• Baden

    Not buying that he drank a whole glass of water; like the stadium, I bet the glass was only half full.
  • NOS4A2
    A win for justice. A US appeals court orders judge Sullivan to dismiss case against Michael Flynn.


    Let’s hope this comes back to haunt the unelected, anti-Trump bureaucrats who have abused their power.
  • Michael
    A win for justice. A US appeals court orders judge Sullivan to dismiss case against Michael Flynn.


    Let’s hope this comes back to haunt the unelected, anti-Trump bureaucrats who have abused their power

    So when Sleepy Joe Biden and his running mate Crooked Hillary cheat to win the 2020 election they can appoint Barack Osama Bin Laden as Attorney General and he can unilaterally order the Department of Justice to drop all charges against the corrupt FBI agents who are soon to be indicted by Saviour Durham.

    Don't you think the ruling sets a dangerous precedent?

    Let’s hope this comes back to haunt the unelected, anti-Trump bureaucrats who have abused their powetNOS4A2

    Let's instead hope this comes back to haunt the unelected and elected pro-Trump bureaucrats who have abused their power. Or better yet, let's hope the decision is revisited by the full court and a better ruling is made.
  • tim wood
    A win for justice.NOS4A2

    How so? He pled guilty, and the judge at his sentencing advised him to be an actively better person lest his sentence be harsher than maybe Flynn was expecting - which he wasn't. So how was justice served?
  • NOS4A2

    How so? He pled guilty, and the judge at his sentencing advised him to be an actively better person lest his sentence be harsher than maybe Flynn was expecting - which he wasn't. So how was justice served?

    He plead guilty to save his son from the same fate, and his family from financial ruin, arguing that he had been coerced into it and that the government had withheld exculpatory evidence. His case was, from top to bottom, unjust.
  • tim wood
    And you know all this how?
  • NOS4A2

    The Flynn case, the arguments, the rulings etc. is public knowledge.
  • ssu
    Can he now have lunch with Putin again? Last time RT paid over 30 000$ to Flynn for the nice photo op! They'll have their 15th anniversary this year.

  • NOS4A2

    Why not? It would give conspiracy theorists a little red meat, for which they are probably starving given the collapse of it over the past couple years.
  • ssu
    NOS4A2, there's plenty of red meat for every kind of conspiracy theorists to go around in the Weimar USA.

    And many times you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist. Implosion of the economy with a pandemic going on will assure the continuation of this… even if Trump isn't re-elected.
  • NOS4A2

    Only a once-in-a-century pandemic could disrupt such a term, which is amazing considering all that was thrown at it. And here you guys promised us the next Hitler...
  • praxis
    Only a once-in-a-century pandemic could disrupt such a term, which is amazing considering all that was thrown at it. And here you guys promised us the next Hitler...NOS4A2

    I assume you're joking, a wide range of things could disrupt so fragile an economy. Not the current administrations' fault, though I think it could be argued that they've made it less stable.
  • tim wood
    We can play the game, "What would X gave done?" substituting the names of other presidents. That is, in the modern era, what would Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, or Obama have done. By the measure of any of these, and compared to them, he has done actual immeasurable harm.

    Trump isn't competent to be 2d alternate interim temporary clam warden.
  • 180 Proof
    As reported here & elsewhere, months ago the
    was told
    that his "handler" Putin has been paying Afghan Taliban to kill US troops. Told months ago. And, like the Covid-19 outbreak, the pos-in-Chief has ignored this danger to Americans & our national interests. 'Treason' by inaction - depraved indifference mass murder - at best.
  • ssu
    And here you guys promised us the next Hitler...NOS4A2

    He simply is inept at leadership and a very ignorant person with huge personal flaws, even if he's a great populist orator for a certain type of crowd. Trump is not the culprit of the downfall of US leadership and Superpower status, he is just contributor that makes the downfall even more rapid.

    As reported here & elsewhere, months ago the
    was told that his "handler" Putin has been paying Afghan Taliban to kill US troops. Told months ago. And, like the Covid-19 outbreak, the pos-in-Chief has ignored this danger to Americans & our national interests. 'Treason' by inaction - depraved indifference mass homicide - at best.
    180 Proof
    180 Proof, many Americans really don't care at all about "national interests". National interests are the agenda of the evil political elites, so in their mind Trump is doing a great job!
  • Wheatley
    I hate to be the only person defending the USA.
    Trump is not the culprit of the downfall of US leadership and Superpower status, he is just contributor that makes the downfall even more rapid.ssu
    What makes you think the USA will never recover. Other countries recovered from much worse. Even Germany recovered after Hitler.

    180 Proof, many Americans really don't care at all about "national interests". National interests are the agenda of the evil political elites, so in their mind Trump is doing a great job!ssu
    Did you do a survey? or is this just another one of your prejudices?
  • ssu
    What makes you think the USA will never recover. Other countries recovered from much worse. Even Germany recovered after Hitler.Wheatley
    Let's put another way. It's unlikely that the US will ever be in a position it was in the Eisenhower era. Now it's rather unlikely that the US will find itself in the position where it was at the end of the Cold War.

    The downfall is in issues really like Global leadership. Things like what the US President says doesn't matter (yeah, people don't read the tweets no, but I mean in the classic sense). People in other countries don't care and vaguely even know what the US leadership is doing. Just like, well, with China now. Do we really care what the Chinese leader has said lately? Someone can vaguely know the "One Belt, One Road"-initiative.

    That's the "downfall". And as long as the US dollar enjoys the status it has, there's not so much that actually changes for Americans.
  • Wheatley
    The downfall is in issues really like Global leadership. Things like what the US President says doesn't matter (yeah, people don't read the tweets no, but I mean in the classic sense).ssu
    I’m not too fussed to tell you the truth. Do you think all attention and pressure on the US has benefited it? Keep in mind all the foreign terror attacks and wasteful wars.
  • ssu
    Do you think all attention and pressure on the US has benefited it? Keep in mind all the foreign terror attacks and wasteful wars.Wheatley
    How about having the ability to print trillions of dollars with the World accepting the printed money (or treasuries) and finance the state through all that debt financing? Sorry to say, but part of your wealth (which is distributed quite inequally, as you know) exists because of your Superpower status.

    You see, other countries would have had long time ago a current account crisis.
  • Wheatley
    How about having the ability to print trillions of dollars with the World accepting the printed money (or treasuries) and finance the state through all that debt financing? Sorry to say, but part of your wealth (which is distributed quite inequally, as you know) exists because of your Superpower status.

    You see, other countries would have had long time ago a current account crisis.
    What should the US do about that now? Terribly sorry you don’t like the US, we’ll stop being the word’s currency, just for you.
  • 180 Proof

    180 Proof, many Americans really don't care at all about "national interests". National interests are the agenda of the evil political elites, so in their mind Trump is doing a great job!ssu
    True; but what's also true: Active duty US military care. US military veterans & retirees care. Families of US military personnel care. That'll be far more than enough defections from his "base supporters" (along with foreclosed farmers, uninsured coalminers, dead & terrified seniors in Florida & Arizona, etc) to guarantee Putin's Running Mate gets run out of office in November. Or, more mercifully, maybe taken-out before then "by one of his own" MAGAts who's been PTSD'd by the quadruple losses of "American Greatness" to pandemic, depression-level unemployment, mass social unrest and now this traitorous betrayal of US soldiers to GRU-financed Taliban hit squads. Yeah, FDT - "great job"! :up: :shade:
  • NOS4A2


    He simply is inept at leadership and a very ignorant person with huge personal flaws, even if he's a great populist orator for a certain type of crowd. Trump is not the culprit of the downfall of US leadership and Superpower status, he is just contributor that makes the downfall even more rapid.

    And he’s still doing a better job than any grandiloquent, Ivy-league lawyer that has dominated the position until now. That’s the best part: I get to watch Trump reveal the ineffectiveness of establishment politicians, and a better country to boot.
  • tim wood
    And he’s still doing a better job than any grandiloquent, Ivy-league lawyer that has dominated the position until now. That’s the best part: I get to watch Trump reveal the ineffectiveness of establishment politicians, and a better country to boot.NOS4A2

    May you always have Trumps in your life. But we've had him, and wish to have him no more.
  • NOS4A2

    I am not confident in Trump’s re-election. So you will probably get your wish, if you haven’t lit the country in flames or torn it down by then.
  • Michael
    I am not confident in Trump’s re-election.NOS4A2

    Neither is Trump apparently.

    Donald Trump Says Joe Biden Is 'Going to Be Your President' Because 'Some People Don't Love Me, Maybe'
  • NOS4A2

    He said a lot more than that. One should watch the whole thing than rely on out of context quotes.
  • Streetlight
    Comrade Trump, bringing the people together :strong: :

    "Protests have significantly shifted public opinion on race, creating potential political allies for a movement that was, within the past decade, dismissed as fringe and divisive. It also highlights how President Trump is increasingly out of touch with a country he is seeking to lead for a second term: While he has shown little sympathy for the protesters and their fight for racial justice, and has continued to use racist language that many have denounced, voters feel favorably toward the protests and their cause.

    A survey of battleground states critical to November’s election largely mirrored the national results. Fifty-four percent of voters in those states said the way the criminal justice system treats black Americans was a bigger problem than the incidents of rioting seen during some demonstrations. Just 37 percent said rioting was a bigger problem, though Mr. Trump and his allies have tried to discredit the protests by focusing on some isolated incidents of violence.

    It has not worked."

  • praxis
    he’s still doing a better job than any grandiloquent, Ivy-league lawyer that has dominated the position until now.NOS4A2

    I am not confident in Trump’s re-election.

    Obama brought the country out of the Great Recession, and was re-elected. I think that even Trump’s supporters realize on some level that he’s far too incompetent to deal with the current state of affairs.
  • NOS4A2

    Obama brought the country out of the Great Recession, and was re-elected. I think that even Trump’s supporters realize on some level that he’s far too incompetent to deal with the current state of affairs.

    Yet, there he is dealing with the current state of affairs, in a fashion I agree with, and in opposition to interests I despise. I could not have asked for a better job.
  • Baden

    You could not have asked for better than 125,000 dead from COVID, a huge economic recession, and the largest hike in the national debt of any president ever in one term?

    You must really hate America.
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