• Maw
    Ugh, really? No one made the Decartes walks into a bar joke? Please don't make me do it.
  • Shawn

    Duu it. Haha.
  • Maw
    "Rene Descartes walks into a bar and orders a drink. When he finishes his drink, the bartender asks him if he would like another. Descartes replies, “No, I think not,” and disappears in a puff of logic."
  • Noble Dust

    Sounds like nirvana. :100:
  • Maw

    yeah but it smells like teen spirit
  • Noble Dust

    "Come as you are." - Brocartes
  • Pattern-chaser
    a solipsist's world is one full of absolute certaintyPosty McPostface

    It is? I imagine this certainty applies to about the same degree that your impression of living in objective reality does. A solipsist believes some very queer (to me) things, but does certainty figure in solipsism any more than it does in any other belief-perspective, I wonder? :chin:
  • Koen

    That's right. The solipsist figures out he is the only one, by starting to doubt everything in his reality.
    Then he starts to play with doubt to see what happens, to understand his power.
    Doubt his one of his many tools. With doubt he can change reality.
  • Koen

    You might be wrong. Language is created by the solipsist itself. He first started to communicate with the envirnonment with a cry, a shout... his reality communicated back. So words start to exist. Later he uses the words not only to communicate but also to command. His words are commands manifested by reality in wich he lives. Hope this helps. The solipsist.
  • Koen
    I think it's interesting to ask: why are there actually no solipsists?

    1) One you think the solipsist is sitting whole days on a solipsist forum?
    2) You think a solipsist is interested in philosophy?
    3) There are more fun things to do as a solipsist, believe me! If you were god, would you be wasting your time here? Or playing with creation?
    4) and now that i, the solipsist, am here. How can i help you? or let me ask you a more interesting question, How can you help me????

    many kind regards, cya later,
    The solipsist.
  • fishfry
    Given that solipsism implies epistemological certainty of ones world, because there is nothing more to know than that what a solipsist knows about the world (implying that the world and reality are the same for a solipsist), then can a solipsist logically doubt?Shawn

    You can doubt you're a solipsist. "I can't prove that others exist, but what if they do anyway?" Seems like a perfectly reasonable thought. Gotta go it's feeding time at the vat!
  • creativesoul
    There are no solipsists...

    Solipsism is a symptom of a gross misunderstanding of thought and belief hard at work. Solipsism is the name of a philosophical position/argument which outright denies the existence of anything other than the mind of the one forwarding the argument/position...

    One finger cannot point at itself. All philosophical positions/arguments are existentially dependent upon common language use. There are no private languages. Language is existentially dependent upon shared meaning. Shared meaning requires a plurality.

    Solipsism is false. Rubbish.
  • creativesoul

    You're talking to yourself.
  • fishfry
    Solipsism is a symptom of a gross misunderstanding of thought and belief hard at work. Solipsism is the name of a philosophical position/argument which outright denies the existence of anything other than the mind of the one forwarding the argument/position...creativesoul

    I have a question for you. As you know, the idea that the world may be a simulation running in a great computer "one level up" as they say. I personally don't believe any of this but many smart people do these days.

    Do you consider simulation theory a form of solipsism? Or in this case would solipsism say I'm the ONLY program running; as opposed to the belief that I'm a program and you're a program and we share the same general environment or computational context?
  • creativesoul

    Not that the comparison is particularly interesting to me, because it's not at all, but since you asked...

    Both are philosophical positions. All philosophical positions have some things in common with one another. However, I would think that any simulation would also require a plurality. The simulation, and what was being simulated...

  • fishfry
    Both are philosophical positions. All philosophical positions have some things in common with one another. However, I would think that any simulation would also require a plurality. The simulation, and what was being simulated...creativesoul

    Yes thank you, you are right. There's me and my simulator. So it's not solipsism.
  • Koen

    you are right, it's a state of consciousness, a point in evolution.

    i'm just sharing how i experience this point, and how my world is me pushed out.

    Am i talking to my self? All the time!!!
    So are you, you are just still living in the box, if you will expand your mind out of the box you will see.

    But thanks for showing me where you are in evolution.
  • Koen

    Ok, and have you power over the weather? over politics? over war, over terrorisme? over climate?
    you don't. You are asking for change and nothing changes, until i take the decision ;-)

    That's not a treat btw.
    People protesting are doing no change , they are just changing their body.
  • Koen

    My mind is the programming, my body is the simulator.
  • fishfry
    My mind is the programming, my body is the simulator.Koen

    You program yourself? You might be a character in a Philip K. Dick novel.
  • fishfry
    I would think that any simulation would also require a plurality. The simulation, and what was being simulated...creativesoul

    Yes, I see that now.
  • Koen

    You program yourself? You might be a character in a Philip K. Dick novel.

    Oh tell me, i never heard of him. What would you suggest to me?
  • turkeyMan

    I think hard work sucks which is why if i could avoid it with the exception of extremely occasionally trying to refresh my memory of it. Hard work and slight or severe anger towards your boss ends solipsism instantly in my opinion. I believe that objective truth exists but that it is very hard to obtain. Many People on this forum have probably had the feeling "its lonely at the top". That sort of feeling is where solipism starts in my opinion. The good news is there are others who think like other People. When you find other People who think like you, you can avoid hardwork if resources, food, land and services are abundant in your life and at the same time you can still maintain the practice of trying to find the objective truth.

    I believe food, land, resources and services are everything. I do believe in a free market however money is more easily manipulated than food, land, resources and services. I would argue absolutely everything ties into economics which is why i included this paragraph.
  • fishfry
    Oh tell me, i never heard of him. What would you suggest to me?Koen

    Oh gosh. Hard to even know where to start. Everything! Movies based on his work include Blade Runner, Minority Report, Total Recall, A Scanner Darkly, and others. He was a pulp SciFi writer in the 1950s. His themes were about questioning one's very reality.

    My favorite of his novels is A Scanner Darkly. But the rest of them are all good too. A good short story to start with is The Electric Ant. It's about a guy who has an accident one day and discovers that he's a bot. Then he begins to tinker with his own programming ...


  • Shawn
    Solipsism is everything to me.
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