• schopenhauer1
    Would you suggest Biden be impeached for one, withholding aid, and two, alleged bribery?NOS4A2

    I don't know all the background, but if he did the exact thing Trump is accused of doing, yes.
  • NOS4A2

    Well, he wasn’t. He even gets to brag about his alleged offences while campaigning for office.
  • Monitor
    Roger Stone guilty on all seven counts
  • Baden

    Anyone who is as corrupt as Trump in this respect should be impeached if they hold a public office and prevented from running for one if they don't. Who they are or what side they're on doesn't matter a bit.
  • schopenhauer1
    Well, he wasn’t. He even gets to brag about his alleged offences while campaigning for office.NOS4A2

    Both would be wrong, but one of the differences that makes this that much more corrupt is Trump is using a foreign entity to dig dirt on a political rival while he is in office. This to me, is that much worse.
  • NOS4A2

    I’m speaking about those specific charges. Both threatened to withhold aid (well, no evidence Trump did, but he is accused of it nonetheless), and did so for his personal gain (no evidence Trump did this, but Biden’s son was making $50000 a year at a corrupt company there).
  • NOS4A2

    Both would be wrong, but one of the differences that makes this that much more corrupt is Trump is using a foreign entity to dig dirt on a political rival while he is in office. This to me, is that much worse.

    There is no evidence that Trump is seeking dirt, nor that he is trying to influence any election. That part is completely fabricated.

    Both Trump and Biden have the power to hold back aid to make sure Ukraine complies with any deals regarding corruption. In fact, it is their duty to do so.
  • Baden

    If Biden used the state apparatus for personal gain like Trump did, yes, of course. What possible justification for letting someone do that could there be?
  • NOS4A2

    You’re assuming, without evidence, that the state apparatus was used for personal gain in both cases. Except Biden is the only one with the conflict of interest.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    You don't need evidence when you have a public confession.
  • Baden

    You asked me a hypothetical about Biden. I answered. I'd flush him down the toilet as quick as I would Trump. So, you can continue doing your White House line re Trump as long as you like. I'm not interested in arguing with that.
  • NOS4A2

    You asked me a hypothetical about Biden. I answered. I'd flush him down the toilet as quick as I would Trump. So, you can continue doing your White House line re Trump as long as you like. I'm not interested in arguing with that.

    I didn’t ask you anything, but whatever.
  • schopenhauer1
    You’re assuming, without evidence, that the state apparatus was used for personal gain in both cases. Except Biden is the only one with the conflict of interest.NOS4A2

    So all that backchannelling with Guiliani to dig dirt up was not for personal gain? Interesting, I didn't know Trump was such a crusader against corruption, and to specifically target a specific case in Ukraine that just so happens to be a person running against him.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    Roger StoneWallows

    Thanks for sharing the Stone verdict. I'd been waiting to see that dick get his due.
  • ssu
    Found guilty on all 7 accounts. Hahahahaa! :grin:

    I wonder how Roger's book will sell now:

  • Deletedmemberzc
    It'll be a farce classic.
  • NOS4A2

    7 process crimes, zero for anything to do with Russian collusion, even though that is what we were sold. That’s American justice for you.
  • ssu

    What's with the denial NOS4A2? Trump is the most Pro-Russian US president ever.

    1) Russia intervened in your elections. As it has intervened in other elections.
    2) It is very unlikely that this mattered much, because the Dems just had the worst candidate ever
    3) The Trump team oblivious of everything welcomed the support because the likely had no idea that the FBI is obligated to look what foreign intelligence services do in the US.
    4) A guy like Roger Stone boasted about his contacts and then lied about it. Case closed.

    So the Dems now have avoided a serious discussion of just why they picked a bad candidate that many people hate by saying that the election was stolen.
  • NOS4A2

    What's with the denial? Trump is the most Pro-Russian US president ever.

    1) Russia intervened in your elections. As it has intervened in other elections.
    2) It very unlikely that this mattered so much, because the Dems just had the worst candidate ever
    3) The Trump team oblivious of everything welcomed the support because the likely had no idea that the FBI is obligated to look what foreign intelligence services do in the US.
    4) A guy like Roger Stone boasted about his contacts and then lied about it. Case closed.

    So the Dems now have avoided a serious discussion of just why they picked a bad candidate that many people hate by saying that the election was stolen.

    All of which occurred during the previous administration. But instead of investigating apprehending the culprits, they spied on, investigated and prosecuted the victims of the alleged influence campaign. Stone is such a victim. This was an abuse of power, and this is why investigations are now occurring.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    Stone as victim. That's a farce classic too.
  • ssu
    All of which occurred during the previous administration. But instead of investigating apprehending the culprits, they spied on, investigated and prosecuted the victims of the alleged influence campaign. Stone is such a victim. This was an abuse of power, and this is why investigations are now occurring.NOS4A2
    What are you talking about?

    Uh, of course the 2016 elections happened on Obama's term. Umm...I don't know where you are going with this?

    INSTEAD of investigating the culprits? Yes, they did investigate the culprits. They could make the links to even some individual Russian intelligence people. It's there in the Mueller report and even earlier.

    Abuse of pow...Oh God.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    Alt-fact hoodwinkee. [sic]
  • Michael
    7 process crimes, zero for anything to do with Russian collusion, even though that is what we were sold. That’s American justice for you.NOS4A2

    Stone is such a victim. This was an abuse of power, and this is why investigations are now occurring.NOS4A2

    One count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements – including lying to Congress – and one count of witness tampering. And you want to paint Roger Stone as the victim and his prosecution as unjust? That's ridiculous. He broke the law and deserves to be help accountable and punished accordingly.
  • ssu
    I'd have that Pizzagate this time at night.

    But it would be bad for my health and my looks.
  • Michael
    All of which occurred during the previous administration. But instead of investigating apprehending the culprits, they spied on, investigated and prosecuted the victims of the alleged influence campaign. Stone is such a victim. This was an abuse of power, and this is why investigations are now occurring.NOS4A2

    You do realize that the actual prosecutions are happening under the current administration, right? If you really think them unjust then you should be complaining about Barr and Trump.
  • Shawn
    Let's see if he finks.
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