• Shawn

  • Janus
    Can you afford it? Also, if CV gets to Jamaica they may not fare too well given what I suspect would be the state of their healthcare system. Remember it only takes one person to bring a virus to an island.
  • Marchesk
    Any chance this thread gets half the attention that the Trump thread has gotten?
  • Janus
    Why do you ask?
  • Shawn
    Can you afford it?Janus

    More like, do I have the balls to do it? Heh.
  • Marchesk
    Why do you ask?Janus

    Just wondering if Trump is considered a more important matter than a pandemic.
  • Deleteduserrc
    Can anyone who knows more about markets break down why and how and what it means when the stock market plunges so precipitously? I hate to kvetch about markets when lives are at stake, but I just signed on with a company whose voracious hirings were based on glowing rosy growth over a few years, and that has now lost 42%(!) of their stock value in less than two months.. I'm a little anxious.
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    It's the downturn, sometimes called "correction". Blame the triggering on whatever you want, it's inevitable because it's how people claim their winnings from the losers.
  • Deleteduserrc
    It's the downturn, sometimes called "correction". Blame the triggering on whatever you want, it's inevitable because it's how people claim their winnings from the losers.Metaphysician Undercover

    Cynicism about finance echoed and accepted, but, I mean, it seems clearcut the 'triggering' is corona ( or the perception of corona, if you want to push it one frame back.)
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    The markets surged so high, so fast lately, the correction was imminent. Analysts will always point their fingers at something as the trigger, but that's really only relevant if you could have foreseen it. However you could have seen that a correction was coming. If your company is solid it will get through.
  • Shawn

    Uhh, I'd advise you to invest in the company. I mean, 42 percent is really insane. Just make sure to kiss ass and maintain your position by claiming to have invested in the company already...
  • frank
    I assume the idea is that the virus-perception will keep people at home instead of out shopping and vacationing.

    I agree with MU. It's a correction. Ride it out. Your company's stocks should recover shortly.
  • dclements

    Isn't it nice in the light of everything you just said that in the US we have spent trillions of dollars on the war on terrorism, but have spent probably less than 1% of that amount preparing then country for the situation we are in now. :/
  • BC
    However, it might be a good idea to not buy stock in Princess Cruises. Surely viral slime has corroded their luxury brand.

    Luxury cruises sound like a colossal bore, anyway.
  • BC
    Far less than 1%.
  • schopenhauer1
    @Bitter Crank@csalisbury@Marchesk

    Has anyone discussed yet the ethics of these "open markets" in China? It seems pretty terrible for everyone involved- the animals, the humans that are local who go to these markets, and apparently all humans. For all the things this totalitarian regime cracks down on, they don't do it on this, which actually is harmful.
  • BC
    The "wet" (or live) trade in wild animals for food is pretty bad idea. A lot of the problem is rooted in bats, which have very tolerant immune systems. They are able to carry all sorts of novel viruses and bacteria in their blood without getting sick. Bats interact with other animals, sucking blood, and dropping germ laden feces around, contaminating other animals. Then we catch and sell the bats and other animals, and periodically get sick with ebola or corona virus and worse.
  • Benkei
    They did in the past and they went underground.
  • ssu
    Luxury cruises sound like a colossal bore, anyway.Bitter Crank
    Oh they are something just for people your age, Bitter.

    On the other hand, ships are the easiest places to be handled if there is an outbreak: just park them away from shore and don't let anyone out.
  • Nobeernolife
    Whoossh, the sound of the stock market this morning. The recession is upon us already. Let's see how bad it is a week from now, or a month.Punshhh

    Stock markets always find a reason to go up and down. But here is the easiest prediction ever: While the "mainstream" media narrative was all along that the booming economy was a belated result of Obamas wonderful policy, the moment the economy goes down, this will change to the Trump economy. Like 1984... lets quickly revise all the textbooks.
  • Nobeernolife
    Has anyone discussed yet the ethics of these "open markets" in China?schopenhauer1

    The ethics of human and animal suffering do not exist in China. The open markets are only a tiny glimpse of that.
  • Nobeernolife
    Then we catch and sell the bats and other animals, and periodically get sick with ebola or corona virus and worse.Bitter Crank

    Who is "we"? Count me out please.
  • Nobeernolife
    Optimism is probably the wrong approach too. My point is he's going to have to step up to the plate now.Punshhh

    What does "step up to the plate" mean? What exactly do you want him to do that he has not done? I find this is a very typical situation... the Trump haters bash the guy, but never specify what exactly they want. Fundamentally, the criticism seems to be: orangeman bad, because orangeman bad.
  • Nobeernolife
    Isn't it nice in the light of everything you just said that in the US we have spent trillions of dollars on the war on terrorism, but have spent probably less than 1% of that amount preparing then country for the situation we are in now.dclements

    I agree on the stupidity of the "war on terrorism", but likewise I would like to know what exactly the govt should have done to "prepare for a situation like this". And do you want the govt to "prepare" for any imaginable situation? You realize that that list would be unlimited, don´t you?
  • Punshhh
    What does "step up to the plate" mean? What exactly do you want him to do that he has not done?
    All he needs to do as President is show leadership, hold press conferences in which he spells out the situation, the risks and what needs to be done, pulling the people together in a spirit of cooperation and unity in fighting the threat. It's not difficult. But instead, I just heard him muttering something about flu and how great he is.
  • Punshhh
    financial experts are saying that if there are economic effects, they will bounce back after the epidemic, as the crisis is not a structural one within the economy, but an external source. Provided an effective vaccine is found everything will be back to normal in around 18 months.
  • Punshhh
    How will the airlines, who, I often hear, are already struggling, fare?
    I know, there are many businesses which are already on the edge, prior to the effect of the virus. I don't expect economic collapse though, governments will just print money and bail critical businesses and services out.
  • Nobeernolife
    Isn't it nice in the light of everything you just said that in the US we have spent trillions of dollars on the war on terrorism, but have spent probably less than 1% of that amount preparing then country for the situation we are in now.dclements

    I agree on the stupidity of the "war on terrorism", but likewise I would like to know what exactly the govt should have done to "prepare for a situation like this". And do you want the govt to "prepare" for any imaginable situation? You realize that that list would be unlimited, don´t you?
  • Nobeernolife
    It's the downturn, sometimes called "correction". Blame the triggering on whatever you want, it's inevitable because it's how people claim their winnings from the losers.Metaphysician Undercover

    Correct. A correction was overdue, and in that sense corona was a welcome trigger. If the correction had happened without an obvious external trigger,, the fake media would have been all over Trump blaiming for it.
    The notion that a stock market can always move up without any overextension and correction is childish.
  • Nobeernolife
    All he needs to do as President is show leadership, hold press conferences in which he spells out the situation, the risks and what needs to be done, pulling the people together in a spirit of cooperation and unity in fighting the threat. It's not difficult. But instead, I just heard him muttering something about flu and how great he is.Punshhh

    I think he is doing it, although probably sometimes his natural tendency to be overly optimistic gets in the way. It sounds like you base your opinion on the selected snippets and opinions that CNN et al feed us. Try get out of the bubble.
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