• shmik
    What's the approach to moderation here. I'm specifically interested in how open it will be i.e whether there will be a 'deleted posts' thread, whether moderators need to supply reasons for deletion and any other similarities/differences to the way it was done at pf.

    If these issues haven't been decided yet, that's all good. I'm not particularly concerned but it's good to know.
  • Baden
    - Good questions. The software's a bit different here, so it's not possible to auto-PM reasons for edits or deletions etc. And we decided against logging every moderator action as it seemed it would be too time-consuming. It's up to the moderator to contact the poster manually if he or she thinks it's necessary. A "deleted posts" thread sounds like a reasonable idea though. If other posters want that or anything else, please make your views known here. So far, all I've modded have been double posts and spelling/grammar issues. Long may it last.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Sorry, you can unflag the flag I submitted.
  • wuliheron
    I've had multiple poems deleted because academic philosophy doesn't value the written word unless it promotes the agenda of the wealthy and powerful and this is a commercial website.
  • Mongrel
    There's a "Get Creative" thread where you can put poems.
  • wuliheron
    There's a "Get Creative" thread where you can put poems.Mongrel

    They walled in another ghetto today, to keep inquiring minds out, to make controlling their population easier, and to raise the local real estate values. Declaring it was the will of the people! Those who insist there is nothing funny about the truth and their world must always be composed of good verses evil.
  • Michael
    Your poems were deleted because they're poems, not philosophy, and this is a philosophy forum, not a poetry forum.

    And in what way does this promote the agenda of the wealthy and powerful? What is their agenda, and how does deleting your poetry promote it?
  • wuliheron
    Your poems were deleted because they're poems, not philosophy, and this is a philosophy forum, not a poetry forum.

    And in what way does this promote the agenda of the wealthy and powerful? What is their agenda, and how does deleting your poetry promote it?

    My poetry is all extrapolated from the Tao Te Ching which is widely recognized as the deepest philosophical text on the planet and the third most published book of all time. It combines Socratic and Taoist wisdom which are both famous for being anti-establishment.
  • Michael
    Are you referring to posts posted in the Tao Te Ching appreciation thread? If so then they're not the posts I was referring to. I was referring to the poetry posts you've been posting in a number of other threads over the past couple of months. I haven't looked in this new discussion so I have no comment on whatever's been deleted there.
  • Agustino
    HILARIOUS!!! >:O
  • wuliheron
    I'm referring to multiple poems that were simply deleted by the moderators. In many of these threads I would rather post my opinion using poetry which expresses more than the stilted words of academics infamous for having an extremely poor and dry sense of humor and promoting western viewpoints by suppressing all others.
  • Agustino
    Yes yes it's the thought police that is behind this!! The global capitalist interests have orchestrated this! >:O

  • wuliheron
    Yes yes it's the thought police that is behind this!! The global capitalist interests have orchestrated this! >:OAgustino

    You mean its the Three Stooges arguing over the definition of stupid and who is the better example, because they are so dysfunctional their co-dependent relationship is the only way they can thrive. Academia and religion have only thrived when they have been allowed to exist together with both atheist communism and religious totalitarianism now largely relegated to the third world. Only in places like the US with strong separation of church and state have they managed to thrive by pitting atheists against believers. By pitting the wealthy and powerful establishment against one another and promoting dysfunctional behavior as the only way forward.
  • Agustino
    Yes the Three Stooges have identified your poetry as dangerous, and therefore have stomped down on it. That's what always happens to the wise >:O Don't be upset at the moderators, they just received the orders from the Pentagon in the mail. What could they have done?
  • BC
    And here I was all set to discuss moderation in all things, rather than moderation on THE Philosophy Forum.
  • andrewk
    I'm all in favour of a discussion of what you said. One of my pet hates is the (in my view) lazy assumption that if some semblance of a notional continuum can be constructed, on which two conflicting points of view can be plotted, then the 'truth' must lie somewhere between them (and probably round about halfway). I would welcome a platform on which to rant about that, at length, and immoderately.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    It may be said that moderation is the key to long life. But never ever take moderation to the extreme.
  • Hanover
    I've had multiple poems deleted because academic philosophy doesn't value the written word unless it promotes the agenda of the wealthy and powerful and this is a commercial website.wuliheron

    I thought they were deleted because it was bad poetry. I suppose it's theoretically possible that a useful response could be written in poetic form, it's just that you've never done it so you have yet to have a valid complaint.

    I really wish you could see yourself as most see you, as just a pretentious hack who has nothing to say other than to drone on in poor poetic form about the capitalist machinery that supposedly keeps him down.
  • Hanover
    That response actually guilted me.
  • Mongrel
    I'm going to get some bacon and eggs.

    How about that one?
  • mcdoodle
    referring to multiple poems that were simply deleted by the moderators. In many of these threads I would rather post my opinion using poetry which expresses more than the stilted words of academics infamous for having an extremely poor and dry sense of humor and promoting western viewpoints by suppressing all others.wuliheron

    It's bad luck about the poems, wuli, although to be frank when I've seen yours I have sometimes more admired the actual overall shape of them on the page than the way the words are ordered. I have been a poet in my time, and poetry can be a precise way of putting something complex, like petals on a wet, black bough, or whatever. But sometimes they can also be a blurring. And after all a forum like this just is the sensibility of its inner core of members/moderators. I'm amazed they delete your poems, I thought they would only delete racists or rude people (and to be frank I am much more offended by rude people on this forum than by your poems), but perhaps they thought you were taking the piss. I'm still not 100% sure you weren't. Still, I hope you find a home for them elsewhere.
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