• Echarmion
    Those Asian countries are completely different to Western ones...their populations tend to be easy to control...as we are seeing in the States right now Westerners don't always obey their governments...which can be a good thing.Chester

    If you don't institute any measures - like the US and the UK, there is nothing to obey in the first place. It's not like everyone did the same thing and the different races populations simply reacted differently due to their biological cultural differences. Some governments took the problem seriously and reacted effectively. Some didn't take it seriously and reacted inefficiently. Some claimed there wasn't a problem, then claimed the problem was under control, and then reacted way too late.

    Another thing, who is to say that what looks like failure now may be good in the long run...herd immunity if there is a second wave...the Norwegians seem to think lock down may have been a mistake.Chester

    Whether or not the lockdown was a mistake is irrelevant unless we're looking at a country like Sweden that intentionally did not lock down, rather than dithering for weeks before doing the same thing anyone else did.
  • Punshhh
    Postal voting should be only for the disabled and armed forces members that are serving abroad...everyone else can get off their fat arses or not vote, the choice is theirs.
    You really don't know what you're talking about. You're just that loudmouth shouting in the pub after one to many drinks. 180 proof summed you up.

    You really don't know what the real problem with voting in this country is do you? It's certainly not husbands beating their wives.
  • Benkei
    Thank you captain obvious. At no point have you set out what relevant differences exist that makes the statistics you use a valid comparison. They're wrong and Trump is an imbecile when it comes to the pandemic. Anyway, we can't expect a sycophant to take facts into account. Next subject.
  • Benkei
    Considering Trump's reactions in the past I'm not convinced he has what it takes to deal appropriately with the current issues. He's dealing with :

    1.tanking economy
    2.a pandemic
    4.fascist cops and broken justice system
    5.China taking the piss out of him
    6.Twitter taking the piss
    7.Russia taking the piss
    8.Msm and other twitterers taking the piss

    I think it's 5, 6, 7 and 8 are the types of things that set him off if the last couple of years of something to go on, leading to possible escalation. I'm pretty worried tbh.
  • Chester
    I think these riots guarantee Trump gets a second term. Ordinary people do not want to see rioters and looters win, so the tougher Trump gets the more he wins.
  • Chester
    I do think that the world's economy was in a dangerous place in any case...but attempted uprisings by fascists pretending to care about black people ain't going to help.
  • Chester
    The real problem with voting in the UK is that leftist cunts want to make it open to abuse. I know you're an old socialist fossil, but there are no excuses for your attitude...I guess the saying "there is no fool like an old fool" best describes you.
  • Punshhh
    So you had to have that one last pint before closing time. Now your going to spill out onto the pavement and waddle all the way home.
  • ssu
    Since WHEN has the moron started using actual intelligence?

    Nope, this is out from his idiotic playbook where Trump just wants more division, more hatred and in the end more chaos.

    What could be a better approach to get antifa-protesters than declare them to be terrorists and enemies of the state? Those concerned about right-wing extremism taking over the Republic, because of Trump, will simply be reinforced in their views on how dire the situation is. Talk about counterproductive moves.
  • ssu
    I think these riots guarantee Trump gets a second term. Ordinary people do not want to see rioters and looters win, so the tougher Trump gets the more he wins.Chester
    More Americans die in the riots, the better for Trump!

    His playbook is to instill more violence, more divisiveness. Attacking on Antifa and portraying them to be the domestic Al Qaeda / ISIS would be the best way to do it.
  • Chester
    The thing is that most adults can see these "protests" for what they are and places like this forum are bubbles that in no way represent the dominant public feeling towards people rioting and looting. I think , if it continues, Trump will win a second term.

    The left forgot a long time ago that it needs to bring the population with it, instead it works against what most of the population want and then wonders why it is so despised by people like me...people who decades ago would have probably voted Labour/democrat but now wouldn't touch those parties with a barge poll. They are vermin.
  • Chester
    If that's a reference to me being banned from this site then so be it, it does not concern me.

    As it happens I have no tattoos (tatts are for chavs and people with nothing interesting to say) and only a slight beer gut lol...but I'm not gay enough to even want a six pack.
  • Baden
    I think...Chester

    What you think doesn't matter because, as is evident from your post history, you have nothing remotely intelligent to say. Nothing that couldn't be burped up by some drunken geezer in a sports bar. You can clown around for a while if you like but the idea that what you think matters is the only truly funny thing you've come up with here.
  • Chester
    Says the paddy of English descent who hasn't given up on an ideology that has a proven track record of utter failure and misery.
  • Baden

    Is that really all you have? No intelligence, no wit, no real humor, just sloppy attempts at ethnic insults that for some reason you think embarrass anyone other than yourself. Sad.
  • Chester
    You're the one that hates your English blood lol.
  • fdrake

    Is Englishness recessive?
  • Baden

    You poor sad little man. It really is all you have, isn't it? Bless your silly little soul. Anyway, the topic is Trump so back to making a clown of yourself on that.

    :lol: Who knows what @Chester is on about, but the idea anyone cares continues to be funny.
  • Chester
    "Is Englishness recessive?"...it doesn't look like it, the "Irishness" seem to have take a hold of Baden .The Irish aren't seen as the sharpest tools in England, that's why we tell Irish jokes.
  • Chester
    Anyway , the important news is that Trump is going to get a second term on the back of leftist stupidity.
  • Baden

    Yes, you said that several times. Any evidence for it?
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Anyway , the important news is that Trump is going to get a second term on the back of leftist stupidity.Chester

    Isn't this a direct expression of Hillary Clinton's and her supporter's problem last time around, believing herself to have won the election long before it even occurred?
  • Chester
    The evidence is the fact that most people don't agree with trashing towns to make political points (about fascist police killing black men in cities controlled by the political left).
  • Chester
    "Isn't this a direct expression of Hillary Clinton's and her supporter's problem last time around, believing herself to have won the election long before it even occurred?"

    ...true but she had the establishment on her side that made her complacent...this time it's a basic human fact that people don't want their cities trashed.
  • Baden

    And do you think the majority of people want black people shot for stealing TVs?
  • ssu
    The thing is that most adults can see these "protests" for what they are and places like this forum are bubbles that in no way represent the dominant public feeling towards people rioting and looting. I think , if it continues, Trump will win a second term.Chester
    So how many protests have you genuinely seen from the present ones?

    The left forgot a long time ago that it needs to bring the population with it, instead it works against what most of the population want and then wonders why it is so despised by people like me...people who decades ago would have probably voted Labour/democrat but now wouldn't touch those parties with a barge poll. They are vermin. — Chester
    Just replace in comment "left" with "right", and that's how the other side thinks exactly too.

    They even use the same words and descriptions that you use, Chester:
    And that's why I talk that the problem is the discourse, it's a toxic one.
  • Frank Apisa

    What Trump has done to our nation and its institutions will leave MORE scars on us...and for a longer time...than the pandemic also harming us.

    Trump is not only the worst president we have ever had (hopefully, the worst we will ever have)...he is a disgusting, classless human being.

    It is sad to have to say that...but it is the truth.

    An editorial by the editorial page editor of the Washington Post yesterday pleaded with Republican Senators to help save our country from Trump. It is an excellent read.
  • Chester
    Baden "And do you think the majority of people want black people shot for stealing TVs?"...I don't think the colour of their skin comes into it...but many people would have no problem with looters being shot. It's not like they're stealing food because they're hungry is it, they're stealing Nikes and TV's.
  • Chester
    ssu, I use the language of the left against the left. Their paint by numbers accusations of racism and fascism need to be hurled back at them, we can't just surrender to these morons.
  • Baden
    but many peopleChester

    Your argument concerned the "majority". Not "many". Because it aimed to support the idea that Trump will be re-elected. So, do you think the majority of people support the shooting of looters? Yes or no?
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