• god must be atheist
    You realize that pumping money into the system will cause inflation, especially if there is a shortage of goods in the system?Janus

    not necessarily... the shortage of goods happens because there is no production, and no salaries, no taxes... the bail-out will enable to sustain a modicum level of trade (commercial) economy (maybe... big maybe), but the goods/moneysupply ratio may actually increase, not decline. Which produces deflation.
  • god must be atheist
    Of course if business as usual is not reinstated, then that will surely be best for the planet.Janus

    ...and best for business. Provided there will be a Marshall-plan type bail out at the end of it.

    Phoenix economy... from its own ashes it gets reborn.
  • Hanover
    Because it's worthless so we don't mind losing it.Michael

    The wall just got higher.
  • god must be atheist
    What does the link say? In a few words. I have read literally dozens of them, and they all say the same thing; all watered down, all wishy-washy and hardly saying anything, except for the ones posted for healthcare professionals.
  • Baden

    Does this work for you?

  • god must be atheist
    Can't read it.... too convoluted... arrows mean what? development? Cause/effect relationship? Is this a flow chart of events or causation? Makes no sense. Does not work for me.
  • Janus
    If people don't go to work, how will production continue at anything like the normal level?

    ...and best for business. Provided there will be a Marshall-plan type bail out at the end of it.god must be atheist

    Best for business how? Apparently you believe in unlimited resources...
  • god must be atheist
    If people don't go to work, how will production continue at anything like the normal level?Janus

    Did I contradict that? Duhhh.

    Best for business how?Janus

    The same way that the aftermath of WWII made the world ten times richer over every ten years.

    READ MY POST. Marshall plan. That is the operative part of it.


    In WWII almost all machinery in Germany got bombed out or were otherwise destroyed.

    The Marshall plan pumped money into Germany to rebuild the economy.

    All new machinery was bought and installed... much better than the pre-war ones.

    Production levels doubled many times over in the first decade in West Germany.

    it became the economic powerhouse of Europe; the production powerhouse; and the envy of all other nations.

    The other nations were actually pissed off, having witnessed the reflowering of German life; "Who lost the war, dammit?" People of other nations were saying.

    Without the Marshall plan Germany would have needed hundreds of economic years to rebuild itself to its earlier levels of production.
  • Janus
    The same way that the aftermath of WWII made the world ten times richer over every ten years.god must be atheist

    That was a time of burgeoning resources; this is a time of diminishing resources and vastly greater population.

    Here is a link to a site that may help you to educate yourself a little:

  • Janus
    Did I contradict that? Duhhh.god must be atheist

    What did you mean by this then?:

    but the goods/moneysupply ratio may actually increase, not decline.god must be atheist
  • Athena
    Please, I know how bad an economic crash can be on the poor because I lived through very hard times that lasted many years, and when my children came of age we could not assimilate the young into jobs fast enough. I was risking my life donating plasma when I my weight was dangerously low, and hitchhiking to work when my car broke down. Economic crashes destroy people mentally, physically and spiritually. Economic crashes destroy people's chances for careers, and poverty in hard times is intense and not equal to poverty in normal times and Reagon slashed domestic budgets when people seriously needed help. I do not want to think about it.

    If there is anything I can do I will, but my family is in danger and I am old and there are children involved. My daughter is a drug and alcohol rehab worker working with an at-risk population. My granddaughter with two children can not see her children because she works with the homeless and has been exposed. She has taken steps to give authority to a friend who cares for her children now and to have custody of them if she dies. We know hard times and suffering. I am working hard to keep my spirits up. There are no fathers to help with the children. Just the male friend who is being a superhero with his low income and very small apartment. The children like him very much, so we may get through okay, but I am scared. Not for my life but the people in my family and our future.
  • Relativist
    Shows that he must be cracking under the pressure and what a terrible leader he is.praxis
    Cracking? It's his normal behavior:

    The Atlantic: Trump’s Playbook Is Terribly Ill-Suited to a Pandemic
    The new pandemic is a challenge for which his playbook seems uniquely unsuited.

    The Trump crisis playbook to date has involved bullying both political allies, to keep them in line, and potential opponents, to prevent them from talking. It has involved lying. It has involved the deflection of attention onto other matters. It has involved attacking the attackers, spinning conspiracy theories about and spawning investigations of the investigators.
  • Athena
    he Trump crisis playbook to date has involved bullying both political allies, to keep them in line, and potential opponents, to prevent them from talking. It has involved lying. It has involved the deflection of attention onto other matters. It has involved attacking the attackers, spinning conspiracy theories about and spawning investigations of the investigators.Relativist

    Trump and this pandemic are a lesson in tyranny. Obama put in place departments to handle a pandemic when Eboli was threatening everyone. Trump undid most of what Obama put in place. Trump has also removed everyone from office who did not kiss his ass, and put in their place people willing to kiss his ass if they have the merit to do the job or not. Now even if one of them has good judgment, they are all afraid to say anything to him that he might not like. The problem was the same for China when Chairman Mao was in power and people starved to death because of his ignorance and bad rule.

    We have forgotten what science has to do with democracy, good moral judgment, and rule by reason. Christians tend to hold a different world view- dependent not on science and many minds working on resolving problems, but on pleasing God and this God, with the prayers of the people, making it possible for the ruler to work miracles. This has been so since the beginning of civilizations. Faith in the pharaoh, the king, the president, or whatever title you want to give the promised leader of the people. Hopefully, this unfortunate reality will be changed by what we are experiencing today.
  • Baden
    The US is about to overtake Italy in new cases. Hunker down and don't take any chances. :pray:


  • Athena
    The US is about to overtake Italy in new cases. Hunker down and don't take any chances. :pray:Baden

    Nice advice but many people are on the front line of this war, and they can not put themselves first. They are risking their lives for everyone they care for. I hope we become very aware of that and find some way to acknowledge them.
  • Baden

    Very true.
  • Andrew M
    Is accidental true belief praiseworthy?
    — Andrew M

    In the same sense it's praiseworthy when you play the $1 lottery and win $1,000,000 It's the same $1m whether you worked your ass off your whole life or whether you got lucky. Worst case you lost a $1.

    Unfortunately, so far the fruits of Trump's gambling instincts are an entrenched pandemic and a stock market crash. Let's hope his luck changes.

    However that's only going to happen if he checks his ego and starts listening to people who do know something about pandemics and economics before millions of people die. And that applies to the leaders of every other country as well.

    Refer to chart 2 (showing the exponential case explosion) to see the difference that a week of dithering around makes.

    Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance - What the Next 18 Months Can Look Like, if Leaders Buy Us Time
  • Janus
    Perhaps, perhaps not. All the statistic shows is that for that day the US had nearly as many new cases as Italy. It does seem likely, though! :sad:
  • Janus
    :100: Thanks Andrew, that seems to be one of the most sensible articles about how Covid-19 should be handled that I have seen.
  • Baden
    Putting all I've read together, including @Andrew M's excellent article, unless extreme measures are taken, the US is going to hit half a million cases by about the middle of next month. Probably 250,000 identified and 250,000 downstream.
  • gamedoithuong
    corona is currently the most dangerous pandemic in the world, when it is now starting to have many other dangerous variants, and the latest is the sars covid 2 variant, so everyone please keep it clean. Very good, wash hands constantly and limit contact with people to reduce the possibility of infection as little as possible
  • god must be atheist
    That was a time of burgeoning resources; this is a time of diminishing resources and vastly greater population.

    Here is a link to a site that may help you to educate yourself a little:

    You are right about that. I can't argue. The guns and other weaponry was abandoned; full of precious panzer material, steel. Some people all over the world, collected rusted-out old tanks and stuff, and became millionaires when the time came to hunger resources. Coal was used in abundance. Manpower was cheap. The neocolinialist period was at its height. The colonies could be pumped for sugar, rubber, whatever.

    And these are only the industrial resources. There were useless resources, as well, lost for Industry: such as gold and diamond mines, a bourgeouning poetry industry, lots of prostitutes in Europe ready for the American soliders, and the budding quantum mechanics industry; the last stalwarts of famous philosophers were in abundance, such as Sartre, Szart-e, Camus, Bertrand Russell, etc. etc. Sophia Loren, Claudia Cardinale, Bridgitte Bardot, Gina Lollobrigida, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and Dyck Van Dyke, for the entertainment industry. The values industry has not swollen, however, very interestingly: the Ku Klux Klan was weakening, there were never more than one popes, and the Dalai Llama was not a household word yet.
  • god must be atheist
    What did you mean by this then?:

    but the goods/moneysupply ratio may actually increase, not decline.
    — god must be atheist

    This is a ratio. It can increase in value if the numerator (the top part) increases faster, than the denominator (the bottom part).

    You were worried that there may be inflation, by the gov giving out free money. But if the FEW people who remain in production produce MORE goods than the equal number of poeple produced in the old (pre Covid times) then the ratio may increase. That may not be even overset by the increase in money supply. Why? Because the quaranteen guarantees a lot of good are not consumed. So there will be a surplus of some goods. Toilet paper is not one of them; but there is more toilet paper being manufactured per person who makes them, than pre-covioid times.
  • Shawn
    I bought some Hydroxychloroquine from Alibaba. Intend to do the French protocol of 600mg a day for 7 days.

    All in all it costed me with shipping from China via DHL, 49 USD for 10g.
  • god must be atheist
    @Janus: further to the goods/money supply ratio: the people who are out of work, are also out of income. So that also increases the ratio, as the bottom part is not growing faster than the top part. They ought to be roughly equal. But thought he bottom is fattened by gov handouts,the top is increased because the goods are not consumed.

    I dunno. In actuality, it could go either way. Hard to say now.
  • god must be atheist
    Suppose that every old case of Covid-19 produces just one new case each every day.

    If the united states has 300 million people; and it takes 28 days to infect half of the population of the united states; then if the trend does not change, how many more days would it take to infect the entire USA?
  • god must be atheist
    I bought some Hydroxychloroquine from Alibaba. Intend to do the French protocol of 600mg a day for 7 days.

    All in all it costed me with shipping from China via DHL, 49 USD for 10g.

    Official prediction by my think tank: In a few hours Trump will declare Hydroxychloriquine an extremely dangerous and useless substance, and will ban its importation from overseas.

    There will be movies made of the the smuggling. Two movies, to be exact. One will be titled "The French Protocol", the other, "The Chinese Protocol". They will be basically just remakes of the "French Connection" and of the "Chinese Connection".

    There will be a movie made of the new Democratic runner, just entering the race, who is of Asian origin, and the movie will be titled "The Manchurian Candidate."
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