• Punshhh
    UBI is also backed by the Glib Dems. I think that's going to be a mainstay of the progressive platform in the near future; 51% of voters support it. Thanks, Covid! The Glib Dems in 2010 were also a big reforming party.
    That poll was in respect of support packages for the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. The Lib Dems only talk about UBI in passing, they wouldn't add it as a manifesto commitment, they would lose half their base.

    Obviously we're both guessing
    Obviosly you're guessing.
    but I honestly think we'd find more support for UBI than for cancelling road investment and replacing it with public transport and cycle path investment. That shit just doesn't fly. It really should.
    Yes, the general public wouldn't countenance either. You really should examine the ideology of your average Tory, Lib Dem and a good proportion of Labour's supporters. Who would laugh UBI out of town. The British public has bought the ideology of no one gets anything for nothing, someone else who's working hard will have to pay for it and that people on benefits, are lazy scum. Do you really think that half the population would welcome wholesale hand outs to the whole population when they think that?
  • 180 Proof
    (1) I see no reason to doubt (non-fringe) media reports that the covIDIOT-in-Chief was infected at the Amy Coney Barrett super spreader event at the White House on September 26th, and that he and many of his maskless MAGA cult 'inner circle' have and will continue to test positive for karma.

    (2) I also see no reason to doubt that the covIDIOT-in-Chief was treated this past weekend in Walter Reed Medical Center for 'COVID pneumonia' with a number of powerful pharmaceuticals (but no HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE) & various suppliments, including an unapproved experimental drug for which "he" signed a compassionate use waiver.

    (3) I see no reason to doubt that he bullied his way out of the ICU isolation in order to return tonight to the White House prematurely and while still highly contagious (depravely indifferent to the lives of Secret Service agents and WH staff) and at grave risk for stroke due a powerful steroid (usually reserved only for use on 'gravely ill' COVID-19 patients) his doctors have given him just in order to produce & stage propaganda videos for his (IMHO) already-lost reelection campaign.

    (4) Lastly, I see no reason not to expect that this "October Surprise" will not surprise (trick) or shock (treat) most, except, of course, MAGA-sheeple & trolls: the covIDIOT-in-Chief's condition will 'take a turn for the worse' in the coming days or weeks, requiring that bloated, crashing, corpse to be medivac'd back to Walter Reed.


    I'm 180 Proof and I approve the following messages:

    He is a weak man who has always longed to be a strong man, and he is a weak man’s idea of a strong man, and right before he got sick he made it clearer than ever that he intends to be a strongman. Some, knowing their history and knowing the pretensions of weak men and strongmen and weak men who become strongmen, have warned us about this potential from the beginning. But others, more cautious, more trusting in the power of institutions to save us, waited until recently to begin sounding the alarm. This is how democracy ends, they began to whisper. This is how it happens. He is attempting to do this right before our eyes... — Anand Giridharadas, The.Ink (excerpt)


    re: "Il Duce" Cheeto Trumpolini :point:

    Antifa must be the super majority in 28 days at the polls like Allied troops were 76 years ago on D-Day. The road to the eventual ruins of Neoliberalism (i.e. plutocracy via keynesian militarism), etc goes through ceaseless resistance to and the destruction of Neofascism (i.e. trumpism via oligarchic, white nationalist, populism) now, today, tomorrow and, especially, the day after tommorrow.


    Even broken clocks - e.g. ex-GOP operatives & hacks - are right twice a day; and now they are right - do you know what time it is? :fire:
  • Punshhh
    This issue is distinct from climate change. Why are you wanting to fuse them?
    I was focusing more on the impact on humanity of the changes than on the climate. The mass extinction event could hit hard.

    Could you post a picture of your furniture? I love handmade furniture. I have a couple of tables I traded for paintings back when I knew a bunch of wood workers.
    I'll post something in the Get Creative thread.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Obviosly you're guessing.Punshhh

    Oh? You get your knowledge that

    The Lib Dems only talk about UBI in passing, they wouldn't add it as a manifesto commitment, they would lose half their base.Punshhh

    from divine revelation, I suppose. If you're going to be an idiot, I'll leave you to it.
  • Punshhh
    from divine revelation, I suppose. If you're going to be an idiot, I'll leave you to it.
    Its called political opinion, not idiocy.
  • Michael
    Could the discussions about climate change please go into their own discussion? This isn't the place for that.

    Thanks. :up:
  • Michael
    Remember that Project Veritas story NOS4A2 assured us was very realMaw

    Has Project Veritas ever uncovered anything that's true, or is it all just them making shit up?
  • praxis
    As for his little ride and wave, I just do not possess the same anxiety towards his actions, and I actually liked what he did. The response sounds like grasping at straws to me. I could care less if they translate to votes.NOS4A2

    Do you care if his actions translate to infections?
  • Relativist
    As for his little ride and wave, I just do not possess the same anxiety towards his actions, and I actually liked what he did. The response sounds like grasping at straws to me. I could care less if they translate to votes.NOS4A2
    You're saying that the benefit (you and other committed supporters liked it) outweighs the negatives (exposure of the SS agents to the virus and the loss of votes of those who feel this cements their view regarding his poor response to Covid). That sounds narcissistic...and/or crazy because I'd think you would want him reelected.
  • NOS4A2

    You're saying that the benefit (you and other committed supporters liked it) outweighs the negatives (exposure of the SS agents to the virus and the loss of votes of those who feel this cements their view regarding his poor response to Covid). That sounds narcissistic...and/or crazy because I'd think you would want him reelected.

    No, I just don’t think your fears (derived from the anti-Trump propaganda) are anything beyond the typical hysteria. I think it was cool he greeted supporters. It is a situation unworthy of a cost/benefit analysis. It has nothing to do with my mental health, which is just fine.
  • Maw
    you gonna comment on the project Veritas fiasco or nah?
  • NOS4A2

    You mean the guy claiming he was set up?
  • Streetlight
    Of all the things to nail Trump to the wall for, going for a joyride is really not one of them. A non-issue.

    Sad he's not a carcass at this point though. Did enjoy the video of him grimacing to breathe.
  • praxis
    The 30 second military salute was embarrassing also. It’s respectful for a civilian to place their hand over their heart... oh, I see the problem.
  • Maw
    You mean the guy claiming he was set up?NOS4A2

    This story right here, can't miss it.
  • magritte
    As for his little ride and wave, I just do not possess the same anxiety towards his actions, and I actually liked what he did. The response sounds like grasping at straws to me. I could care less if they translate to votes.NOS4A2

    He was pumped up with oxygen until erect. It appears that this campaign stunt against all medical advice may have finally backfired. The polls now give Biden a 14-16 point lead.
  • NOS4A2

    Right, the guy who claimed he was bribed. I’ll reserve judgement until he offers some evidence.
  • NOS4A2

    Aah yes, the polls. I’m under no delusion that Trump might lose, but relying on polls is a fool’s errand these days.
  • Maw
    I’ll reserve judgement until he offers some evidence.NOS4A2

  • NOS4A2

    You’ve already lied by saying I assured everyone the video was true. But here we are with your blind trust in the man’s claims. The issue is under investigation by Minnesota police, so we’ll just have to wait.
  • Maw
    New Project Veritas video, this time about ballot harvesting in Ilhan Omar’s district. Rigged elections.NOS4A2

  • Michael

    This article says more about the man who was making the allegations:

    According to the Sahan Journal, an outlet centering on news for and about immigrants and refugees in Minnesota, Omar Jamal has a history of making “provocative and unsubstantiated allegations” that dates back more than 10 years. They specifically highlighted a series of 2009 television appearances in which he erroneously claimed al-Qaeda cells were operating in Minneapolis.

    And this:

    Following publication of this post, Tufts University Graduate School of International Affairs informed the Daily Dot that Jamal never addended their institution, which he claims to have studied at in 2013-2014.

    Further, according to records obtained by the Daily Dot, Jamal isn’t currently a U.N. Permanent Representative to the Federal Republic of Somalia, which he has also claimed on LinkedIn.

    When reached for comment Jamal went on a tirade against this reporter, stating: “Fuck you … I’m going to report you … I want to fuck your mother, that’s the school I went to!”

    He continued by asking this reporter, “you know the school I went to? How to make a good…love with your mother, OK?”

    He then hung up.

    Quite the source Project Veritas was depending on.
  • Michael
    Trump Says He’s Stopping Stimulus Talks Until After Election

    President Donald Trump said Tuesday he has told his negotiators to stop talks with Democratic leaders on a fiscal stimulus package.

    “I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” Trump said in a tweet.

    I hope none of you are struggling right now.

  • Relativist
    Should Trump lose, I would not be surprised if he tries do as much damage as possible in his last 2 months in office - for spite and to set things up as badly as possible for Biden. The man is scum*.

    * I don't generally like name calling, but he called my niece scum a while back. She's an FBI agent.
  • Mr Bee
    Indeed, which is why I won't rest easy until 2021. Who knows what Trump would try doing during those two months knowing it's over. I wonder if there's any way to kick him off sooner. There's impeachment but that may take months though.

    Then again, if the Dems manage to stall the SCOTUS nomination to the lame duck session as it may possibly be and impeach Trump when he inevitably goes crazy I kind of wonder if that would be enough to completely stop Barrett. That would be a wonderful way to end 2020.
  • creativesoul
    Did enjoy the video of him grimacing to breathe.StreetlightX

    Watch closely and prior to recording his 'speech' he exits view for a time period long enough for him to be administered enough oxygen to catch his breath.
  • creativesoul

    That move will be used against him, and rightly so. Continue aggressively moving forward with Supreme Court nomination. End relief talk. There's not enough time before the election to do both. I think he knows he is going to lose, and is trying to secure safety for himself afterwards.
  • praxis
    There must be some strategy behind stopping the stimulus talks until after the election, however lame it might be.
  • creativesoul

    There's not enough time to do both, proceed with the Supreme Court nomination and come to agreeable terms and conditions with relief. The strategy is that only one of these will succeed after the election.
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