• Fruitless
    I have always pondered about the weight of truth. What is the real truth? It is difficult to define the true facts or reality of things. Rather, my understanding is that there are layers of truth.

    My understanding of truth works like this:

    Layer 0: Completely transparent, basically considers that we have no purpose and nothing truly matters in the end because we die. So, favourite colours are dismissed completely because it won't matter what our favourite colour was in 1000 years. Because we've been forgotten.

    Layer 1: This doesn't consider our ultimate demise and ultimate perishment of our existence. However keeps it mind. Here, favourite colours are not a priority but one uses them as an accessory to add something for the eyes to marvel at. Layer 1 has the capacity to Layer 0, however finds it disturbing and chooses to ignore the end of their existence; makes the most of life but is still wary (but not conscious).

    Layer 2: Colours are considered a useful and practical tool to explain thoughts or creativity. This layer is vaguely aware of Layer 0 however hasn't deepy thought about it just yet, this person considers tangible objects just as important as intangible. I consider Layer 2 to be the most balanced and healthy. Too much truth can make a person go mad.

    Layer 3: Colours are considered a mystery; Layer 3 are gawkers. Everying is simply amazing but also loses it's brilliance once they've seen it too many times. Layer 3 don't think about the true meaning of objects or think beyond Layer 2. These people probably don't mind taking extra time to look pretty and think that money is more important than happiness - but they haven't the bother to go through with it. You could say these people really want a job but find they're not entirely happy once they have one. They have friends but they find it hard to stand up for themselves.

    Layer 4: I suppose this is the layer children are born with. Completely oblivious and don't think too deeply. A child doesn't care if the sky is blue, they don't care for other people opinions or emotions. Their primary thoughts do not venture further than food, sleep and feeling fine with themselves. These people are professionals at not knowing what to do with themselves.

    So this is my theory of how truth works. Really I haven't gotten to the bottom of it all yet and this is a faint idea I've conjured up. Genetics and environment you grew up in play a huge role in this Layer process.

    Of course you can be a bit of both layers and change layers. No problem. But when a question is asked, to what extent do you want to know the answer to? Depending on the layer of truth or intent?
  • Banno
    Looks more like layers of belief than layers of truth.
  • Fruitless

    That actually makes a lot of sense.

    Because your beliefs govern your actions, if you believe there is no life after death you'll pursue a mindset of Layer 0 and become reckless towards yourself. If you haven't been introduced to any of this knowledge it isn't obstruction of the truth, you're just unaware. Since you are unaware it doesn't mean you're a different Layer, it simply means you don't have any idea. And you believe what you've heard is true.

    So the depth of truth is linked to your
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