• Enai De A Lukal
    And yet, that this person was being sarcastic is not something that is clear from the clip of the brief interaction so that interpretation is apparently just as ideological as the converse.
  • praxis
    You think that I’m a Trump supporter? :snicker:
  • Banno
    Making 'merica great.
  • praxis
    That's not what I said.Enai De A Lukal

    True. You did however mention my ideology. What you meant by that is less clear now than it was initially. In case it has any relevance, I too think that Trumps brand of populism enlists an element of racism.
  • tim wood
    I can’t imagine you condoning their behavior.praxis

    And maybe you should. People who reach a certain age often neither need not tolerate BS. Borrowing from Yeats, they can be warriors with eagle minds.
  • praxis

    I noticed a news article this morning that the woman yelling “fucking nazi fascist pig” at Trump supporters was getting major props online. I seriously don’t get it. I imagine it might feel good on some base level to vent frustrations at those you feel deserve it. A tantrum, basically.
  • DingoJones

    Perhaps some people suffer from Trump Derangement syndrome after all huh? :wink:
  • praxis

    No, it was a PST (public senior tantrum).
  • Wheatley

    There's a biological basis to agism. :cool:
  • DingoJones

    Try that sentence with a different “ism” in it. Suddenly not so shades worthy huh?
  • Wheatley
    Nice one.

    I'm not really an ageist. Sorry if I offended any old people on this thread.
  • tim wood
    I am not disagreeing with you, nor arguing, nor was I there, nor do I know the person. But consider that in Fla. there may still even be holocaust survivors, and they may know exactly what they're talking about. That is, maybe they know a “fucking nazi fascist pig” when they see one.. That is, if you must judge, maybe judge on a factual basis, not on your sensitivities.
  • Anaxagoras
    I'm curious what you guys think of this:


    For those that support Trump if you've ever questioned whether Trump was a racist this video and him retweeting it and glorifying it clearly shows where he stands.
  • Anaxagoras
    Looks like the guy saying "white power" is being sarcastic, and quite frankly his sarcasm is warranted, given the behavior of the anti-Trumpers. Lots of nasty old retirees in Florida, apparently.praxis

    Hardly sarcasm.

    That’s my honest impression, though I could be wrong.praxis

    You're probably one of those people who don't think racism exists because you don't see it.

    That’s my honest impression, though I could be wrong.praxis

    It was quite wrong
  • Michael
    The bigger story right now is the Russia bounties. Even the Republicans are speaking out against this. Given their response to the Benghazi attack, I expect numerous hearings about this too.
  • Frank Apisa
    Enai De A Lukal

    Sarcasm, that's really what you're going with? Lol oh dear. :grimace:

    Running desperately short on excuses at this point, clearly. Guess that shouldn't be surprising.
    Enai De A Lukal


    He sounds like he was being sarcastic!


    What does Trump have to do finally to scare the sheep?
  • praxis
    Now I have a hint of what NOS must feel like. :lol:
  • praxis
    I am not disagreeing with you, nor arguing, nor was I there, nor do I know the person. But consider that in Fla. there may still even be holocaust survivors, and they may know exactly what they're talking about. That is, maybe they know a “fucking nazi fascist pig” when they see one.tim wood

    The woman yelling that wasn’t a Holocaust survivor. There may have been one in one of the golf carts she was yelling at as they passed by. I can’t imagine how that would feel.
  • praxis
    You're probably one of those people who don't think racism exists because you don't see it.Anaxagoras

    How exactly did you reach that conclusion? Wait, don’t tell me, it might require you to rationally consider the issue.

    It’ll probably come out eventually but for now...

    The Miami Herald tried to reach Stokes Monday to ask whether or not he was speaking with sarcasm. A home phone number for Stokes had been disconnected by Monday afternoon. A message left at a cellphone number hadn’t been returned as of early Monday afternoon.
  • Anaxagoras
    How exactly did you reach that conclusion?praxis

    Because you said this:

    Looks like the guy saying "white power" is being sarcastic, and quite frankly his sarcasm is warranted, given the behavior of the anti-Trumpers. Lots of nasty old retirees in Florida, apparently.praxis

    And this:

    That’s my honest impression, though I could be wrong.praxis

    It was quite wrong
  • praxis

    And what if it turns out that Stokes was being sarcastic, would the probability of me seeing racism improve at all? Sorry if that’s an awkward question but your logic is still unclear.
  • Anaxagoras
    And what if it turns out that Stokes was being sarcastic, would the probability of me seeing racism improve at all? Sorry if that’s an awkward question but your logic is still unclear.praxis

    I don’t see someone at a senior citizen’s complex where nothing but the elderly some who are protesting, why would a man state “white power” for sarcasm? It makes no damn sense. It also doesn’t make sense how you could conceive it to be sarcasm in the first place.
  • NOS4A2
    The Department of Defense continues to evaluate intelligence that Russian GRU operatives were engaged in malign activity against United States and coalition forces in Afghanistan. To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports. Regardless, we always take the safety and security of our forces in Afghanistan — and around the world — most seriously and therefore continuously adopt measures to prevent harm from potential threats."


    The pentagon has found no corroborating evidence of recent allegations regarding Russian bounties. It’s starting to look like 2016 all over again.
  • praxis

    Because he was being taunted with "where's your white hood?" and whatever else. Why does the Miami Herald suspect that he may have been sarcastic? Is the Miami Herald racist? :scream:
  • 180 Proof
    ... To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports ...
    Why'd you change what the DOD article means by leaving out the words in bold, NOS?

    The pentagon has found no corroborating evidence of recent allegations regarding Russian bounties.NOS4A2
    :shade: -пизде́ц!


    Read all about it: Putin's Bitch is a traitor!

    (which is why none of the GOP cunts in Congress are defending this POS-in-Chief)

    :mask: ~It's early yet, there's much more to come, folks.
  • Anaxagoras
    Because he was being taunted with "where's your white hood?"praxis

    Right and so of all comebacks and possible satire why would you validate a heckler’s claim by saying white power?

    But let’s focus on why some anti-Trump protestors feel this way. Well, first we can start with Trump’s daddy being involved in a KKK riot. Then we can mention the Central Park 5. Then we can discuss his housing practices to which he was sued for, all the way to his birtherism accusation which was inherently racist.

    Knowing that, people still support him and still give him the benefit of doubt. Then we can look at his majority base which was dubbed the “silent majority.” Many of whom did not like a black man in office for 8 years regardless whether you liked Obama or not. They hung effigy’s if Obama. They made pictures of Obama, his wife and kids as apes.

    They challenged Obama’s citizenship. Not to mention in Charlottesville a white supremacist killed another white person because she stood on the right side of history. That is why hecklers who are anti-Trump, say such things because majority of his base (not all) subscribe to his white nationalist rhetoric.

    Why does the Miami Herald suspect that he may have been sarcastic? Is the Miami Herald racist?praxis

    The Miami Herald is not the only news outlet you do realize Trump has faced backlash in the media?


    There are more media outlets than Miami Herald because apparently it wasn’t taken as satire
  • NOS4A2

    Right, according to “US officials with direct knowledge”, the sine qua non of anti-trump conspiracy theories.
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