• 3017amen
    The baby you referred to was Yahweh. No?

    Or did you mean his homophobic and misogynous genocidal god loving religion?
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    No, the baby who suffers from interminable angst.

    No wait, you stand corrected, maybe we should throw the angry baby out!! That might end your suffering!!
  • christian2017
    Jesus Christ is extremely smart and can predict everything.
    — christian2017


    You started with this flat out lie and you want to chat!!!

    Stop lying and I am here for you.

    No I did not bother reading your other lies. I am careful with mine and if you cannot be ------

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Lets say Jesus Christ didn't exist but i believed he did, that wouldn't be a lie that would be me being deluded. You don't appear to be very open minded. Read what other people say or don't but i'm not going to pretend your something worthy of being called a bishop. Maybe you should change your name. Next thing is you accuse me of not being a christian. The thing is neither of us know anything about each other. The you say, you know my actions by my words. The problem with that is many people who think they are open minded are in fact just snobs who really just are irrational. So lets talk philosophy and religion and leave out all the bullshit. Read it or don't read it, other than that i don't give a shit.
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    You want to chat religion and philosophy after your log boring psychobabble B.S.

    Go away and take your lies with you.

  • christian2017
    You want to chat religion and philosophy after your log boring psychobabble B.S.

    Go away and take your lies with you.

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    We should be friends. Both of us do that shit all the time on this forum. Perhaps we should both be kicked off. You sir are one deluded fuck.
  • christian2017
    Sin was born with the egg. Only we didn't have bodies to make it or hearts to know it. Sin is a single cell.ZzzoneiroCosm

    Why not say sin was born with the sperm. It sounds like you are trying to make it out like sin is something of patriarchy. Are you aware that suicide is much much higher among males? Much of society gets their perception of reality from the pretty men and women from hollywood. Jesus Christ was a physically ugly man (Isaiah chapter 53)
  • christian2017
    Does Gnostic Christian Bishop's post count as evangelism?
  • christian2017
    You want to chat religion and philosophy after your log boring psychobabble B.S.

    Go away and take your lies with you.

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    The thing is you could ask me to apologize, however an apology on an online forum means almost nothing. Perhaps we could both be more understanding of other people's view points. How do you treat a restaurant worker when they don't make your food right?
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    How do you treat a restaurant worker when they don't make your food right?christian2017

    Christians, with their homophobic and misogynous teachings, would berate a gay or woman but not a straight male.

    Thanks for the opportunity to show your garbage religion at work.

    Gnostic Christians are universalists and would just ask for a redo regardless of sexual orientation or gender.

  • Gregory
    Protestants accepting Calvins or Augustines ideas on original sin (which says it is actual sin committed in Adam's loins) leads to hatred of down syndrome people, twins, ect. Protestants have no authority to interpret the Bible, or say what is the Bible, apart from the "Spirit". They all claim to have Him, but they all contradict each other. Catholicism has major problems for me, but it has a stronger pedigree than Protestantism. The Bible isn't clear if we should baptize infants or a million other things
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Protestants accepting Calvins or Augustines ideas on original sin (which says it is actual sin committed in Adam's loins) leads to hatred of down syndrome people, twins, ect.Gregory

    Yet the bible is clear that Adam's loins were not involved as he did not even know he was naked before eating of the tree of knowledge.

    Sin must first be triggered by the mind and saying that loins can sin is a false premise. Loins cannot plan to do good nor evil. They do not think.

    Protestants have no authority to interpret the Bible, or say what is the Bible, apart from the "Spirit".Gregory

    Original Christianity interpreted the Jews, who had interpreted the myths from Sumer and Egypt.
    If Protestants have no authority then neither do Islam Christianity as a whole not Judaism.
    I think that we should all feel this way and then perhaps the religious will stop starting wars.

    Catholicism has major problems for me, but it has a stronger pedigree than Protestantism.Gregory

    By pedigree, are you saying that their interpretation and distorting of the Jewish myth is better, --- or are you referring to their inquisitions and witch burnings as well as their lower levels of inquisitions and jihads against women's and gay's equality today?

  • Gregory
    By pedigree, are you saying that their interpretation and distorting of the Jewish myth is better, --- or are you referring to their inquisitions and witch burnings as well as their lower levels of inquisitions and jihads against women's and gay's equality today?Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Just that they base their belief on a number of old documents by Jesus and say "we are the only Church which claims to teach with infallible authority of Jesus." If someone wants to remain a Protestant because they are sure the Spirit is with them, Catholics have no argument against that
  • Gregory
    The only other Christian hierarchy in the world besides what the Pope considers his bishops is basically the Mormoms, because the CC has documents about going back to the first century and Mormoms stem from Joseph Smith's alleged new revelation of a new Testament. The Catholic Church has never contradicted itself in infallible teachings, but I've looked into this extensively and this is only because the Church yet to issue something that actually claims to be infallible. There are loopholes in every decree issued in history, I've discovered. The scruples they put on teachings that contradicted each other can be placed on all Catholic teachings
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Just that they base their belief on a number of old documents by JesusGregory


    There are no documents signed by Jesus that I know of.

    He was illiterate and followed the Oral Torah. He may have been a Pharisee because they also put man above god, just as Jesus did, in the words that the scribes put into his mouth.

    That is why people were excited when the Nag Hammadi find showed what some things that were the original sayings of Jesus.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    The Catholic Church has never contradicted itself in infallible teachings,Gregory

    That may be true, but we do know that some of their teachings were plagiarized and or forged.

    Even the name Christian was likely plagiarized from the Chrestians since there are documents known to be altered from Chrestian to Christian.

  • Gregory

    William Craig says the resurrection is history, but what of Fatima and thousands of other such? He reasonably should become Catholic so long as he says atheists need to accept the resurrection as history
  • christian2017
    Christians, with their homophobic and misogynous teachings, would berate a gay or woman but not a straight male.

    Thanks for the opportunity to show your garbage religion at work.

    Gnostic Christians are universalists and would just ask for a redo regardless of sexual orientation or gender.

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

  • Gregory
    Maybe God doesn't want us to look for signs. They could come from the devil or from God anyway. How are we to know which?
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    William Craig says the resurrection is history,Gregory

    He is a liar just as all preachers of supernatural gods are. They have to be given that they have no access to a supernatural realm.

    Intelligent people know this and will recognize the lies.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    How are we to know which?Gregory

    You would not be able to know, so, like all religious or spiritual thoughts, we would have to gage them by their moral content.

    If Christians did that, they would reject their genocidal god and stop thinking of that prick as good.

    Believers tend not to care if they follow satanic ideas or if they are moral or not when the idea is from their god.

    Take the Jesus died for me lie. A self serving view that they reverse by saying Jesus is serving them, while they ignore that Jesus would have to break the laws he said he came to fulfill.

    That is stupidly analogous to a master dying for his slave. Stupid is as stupid thinks.

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