• The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    Disclaimer: I Like Symmetry, So Every Word Is Capitalized Since I Speak Phonetically.

    I Am Here To Bring Your Minds To The Next Level, Since I Have Information That Cannot Be Found Elsewhere.

    I Want To Discuss This Information With You, Including The "Skeptics" Of This Philosophy Forum.

    How You React To This Information Is Important. Many Are Afraid Of Truth, But Few Are Aware Of Truth.

    Discussion: The Esoteric World Behind The Earthly World.



    The Great Pyramid Of Giza,I Discovered Its Secrets, This Will Prove We Are In A Digital Matrix.

    1. Giza Stands At 480 Ft.
    2. The Sphinx Stands At 66 Ft.
    3. The Square Perimeter Of Giza Is 259200 Sacred Cubits.
    4. The Square Perimeter Of Earth Is 31680 Miles.

    5. The Southern Pyramid Is Associated With Khaba, His Successor Is Sekhemket, His Ruling Ended In 2619 B.C.

    This Is What I Discovered, If You Multiply These Numbers In The Right Order, It Spells Out The Name Of A Deity, Whom Is The True Identity Of The Sphinx.

    The Formula: (2619 + 31680 + 259200) x 66480 = 19511813520.

    19th Letter = S.
    5th Letter = E.
    11th Letter = K.
    8 = H.
    13 = M.
    5 = E.
    20 = T.

    The Numbers Are Phonetically Spelling Out The Name Of A Lioness Deity Known As "SEKHMET", Which Was Known To Rule Ancient Egypt, When It Was Called "KHEMET". The Successor's Name Was "SEKHEMKET", As If His Name Was A "Decypher" Key To This Hidden Number Sequence That Reveals The Real Reason Why The People Of Egypt Called Cats "Gods", Sekhmet Is A "Cat" Goddess, They Honored Her With The Pyramids Of Giza As A Mathematical Way Of Paying Tribute To A Powerful Cat Deity, The "Sphinx" Is Said To Be The Defaced Image Of A "Lion" Or "Lioness".

    ~ The Grandfather Of Philosophy.
  • Nils Loc

    Why don't the units of measurement attached to those numbers matter in your deciphered output?
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    Why don't the units of measurement attached to those numbers matter in your deciphered output?Nils Loc

    Because We Are Not Going By The Units Of Measure, But The Maximum Expansion Of The Height For The Giza And The Sphinx, Both Having Ft. As Its Unit Of Measure, Since I Indeed Did Combine Those Two As "66480", Thus 66 x 480 = 31680, The Square Perimeter Of Earth.

    However, The Unit Of Measure Does Not Determine The Mathematical And Geometrical Connections, That Is Why The Sphinx And The Pyramid Of Giza Are "Ft." Per Unit Of Measure, Yet When Multiplied, 66 x 480 = 31680, The Square Perimeter Of Earth, So The Expansion Of Giza And The Sphinx, Is Interlocked With The Dimensions Of Earth's Square Perimeter, Hence The Bottom Of A Pyramid Is "Square".

    The Dimensions Within The Unit Of Measure, Being "Ft.", "Sacred Cubit", "Mile" And Including The Year Of Someone Whose Name Is "Sekhemket", Similar To "Sekhmet", Are The "Framework" Of The Universe, Like Humans Have "Mass", "Height" And "Weight".

    As I Measured The Peak Of The Giza Pyramid, The Sphinx, I Got The Peak Measurement Of The Earth, And The Successor Of The Southern Pyramid Has A Similar Name To Sekhmet, Whom Ruled Khemet Of Egypt, So I Measured The End Of His Ruling, Knowing That He Was A "Decypher" Code, Which Guided Me To Revealing The Formula (2619 + 31680 + 259200) x 66480 = 19511813520, Spelling Out The Name S.E.K.H.M.E.T By Counting The Position Of A Letter According To The Basic Sequence Of Numbers, As I Have Studied The Mathematical Knowledge Of The Ancient People.
  • Noble Dust
    Sick nasty :victory:
  • Sir2u
    The "Sphinx" Is Said To Be The Defaced Image Of A "Lion" Or "Lioness".The Grandfather Of Philosophy

    It is the body of a dog, ask any sane zoologist about it.
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    It is the body of a dog, ask any sane zoologist about it.Sir2u

    In This World, Being Sane Is Not A Compliment, Nor Is It A Measurement Of One's Acuity.

    Having Discernment, And Demonstrating That Discernment Is Pinnacle In Any Discussion.

    You Say It Is A Dog, But Ancient Khemet Was Named After Sekhmet, A "Cat" Goddess, The Ancient Ones Called Cats "Gods", No Mention Of Dogs, The Opposite Spelling (God / Dog). Furthermore, The Walls Of The Pyramids Have "Cats" Painted On The Walls That Glow In The Dark, The Ancient Ones Believe The "Cats" (Not Dogs) Ward Off Dark Forces.

    Additionally, The Decypher Reveals "SEKHMET" (Cat), Not "Anubis" (Dog). Anubis Has Nothing To Do With The Sphinx, The Sphinx Was Built Between The Virgo And Leo Period Of The Zodiac Cycle, Virgo = Woman And Leo = Lion (Cat), Indicating The Sphinx Is Sekhmet, The Lioness, Not A "Dog"..
  • Sir2u
    Anubis was depicted as a jackal, canine, and was the protect of the dead.

    Bastet was the god that had the head of a cat, and therefore cats were honored. Not all cats were counted as gods, but a god was a cat.
  • Nils Loc
    However, The Unit Of Measure Does Not Determine The Mathematical And Geometrical Connections,The Grandfather Of Philosophy

    Then why bother measuring? And where did you get those measurements anyway? Are they on Wikipedia?

    What deity does my name correspond to by this numerological system? Does it work backwards?
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    Anubis was depicted as a jackal, canine, and was the protect of the dead.

    Bastet was the god that had the head of a cat, and therefore cats were honored. Not all cats were counted as gods, but a god was a cat.

    Bastet Is Sekhmet, Bastet Being Her Graceful Side And Sekhmet Being Her Wrathful Side.

    Cats Are Everywhere, Not "Dogs", The Reverence Of The Cats Would Mean That They Would Have Built The Sphinx To Honor The Cat Goddess, They Even Built It Between The Virgo / Leo Age, To Honor The Goddess Of The Cats.

    The "Dog" Anubis Is Not Revered By The Ancient Ones, The Way They Revere Bastet / Sekhmet, So Much That They Encoded Her Name In The Great Pyramid And The Successor "Sekhemket".

    The Very Place Where The Sphinx Is, Is Named After A Cat Goddess, Not A Dog, The Sphinx Is Not A "Dog", All Evidence Points To A Cat Goddess, The Sphinx Itself Is A Part Of Her Decypher: "(2619 + 31680 + 259200) x 66480"..
  • Noble Dust
    I Am Indeed A Sort Of "Sucker" For This Kind Of...Alternative "Wisdom"; And Yet, I Realize That it fulfills a certain Psychological Need to be thought of as ENLIGHTENED, or Somehow...Special. I'm working on it myself.
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    Then why bother measuring? And where did you get those measurements anyway? Are they on Wikipedia?

    What deity does my name correspond to by this numerological system? Does it work backwards?
    Nils Loc

    As I Said, You Are Still Trying To Work With One Unit Of Measure, My Work Is More Advanced Than That, I Am Using Multiple Unit Of Measures, To Get Objective Results, Like Earth's Square Perimeter, By Multiplying The Objective Measurement Of The Sphinx And Giza.

    Objectively, The Square Perimeter Of Earth Is Exactly 31680 Miles.
    Objectively, The Sphinx Is 66 Ft.
    Objectively, The Great Pyramid Of Giza Is 480 Ft.
    Objectively (Conclusive), 66 (Sphinx) x 480 (Giza) = 31680 (Earth).

    All Of These Measurements Are Official Measurements, None Are Conveniently Difficult To Find.

    And Objectively, If You Simplify The Numbers I Have In Parenthesis For My "Formula" You Will See That 2+6+1+9 = 18, 1+8 = "9", 3+1+6+8+0 = 18, 1+8 = "9", And 2+5+9+2+0+0 = 18, 1+8 = "9", The Perfect Harmony Of The Universe's Grand Design.

    I Discovered This Intelligent Design, With An Objective Name And An Objective Formula, This Is Why You Cannot Get Caught Up On Only One Unit Of Measure, When You Are Getting Objective Results By Using Multiple Units Of Measure In Accordance To The Dimensions Of Universal Geometry, Especially When The Universe Is Multi-Faceted At Its Core. My Work Here Is Not Opinionated Or Subjective, It Is At The Mercy Of The Universal Paradigm, Since I Did Not Build This Planet, Giza, The Sphinx Or Control Sekhemket's Life Nor Did I Name Ancient Egypt "Khemet", Which Derives From "Sekhmet", The Name Hidden In The Grand Design..
  • Nils Loc
    Objectively, The Square Perimeter Of Earth Is Exactly 31680 Miles.The Grandfather Of Philosophy

    When you say square perimeter of Earth, does this also mean the area of the earth, or is it the area of a square or circular plane tangential to the sphere of earth?

    The perimeter of a sphere is a circle, yes or no?
  • jgill
    So The Expansion Of Giza And The Sphinx, Is Interlocked With The Dimensions Of Earth's Square Perimeter, Hence The Bottom Of A Pyramid Is "Square".The Grandfather Of Philosophy

    The Egyptians had a simple formula for the design of a pyramid: Imagine the height to be the radius of a circle, then form the square base to have the same perimeter as the circle's circumference. This may or may not have actually been used! :cool:
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    When you say square perimeter of Earth, does this also mean the area of the earth, or is it the area of a square or circular plane tangential to the sphere of earth?Nils Loc

    The Earth's Diameter Is 7920 Miles, 4 x 7920 (Square = 4 Corners) Results In 31680, Which Is The Exact Value Of Multiplying The Height Of Giza (480 Ft.) And The Sphinx (66 Ft.).






  • Nils Loc

    But why can't we change the units of measurement? What happens if you change the diameter of earth to kilometers but keep the height of the sphinx and giza in feet?

    Surely the Egyptians didn't use our units of measurement.
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    But why can't we change the units of measurement? What happens if you change the diameter of earth to kilometers but keep in height of the sphinx and giza in feet?Nils Loc

    Because The Ancient Ones Measured The Great Pyramid In "Feet", "Mile", "Yard" For Their Unit Of Measure, And It Is In Miles (Not Kilometers) Where The Potent "3168" Code Is Revealed.

  • Nils Loc
    Because The Ancient Ones Measured The Great Pyramid In "Feet", "Mile", "Yard" For Their Unit Of MeasureThe Grandfather Of Philosophy

    Were the Ancient Ones the ancient Egyptians? Do you find any humor in the "fact" they used these units of measurement? They might have used the royal cubit.
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    Were the Ancient Ones the ancient Egyptians? Do you find any humor in the "fact" they used these units of measurement?Nils Loc

    The Unit Of Measure That They Used Is The Perfect Order Of The Universe.

    The Humor I See In This, Is That This Modern World With All Of Its Technology Not Only Pretends That Their Ancestors Were Not More Advanced Than Themselves, But Claim That The Tools They Use Are Better Than The Tools Of Their Ancestors, When The Pyramids Were Built With Laser Precision, Which This Modern World Has Failed To Replicate, Meaning This Modern World Is Not As Advanced As It Thinks.

    Your Ancestors Were Far Beyond This Modern World's Capacity Of Knowledge, Even SEKHMET Is In The Picture Operating Advanced Machinery, On The Right-Side.


    I Have Succinctly Answered All Of Your Questions, Your Need To Vilify Your Ancestors To Protect Your Modern Image Has Nothing To Do With The Truth That I Have Divulged In This Discussion.

    I Am The One Teaching You Here, Raise Your Hand To Learn, Don't Raise It For Attention.

    Your Attempt To Disprove My 100% Objective Work With A Fallacy Such As Not Expertly Analyzing The Multitude Of A Universe's Unit Of Measures, What Unit Of Measures Were Used Specifically For The Pyramids By The Ancient Ones (Not Kilometers), Is Like Saying E=Mc^2 Doesn't Make Sense Because One Is "Energy", The Other Is "Mass", And The Other Is The "Speed Of Light", Then Dismissing It Because It's Three Different Components, But Like The Human Body, Different Parts Make Up The Whole, My 100% Objective Work Proves This.
  • Nils Loc

    You're one strange cat, that's for sure. I think doing numerology would make me depressed because I wouldn't know why I'm doing it. What is the point?

    Even worse, what if you could never teach the point. You have to look at your student and tell him to get lost, got to a vocational school, as he/she is just not up to the task of learning about the Secrets of the Universe.

    Is spinning a clay pot any less significant?
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    You're one strange cat, that's for sure. I think doing numerology would make me depressed because I wouldn't know why I'm doing it. What is the point?

    Even worse, what if you could never teach the point. You have to look at your student and tell him to get lost, got to a vocational school, as he/she is just not up to the task of learning about the Secrets of the Universe.

    Is spinning a clay pot any less significant?
    Nils Loc

    The Point Is To Break Through The Door Of Room 101, In This Digital Matrix, This World You Are In Is Room 101, That Is Why Your Physical Experience Involves A Symmetrical Body And A Brain Operating That Body, The 11 Represents The Duality Of Your Body, And The 0 Represents The Brain That Operates It.

    You Were Born Into This World Through The 101, That Is The Womb (0) Which Is Between The Legs (1 "0 " 1), The Woman's Legs Are Like 1's, The Womb Is Like A 0, This Is How The Universe Thinks..

    What I Am Telling You Is, By Revealing The Decypher To Sekhmet, I Have Also Discovered That She Is The One That Guards The "Door", And I Found That "Door", I Just Haven't Gotten To That Part Yet, Since This Is The Most Complex Data You'll Ever Come By. This World Is A Temporary Prison To Test You, The Door Is About To Open, This Goes Deeper Than What I Have Shown You Thus Far, But I Will Only Reveal This To The Truly Interested, And Those That Have Noticed How This World Has Been This Year, For This Is Not The Only World.
  • Nils Loc

    It's all very gnostic. Sad to say I'm not Truly interested in anything, just half-heartedly interested.

    So if we go through the door (by some art of numerological gnosis) do we notice that the universe is changed or are our memories modified in that shift so that we believe nothing has changed even though it has?

    If you can't measure an absolute change does that mean the change didn't occur precisely due to an inability to determine it with regard to time?
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    It's all very gnostic. Sad to say I'm not Truly interested in anything, just half-heartedly interested.

    So if we go through the door (by some art of numerological gnosis) do we notice that the universe is changed or are our memories modified in that shift so that we believe nothing has changed even though it has?

    If you can't measure an absolute change does that mean the change didn't occur precisely due to an inability to determine it with regard to time?
    Nils Loc

    I Am Aware Of Your Position, I Know A Believer, And I Know A Half-Believer, And I Know A Non-Believer.

    This Is Not The Time To Make Things Meaningless, But Meaningful.

    The Key: "The Eyes Are The Windows To Your Soul."

    Now Add The Word "EYE", Like So, E+Y+E (5+25+5) = 35,
    Then Add The Word "DOOR", Like So, D+O+O+R (4+15+15+18) = 52.

    There Are Two Eyes, So Square The 35, 35 x 35 = 1225 (Christmas Day),
    Find The Two Doors, Being Reflected As 52 | 25, Hence 52 + 25 = 77,
    2020 Is "Perfect Vision", Thus 12 / 25 / 2020 (The Date) Is 12 + 25 + 20 + 20 = 77.

    This Date Is Connected To Room 101, When You Turn The 0 (Circle) Into A 9 (Vortex), The Universe's Way Of Computing A "Portal" On An Esoteric Level.

    This Is Where The Emergency / Emerge In Sea Indicates A "Rising" In The "Sea", Referring To The Plane Of Earth, Where Storms Spiral Like Galaxies, Due To Earth Still Being In The "Sea".

    The Emergency Number Is 911, Hence 191 Is The Vortex, And 101 Is The Circle.

    "9" Is The Spiral / Vortex, "11" Is The Gateway, Thus 1.618 = G (Golden Ratio / Spiral) And The Golden Ratio Raised To The "11"th Power Reveals The Number "199", When The Gateway Is Activated, This Produces Light, And In The "Bible", The Word "Light" Is Used "264" Times, THUS 199 x 264 = 52536.

    The Word "Bible" Translates To Bi-Bull, Referring To The Taurus Horns Of The Taurus Constellation, Hence The "Torus" Is The "Vortex", Every 52,536 Years, Venus / Sekhmet Perfectly Aligns With The Taurus Horns, She Even Rules Taurus, Which May Be The "Uterus" Of Creation And Design Itself.

    Venus / Sekhmet Completed Her 52,536th Year Cycle This Year On 7 / 8 / 2020.


    I Am Connected To Venus / Sekhmet, Which Is Why In 1999, The Year The "Matrix" (Meaning "Womb") Was Released, Venus Went Direct On 9 / 10 / 1999, 7+7+7+7 + 7+7+7+7 Days Before My 7th Birthday, Exactly 7777 Days Before The Date 12 / 25 / 2020 ("Eyes Are The Windows To Your Soul"), And Again, 12 + 25 + 20 + 20 = 77, It's All 7's.
  • JerseyFlight
    Even SEKHMET Is In The Picture Operating Advanced MachineryThe Grandfather Of Philosophy

    What is this advanced machinery?

    How do we get out of this simulation?
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    What is this advanced machinery?

    How do we get out of this simulation?

    The Machinery That Was Used To Build The Great Pyramid Of Giza, The Ancient Ones Had Sacred Knowledge That Was Given To Them By My People.

    This Simulation Ends On 12 / 25 / 2020, Everything Within This Simulation Converges On That Day.
  • JerseyFlight

    What led you to start studying all this stuff?
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    What led you to start studying all this stuff?JerseyFlight

    Nikola Tesla, And His Work, Then The Work I Did Grew A Mind Of Its Own, For Months I Was Working With Numbers, They Kept Repeating And Finding Me Back In A Circle, I Then Discovered That These Same Numbers Were Found In The Great Pyramid, When I Am Nowhere Near Them. This Is When I Discovered The "Matrix", The Very Framework Of This "Matrix" Communicated With Me, And Taught Me The Things I Know Now. Through Telepathic Intuition, I Just Knew Where To "Look", I Didn't Look With My Eyes, I Just Could "Feel" The Vibrations Of Truth.
  • JerseyFlight

    Well it's clear you have thought a great deal about it, so I would like to thank you for sharing it. You have a very unique mind.
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    Well it's clear you have thought a great deal about it, so I would like to thank you for sharing it. You have a very unique mind.JerseyFlight

    And Thankh You For Giving The Time And Energy To Have A Real Discussion With Someone Like Me That Comes Along After Years, Sharing Information Like This With People That Come Here To Have Light Discussions.

    This World Is A Very Stubborn Illusion, You Wake Up Every Day Feeling How "Real" It Is, And The Responsibilities You Have, So I Understand Why People Don't Really Have The Time To Appreciate What This All Really Means, Which Is Why I Do My Best To Make It Easy To Digest, And Entertaining.I Just Felt Like Now Is The Time To Share This Discovery About Sekhmet, Since The World In 2020 Is Unhinged To Begin With.

    All Of My Work Leads To A Malleable Reward, It Won't Be Naught, That's For Sure.
  • The Grandfather Of Philosophy
    Well it's clear you have thought a great deal about it, so I would like to thank you for sharing it. You have a very unique mind.JerseyFlight

    It Was Late Last Night, There Is Something I Wanted To Show You (To Demonstrate The "Matrix").

    If You Look At When Nikola Tesla Passed Away, The Date Was 1 / 7 / 1943.

    1 / 7 / 1943 + 77 Years + 7 Months + 7 Days (Full) = 8 / 13 / 2020, The Day Of The "Colorado Springs" Fire Burning In Colorado, Where Nikola Tesla Worked.

    There Is A "System", The "Matrix" Makes It Possible For "Fires" To Appear Exactly 77 Years, 7 Months, 7 Days (Full) After Nikola Tesla "Dies", In The Same Place Where He "Worked", It's All Connected.


    Now Remember, I Am Connected To Venus / Sekhmet, There Are Rumors That Tesla IS From Venus.



    Then Remember, I Said 7+7+7+7 + 7+7+7+7 Days Before My 7th Birthday, On 9 / 10 / 1999, Venus Went "Direct" 7777 Days Before The Date 12 / 25 / 2020 (12 + 25 + 20 + 20 = 77), In 1999, The Year Of The "Matrix" Movie.


    On 12 / 25 / 2020, I Will Be 7+7+7+7 Years Old, Notice How Each Event Involves The "7777"? Think: Both Nikola Tesla And I Worked With The Pyramids.
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