• Mr Bee
    I never said impeach Giuliani. I was just reminiscing about the time where another public figure had consensual sex with a 25 year old (and yeah, she was really 25 at the time) and the right lost their minds.
  • NOS4A2

    I never said impeach Giuliani. I was just reminiscing about the time where another public figure had consensual sex with a 25 year old and the right lost their mind.

    In the Oval Office, and then he lied about it.
  • Mr Bee
    So should presidents who cheat on their wives and lie be impeached and kicked out of office?
  • NOS4A2

    No. He was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Although unfortunate, the circumstances of the setup appear consensual, with Giuliani led to believe he was being courted.NOS4A2

    So if a woman asks you out for coffee you'd think it appropriate to start rubbing your dick!
  • Maw
    You are out of your tiny fucking mind if you are making excuses for a 76 year old about to take his dick out for a 25 year old.
  • Mr Bee
    So people should be impeached and kicked out of office if they obstructed justice?

    Also, since we're on the topic of lying under oath, should any public official, say a Supreme Court justice, be impeached too for lying under oath? Honest answers please.
  • Hanover
    So, I presume you won't vote for the guy who used his privilege to fake an injury and dodge Vietnam and then referred to those who did sacrifice themselves for the flag as suckers and losers (in John McCain's case, on camera)? Hard to think of anything less patriotic than that.Baden

    If personal character were the primary driver in who I voted for, I wouldn't vote for Trump, but it's not. I guess you just wanted to point out that Trump sucked, which really wasn't in question. But, sure, if I were a staunch conservative with unwavering religious or moral beliefs that a person be of high character to hold office (as Romney does), I would probably vote to impeach Trump (like Romney did).

    Trump's offensiveness does sometimes have unintended liberal consequences.. Had he not been such a complete motherfucker, McCain wouldn't have dragged himself from his literal deathbed thousands of miles away to vote down Trump's attempt to repeal Obamacare.

    My point regarding patriotism was more of a social statement describing what brings people together in terms of finding and having common ground and engaging in some activity that expresses that unity. It's the same sort of thing that happens in churches and temples every day, regardless of how truly devout you might be in the doctrine..
  • NOS4A2

    So if a woman asks you out for coffee you'd think it appropriate to start rubbing your dick!

    I thought he “reached into his trousers”. I haven’t seen the scene, but the article makes no mention of dick rubbing. Have you seen it?
  • Pfhorrest
    Scott the Woz was bannedMaw

    Oh man, I missed that drama? I was looking forward to that.
  • NOS4A2

    People can be impeached for obstruction of justice, as history has shown.
  • Hanover
    Also, since we're on the topic of lying under oath, should any public official, say a Supreme Court justice, be impeached too for lying under oath? Honest answers please.Mr Bee

    It's like asking how we should sentence those who steal. It depends. It depends on what they stole, how they stole it, why they stole it, and maybe how much they've stolen in the past.
  • Baden

    The irony is wonderful.

    Guy was a nut. As for @NOS4A2, best I can say is he provides a certain diversity of opinion. No other comment.

    My point regarding patriotism was more of a social statement describing what brings people together in terms of finding and having common ground and engaging in some activity that expresses that unity. It's the same sort of thing that happens in churches and temples every day, regardless of how truly devout you might be in the doctrine..Hanover

    If that's what you value, you're not only off the Trump train, you're lying on the tracks.
  • Kenosha Kid
    I thought he “reached into his trousers”. I haven’t seen the scene, but the article makes no mention of dick rubbing. Have you seen it?NOS4A2

    Do you ever get tired defending racists, rapists and sex offenders?
  • Hanover
    If that's what you value, you're not only off the Trump train, you're lying on the tracks.Baden

    As an aside, I find that I can diligently respond to dozens of posts daily, but I can't seem to answer my emails.
  • NOS4A2

    Do you ever get tired defending racists, rapists and sex offenders?

    Couldn’t come up with an answer, could you? I never tire of defending people from unjust accusations, just as you never tire of making them.
  • tim wood
    In the Oval Office, and then he lied about it.NOS4A2

    You have to be careful here. Clinton (so far as I know) did not lie. Of course he was not candid, transparent, or forthcoming either, but he was not obliged to be any of that. You get to not like him - although I suspect your motives are not pure. But just here the lie is yours, and the liar you.
  • NOS4A2

    The phrase “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinski” is embedded in the American psyche, I’m surprised you forgot about it.
  • tim wood
    But these sorts of hopes are compelling you to vote for the same neoliberal politician who brought us the Iraq war,NOS4A2

    You mean neo-cons. And you mean the Bushes Sr. & Jr. You really are a vicious liar, aren't you!
  • Relativist
    Trump is horrible at bringing people together, but the Dems are no betterHanover
    I agree with much of the sentiment in your post, but have a problem with this part.

    When Trump gets criticized for some nastiness, his supporters cry out, "yeah, but look what leftest person X said. " But Trump is one guy, who says this crap constantly. No single person on the left is like that. Nearly everyone says something inappropriate at times, but no single person is a firehose of constant divisive bullshit. This is Trump's claim to fame, or flame. If he loses, it will be a message that we won't tolerate this behavior. If he wins, it encourages more of the same.
  • NOS4A2

    You mean neo-cons. And you mean the Bushes Sr. & Jr. You really are a vicious liar, aren't you!

    Are you that ill-informed?

  • tim wood
    Nope, I have that exactly in mind. Clinton was doing some very careful parsing. I agree with your overall assessment, but that assessment should not include lying - and indeed it does not have to. Misleading? Absolutely. Lying? Not quite.
  • Kenosha Kid
    I never tire of defending people from unjust accusations, just as you never tire of making them.NOS4A2

    Racists, rapists, sex offenders, tax dodgers... I forgot tax dodgers.
  • tim wood
    Are you that ignorant of recent history? And wouldn't it be nice if you actually had read the article whose headline got you so excited.
  • NOS4A2

    Racists, rapists, sex offenders, tax dodgers... I forgot tax dodgers.

    Another unjust accusation. There is a pitchfork-wielding mob out there somewhere waiting for you.
  • Maw
    I’ll be glad that this intolerable fascistic shit show endsSaphsin

    I'll be glad to take a step back from encroaching fascism too; the last four years have been incredibly stressful to say the least even at a personal level. However, even when (if) Trump leaves office we'll still have numerous and existential problems that existed when he entered, including severe wealth inequality, which greatly metastasized during the pandemic, a growing police state with demonstrably little accountability, and now new problems like a fascistic cult germinating within and abetted by the Republican Party, a now solidly right-wing Supreme Court that can strike down major Democratic policies, and perhaps most critical of all - a relentless global warming crisis. Of all the candidates that entered the Democratic primary, Biden seems to me one of the least capable of handling the present and future crises. To that end I find it odd that so many are ganging up on @StreetlightX for articulating valid concerns regarding Biden's ability to confront these multifaceted issues as well as his culpability in a number of them. A vote for Biden is a rejection of Trump of course, but more more subtly it also entails a continuation of neoliberal policies and outmoded institutional practices that landed us here in the first place that require confrontation, and I think accepting and grappling with that reality, rather than coping with Biden through mental gymnastics, places us in a better position.
  • Maw
    Guy was a nut. As for NOS4A2, best I can say is he provides a certain diversity of opinion. No other comment.Baden

    But he's a bigger nut!
  • Baden

    No, he's just a very naughty boy.
  • Saphsin
    If I were arguing with someone who rejected Bernie in the primaries, I would have a different emphasis and saying the same things as you laid out here. We should be able to hold multiple ideas that target the separate angles in our head at the same time, that’s social reality. If you’re wrong about an important part of the picture, you got things wrong. That’s what it means to make various interconnected decisions. This is not complicated.

    I wrote a much longer comment a few pages back about the Left’s relation to the current situation, it was the first one before this exchange blew up. We’re much stronger than we were in the Obama years, but there needs to be some breathing room to push our agenda, not constantly defending against Far Right policies. Someone also posted a good Contrapoints video.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Another unjust accusation.NOS4A2

    That's what I mean by defending racists, rapists, sex offenders and tax dodgers. And colluders, how could I forget colluders.
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