• 180 Proof

    :point: :fire:


  • Punshhh
    the doomsday machine is terrifying. It's simple to understand. And completely credible, and convincing
    And what about our precious bodily fluids, I hear that 5G technology is used to control the virus and weaken the life force?
  • BadenRob

    I fear the dude may eventually succumb to the 5G. But, ok, even bad parody is fun sometimes.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    You'll be gone soon then.Baden

    I've already been gone for decades. . . but not because of of some overhyped boogey-virus, that is for pussies and cowards.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    Because a lot of humans are inferior to a virus.unenlightened

    Yes true, but these sub-human swines that have become hysterical about this virus-hype are inferior to much much lower shit than a simple virus.
  • BadenRob
    New Zealand is winning because they took the simple obvious step of full lockdown early and decisively. That's how you do it. Never forget.




    "We must go hard and we must go early. We must do everything we can to protect the health of New Zealanders."

    :strong: :strong: :heart:
  • praxis
    overhyped boogey-virus, that is for pussies and cowards.Merkwurdichliebe

    Studly brave dudes don’t practice social distancing or wear masks etc?
  • Hanover
    Hopefully that will put an end to the conspiracy theory that the virus is still raging over there.Baden

    Maybe. Do you think the Chinese government is above killing its citizens to protect its image?

    I'm not saying that's happened, but I have 0 trust in their motives. I'm not sure why you think otherwise.
  • BadenRob
    I'm not sure why you think otherwise.Hanover

    I read stuff, watch videos, I lived there for three years, I'm not paranoid, I eat my veggies. Lots of reasons.
  • BadenRob

    Look, they took extreme measures against the virus. I've seen vids of guys in Hazmat suits dragging people out of their apartments for not obeying quarantine. Food being delivered on sticks. 76 days of lockdown in Wuhan just ended. Etc etc. Harsh, but effective. Doesn't mean their fatality figures aren't understated. But it's pretty clear to me that they have done well and why.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    Studly brave dudes don’t practice social distancing or wear masks etc?praxis

    Yes, they don't do that. But not because social distancing or wearing masks is in itself a pussy or cowardly thing to do, but because buying into the hype that is compelling the social distancing and wearing of masks is pussy and cowardly.

    Before all this pandemic hysteria popped off, I frequently practiced social distancing and wore masks on the reg.
  • BadenRob
    There's always one.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    I frequently practiced social distancing and wore masks on the reg.Merkwurdichliebe

    What were you up to, robbing banks and holing up?
  • Maw
    RIP John Prine

  • Punshhh
    Trump is claiming the qudos for saving Johnson, saying that he has personally orchestrated two US drug companies coming over to the UK hospital where Johnson is being treated so they can give him the beautiful drugs, chloroquine, I expect. It's a beautiful thing the way Trump is leading the fight against the ***** virus.

    I just heard him saying that the WHO is China centric, and he's going to review US funding of the WHO.
  • ssu
    Look, they took extreme measures against the virus. I've seen vids of guys in Hazmat suits dragging people out of their apartments for not obeying quarantine. Food being delivered on sticks. 76 days of lockdown in Wuhan just ended. Etc etc. Harsh, but effective. Doesn't mean their fatality figures aren't understated. But it's pretty clear to me that they have done well and why.Baden
    Likely the numbers are underestimated. But not much.

    I think the Chinese aren't able to hide hundreds of thousands of deaths. Thousands? Sure. If the death toll would be as bad as in Spain, over 400 000 would have been killed.

    I just heard him saying that the WHO is China centric, and he's going to review US funding of the WHO.Punshhh
    Of course. Who would need an international organization to fight pandemics?

    And likely Trump won't like high numbers of death, so the administration likely try to fudge the numbers lower and hide them. Which will just raise the number of Americans distrusting their government.
  • Benkei
    What's going on with France? I thought they were in lock down early as well but the death toll is still so high.
  • Streetlight
    A solid chronicle of failure, and a good response to any waste of oxygen that would like to simply devolve blame upon the states. I do wish the 'blame' were not so personalised though. It obscures the systemic failure that's led to what's happening, of which Trump is nothing but a symptom. Still - a great piece for tactical purposes.
  • ssu
    Didn't the have their first case before Italy?

    So I guess they have had the epidemic as Italy well before corona-virus was on everybody's radar. This might be at least one reason.
  • unenlightened
    What's going on with France?Benkei

    They don't like being told what to do, especially if they are being told to be all standoffish and British. Moi, j'ai un gilet jaune. C'est pour toi le recule.
  • frank
    What's going on with France? I thought they were in lock down early as well but the death toll is still so high.Benkei

    They have a lot of critically ill. Lot of older men? Lot of smokers?

    Another invisible difference might be in how long an ICU team waits before giving up.
  • praxis

    I wore a mask for the first time in public at Wholefoods the other day. It wasn’t as embarrassing as I thought because about half the people there were using them and also, with the help of a cap, the chance anyone could recognize me was slim.
  • ssu
    So what's the actual number of corona deaths?

    As of Monday afternoon, 2,738 New York City residents have died from ‘confirmed’ cases of COVID-19, according to the city Department of Health. That’s an average of 245 a day since the previous Monday.

    But another 200 city residents are now dying at home each day, compared to 20 to 25 such deaths before the pandemic, said Aja Worthy-Davis, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner’s office. And an untold number of them are unconfirmed.

    That’s because the ME’s office is not testing dead bodies for COVID-19. Instead, they’re referring suspected cases to the city’s health department as “probable.”

    “If someone dies at home, and we go to the home and there [are] signs of influenza, our medical examiner may determine the cause of death was clearly an influenza-like illness, potentially COVID or an influenza-like illness believed to be COVID,” said Worthy-Davis. “We report all our deaths citywide to the health department, who releases that data to the public.” But the health department does not include that number in the official count unless it is confirmed, a spokesman said.

    So basically you could double the numbers and get a rough number of the actual deaths.
  • Hanover
    So basically you could double the numbers and get a rough number of the actual deaths.ssu

    I think you have to decide how you are intending to use the data (and for the record, I am talking about data, not the deceased human beings represented the data). If you're objective is it to compare this to other types of death, you have to assume the same type of error might exist with other deaths. That is, there have probably been a good number of people who owe their death to the typical flu who have their cause of death listed as pneumonia, which means if you're going to compare the two, the error rates might be the same.
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