyside
    An astute observation.
  • Valentinus
    Yours is an interesting approach. Aphorism is not like argument in that the expression of something problematic is not an argument for it.
    Kafka's Reflections upon Sin, Hope, and the True Way is very different than the aphorisms written by Nietzsche but they share the use of ambiguity as a means to goad the reader.
  • Sunnyside
    I guess I'll just use this thread to post aphorisms/thoughts then.

    Only you can make you happy.
    Most people don't understand themselves.
    All experience being subjective does not mean external reality is imaginary.
  • Sunnyside
    Life is a process---there is no intrinsic meaning.
    Examine thyself!
    What I claim to know I know not and likewise only know that which I do not realize.
  • Sunnyside
    Worry is pointless---you cannot change the past nor do you know the future---quit worrying!
    There is a primal instinct in man which seeks a path to follow, a way of living his life.
    Reason is truth's light.
  • Sunnyside
    Humor carries the conversation.
    Learning is more important than knowledge.
    Society decides no one's value.
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